
Build Status and Code coverage

Build Status Code Coverage

Run it locally

Set up your own credentials to be able to connect to dependent AWS services:

export AWS_REGION="us-east-1"

Then start the skills-api using your IDE or this command

./gradlew bootRun

And you can access the skills-api and it's swagger here:



There is a Postman Collection included to test the api.
Install Newman in your machine

$ npm install -g newman

Running locally

newman run postman/collection.json --global-var "BPM_SKILLS_URL=http://localhost:8082"

Running against AWS

newman run postman/collection.json --global-var "BPM_SKILLS_URL=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name bpm-skills-api-testing | jq -r '.Stacks | .[].Outputs | .[].OutputValue')"

Playing with the API

So far you can create, query and delete people using the API.

Query skills

curl -X GET http://localhost:8082/skills

Create a new skill

curl -X POST http://localhost:8082/skills -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "businessValue": 0, "categoryId": "1a2b3c", "id": "4d5e6f", "label": "Category Label", "name": "Category Name", "predictiveValue": 0}'

Configuring IntelliJ IDE

If you want to run the application from IntelliJ you must configure the required environment variables following the next steps:

Setting the environment variables

1. Go to menu Run and choose Edit Configurations.
2. It will show a configurations window. Go to the tab Configuration.
3. Add the required environment variables AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and AWS_REGION with the correspondent values.

Run or Debug

Now, you can run or debug the app from IntelliJ, you can use JRbel to debug and redeploy the app.

Deploying as Lambda

Create a S3 bucket

aws s3 mb s3://cf-template-spring-boot-apps-as-lambda

Generate the bundle

./gradlew buildZip

Package the CouldFormation template

aws cloudformation package --template-file sam-skills-api.yml --output-template-file output-sam-skills-api.yml --s3-bucket cf-template-spring-boot-apps-as-lambda --s3-prefix skills-api

Deploy the code as lambda

  • Deploy the code to AWS
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output-sam-skills-api.yml --stack-name bpm-skills-api --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  • Get the URL
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name bpm-skills-api