
⛰Programming Code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Programming Code

A tiny library that restore the programming code use of Jianpan Gun.

PS: Most of code written in 2018 are Cpp version, and are python version after 2019.

By points

  1. 动态规划

    • 一维 dp

      • LeetCode 300. 最长上升子序列

        二维 dp 可以解决这个问题 dp[长度][长度], 但复杂度是 $O(n^2)$


        替换的思路,把当前的上升序列存在 dp 中. nums = [11, 9, 2, 5, 8, 7, 9]

        1. dp = 11
        2. dp = 9 # 替换 11 为 9
        3. dp = 2 # 替换
        4. dp = [2, 5] # dp[-1] < num
        5. dp = [2, 5, 8]
        6. dp = [2, 5, 7]
        7. dp = [2, 5, 7, 9]


        class Solution:
            def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(nums)
                dp, res = [0] * N, 0
                for ii in nums:
                    left, right = 0, res
                    while left < right:
                        mid = (left + right) // 2
                        if dp[mid] < ii:
                            left = mid + 1
                            right = mid
                    dp[left] = ii
                    if right == res:
                        res += 1
                return res
      • LeetCode 673. 最长递增子序列的个数

        同 300 我们也可以采用类似二分查找的想法, 只不过此时需要记录以 num 结尾的可能个数

        from collections import defaultdict
        class Solution:
            def findNumberOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(nums)
                if not N:
                    return 0
                dp, total = [], []
                for num in nums:
                    index = len(dp) - 1
                    if not dp or num > dp[-1]:
                        while index >= 0 and dp[index] >= num: # 可改二分
                            index -= 1
                        dp[index + 1] = num
                    if index + 1 == 0:
                        total[index + 1][num] += 1
                        # print(index, total)
                        total[index + 1][num] += sum([v for k, v in total[index].items() if k < num])
                return sum(total[-1].values())
      • LeetCode 712. 两个字符串的最小 ASCII 删除和

        求使得两个字符串相同所需要的最小删除 ASCII 和.

        dp[ii 位置以后][jj位置以后] 所需要的最小删除和

        1. 初始化. \begin{equation}dp[k][m] = sum(ord(ii)), dp[N][k] = sum(ord(ii))\end{equation}
        2. \begin{equation}s1[ii] == s2[jj], dp[ii][jj] = dp[ii + 1][jj + 1]\end{equation}
        3. 否则,则需要求 \begin{equation}min(s1[ii]+ dp[ii + 1][jj], s2[ii] + dp[ii][jj + 1])\end{equation}
        class Solution:
            def minimumDeleteSum(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> int:
                N, M = len(s1), len(s2)
                dp = [[0] * (M + 1) for _ in range(N + 1)]
                for ii in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
                    dp[ii][M] = dp[ii + 1][M] + ord(s1[ii])
                for jj in range(M - 1, -1, -1):
                    dp[N][jj] = dp[N][jj + 1] + ord(s2[jj])
                for ii in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
                    for jj in range(M - 1, -1, -1):
                        if s1[ii] == s2[jj]:
                            dp[ii][jj] = dp[ii + 1][jj + 1]
                            dp[ii][jj] = min(dp[ii + 1][jj] + ord(s1[ii]), dp[ii][jj + 1] + ord(s2[jj]))
                return dp[0][0]
      • LeetCode 5500. 乘积为正数的最长子数组长度


        需要考虑为 0 或者转负时,都需要去更新 res

        class Solution:
            def getMaxLen(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(nums)
                dp = [[0] * 2 for _ in range(N + 1)]
                res = 0
                for ii in range(N):
                    if nums[ii] > 0:
                        dp[ii + 1][0] = dp[ii][0] + 1
                        dp[ii + 1][1] = dp[ii][1] + 1 if dp[ii][1] else dp[ii][1]
                    elif nums[ii] < 0:
                        dp[ii + 1][0] = dp[ii][1] + 1 if dp[ii][1] else 0
                        dp[ii + 1][1] = dp[ii][0] + 1
                        res = max(dp[ii][0], res)
                        res = max(dp[ii][0], res)
                return max(dp[N][0], res)
      • LeetCode 931. 下降路径最小和


