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Tech Lead Technical Skills Assessment

Candidate name: [your name here]

Architecture: https://www.lucidchart.com/documents/view/9076997e-eb19-444d-a2d4-40f800ba87cd/0_0


  • github account + 2fa
  • node.js + npm/yarn(preferable)
  • docker

Assessment Specs

  • create a new api called 'listing-publish' for publish real estate listings
  • the published listing must be validated and encoded using Google's protocol buffers, then sent to RabbitMQ (dockerized)
  • create a new service for consuming the messages from RabbitMQ and storing them into MongoDB (dockerized)
  • create an additional search service for querying the listings from the MongoDB instance
  • using Redis (dockerized), add a cache layer for caching the MongoDB query results


  • create an additional service for consuming the RabbitMQ messages and storing them into Elasticsearch (dockerized)
    • please note that the service must consume messages from a new queue so messages coming from 'listing-publish' will reach both Elasticsearch and MongoDB consumers
  • add full text search capabilities to least on 2 fields on search service.
  • now MongoDB will only query by id of document, please note that the listing id must be the same as the id on Elasticsearch and MongoDB.