        和金字塔一样,自底向上 dp

        class Solution:
            def minFallingPathSum(self, A: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                dp = A[-1]
                N = len(A)
                for ii in range(N - 2, -1, -1):
                    # print(ii, dp)
                    tmp = dp.copy()
                    for jj in range(N):
                        tmp[jj] = A[ii][jj] + min(dp[max(jj - 1, 0): jj + 2])
                    dp = tmp
                return min(dp)
      • LeetCode 1105. 填充书架

        有一堆书(长宽), 给定一个书架(限定宽度), 求最小高度

        dp[ii] 存放截止当前书 最小高度

        从 ii 出发拓展,看这层最多能放下几本书, \begin{equation}dp[ii] = min(dp[ii], dp[jj - 1] + h) jj\end{equation} 为最多这层能塞下的左边界, h 为这层的最大高度

        class Solution:
            def minHeightShelves(self, books: List[List[int]], shelf_width: int) -> int:
                N = len(books)
                dp = [10**9 + 7] * (N + 1)
                dp[0] = 0
                for ii in range(1, N + 1):
                    h, jj, tmp = 0, ii, 0
                    while jj > 0:
                        tmp += books[jj - 1][0]
                        if tmp > shelf_width:
                        h = max(h, books[jj - 1][1])
                        dp[ii] = min(dp[ii], dp[jj - 1] + h)
                        jj -= 1
                return dp[-1]
      • LeetCode 96. 不同的二叉搜索树

        求 1,2,3,...,n 范围内的数组组成的不同二叉搜索树个数

        \begin{equation}G[n] = \sum_i^n(G[i-1] * G[n-i])\end{equation} $G[n]$ 表示长度为 n 的数组有几个不同的二叉搜索树

        class Solution:
            def numTrees(self, n: int) -> int:
                G = [0] * (n + 1)
                G[0] = 1
                G[1] = 1
                for ii in range(2, n + 1):
                    G[ii] = sum([G[jj - 1] * G[ii - jj] for jj in range(1, ii + 1)])
                return G[-1]
      • LeetCode 376. 摆动序列


        如果 $nums[ii] > nums[ii - 1]$ 那么上升序列 = 下降序列 + 1 而下降序列则不能增加保持原状


        class Solution:
            def wiggleMaxLength(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(nums)
                if N <= 1:
                    return N
                pre_a, pre_b = 1, 1
                for ii in range(1, N):
                    if nums[ii] > nums[ii - 1]:
                        pre_b = pre_a + 1
                    elif nums[ii] < nums[ii - 1]:
                        pre_a = pre_b + 1
                return max(pre_a, pre_b)
      • LeetCode 1388. 3n 块披萨

        有 3n 块披萨,每次选一块,邻居两块则会被别人拿,求你拿到披萨的最大值


        class Solution:
            def maxSizeSlices(self, slices: List[int]) -> int:
                def once(s: list):
                    N = len(s)
                    M = (N + 1) // 3
                    dp = [[0] * (M + 1) for _ in range(N + 1)]
                    for ii in range(1, N + 1):
                        for jj in range(1, M + 1):
                            dp[ii][jj] = max(dp[ii - 1][jj], (dp[ii - 2][jj - 1] if ii - 2 >= 0 else 0) + s[ii - 1])
                    return dp[N][M]
                return max(once(slices[1:]), once(slices[:-1]))
    • 二维 dp

      • LeetCode 1035. 不相交的线


        乍一看,DFS 枚举. 实际上还是最长公共子序列的问题. 既然不相交意味着保持相同的顺序.

        class Solution:
            def maxUncrossedLines(self, A: List[int], B: List[int]) -> int:
                N, M = len(A), len(B)
                dp = [[0] * (M + 1) for _ in range(N + 1)]
                for ii in range(1, N + 1):
                    for jj in range(1, M + 1):
                        if A[ii - 1] == B[jj - 1]:
                            dp[ii][jj] = dp[ii - 1][jj - 1] + 1
                            dp[ii][jj] = max(dp[ii - 1][jj], dp[ii][jj - 1])
                return dp[N][M]
      • LeetCode 1301. 最大得分的路径数目


        dpScore[n][n] 记录最长路径和 dpNum[n][n] 记录最长路径数量

        class Solution {
            int MODS = 1000000007;
            int[][] dpScore;
            int[][] dpNum;
            int n;
            public int[] pathsWithMaxScore(List<String> board) {
                n = board.size();
                dpScore = new int[n][n];
                dpNum = new int[n][n];
                for (int[] ii: dpScore){
                    Arrays.fill(ii, -1);
                dpScore[n-1][n-1] = 0;
                dpNum[n-1][n-1] = 1;
                for (int i=n-1; i>=0; --i){
                    for (int j=n-1;j>=0; --j){
                        if(i==n-1 && j == n-1){
                        if(board.get(i).charAt(j) != 'X'){
                            update(i, j, i + 1, j);
                            update(i, j, i, j + 1);
                            update(i, j, i + 1, j + 1);
                            if (dpScore[i][j] != -1){
                                dpScore[i][j] += ((board.get(i).charAt(j) == 'E' ? 0 : (board.get(i).charAt(j) - '0')));
                if (dpScore[0][0] == -1){
                    return new int[]{0, 0};
                return new int[]{dpScore[0][0], dpNum[0][0] % MODS};
            public void update(int x, int y, int u, int v){
                if (u >= n || v >= n || dpScore[u][v] == -1){
                if (dpScore[u][v] > dpScore[x][y]){
                    dpScore[x][y] = dpScore[u][v];
                    dpNum[x][y] = dpNum[u][v];
                } else if (dpScore[u][v] == dpScore[x][y]){
                    dpNum[x][y] = (dpNum[x][y] + dpNum[u][v]) % MODS;
      • LeetCode LCP 19. 秋叶收藏集

        将 ry 组成的字符串分为 ryr 三个部分,不要求每个部分数量相同,求转化成该 pattern 最少需要多少步

        dpii # 0 - r , 1 - y, 2 - r

        class Solution:
            def minimumOperations(self, leaves: str) -> int:
                N = len(leaves)
                dp = [[0] * 3 for _ in range(N)]
                dp[0][0] = leaves[0] == "y"
                dp[0][1] = dp[0][2] = dp[1][2] = float("inf")
                for ii in range(1, N):
                    dp[ii][0] = dp[ii - 1][0] + (leaves[ii] == "y")
                    dp[ii][1] = min(dp[ii - 1][:2]) + (leaves[ii] == "r")
                    dp[ii][2] = min(dp[ii - 1][1:]) + (leaves[ii] == "y")
                return dp[-1][2]
      • LeetCode 403. 青蛙过河

        给定一组石子,青蛙只能通过这些到达对岸,且每次跳跃的距离只能是上一次 k, k + 1, 或者 k - 1.


        class Solution:
            def canCross(self, stones: List[int]) -> bool:
                N = len(stones)
                dp = [set() for _ in range(N)]
                for ii in range(N):
                    a = stones[ii]
                    for jj in range(ii):
                        now = a - stones[jj]
                        if now - 1 in dp[jj] or now in dp[jj] or now + 1 in dp[jj]:
                return len(dp[-1]) > 0
      • LeetCode 5815. 扣分后的最大得分

        给定一个 M*N 的矩阵,每一行取一个数,使得 $\sum F[i] - abs(i - j)$其中$i,j$是相邻两行选取字符的下角标

        \begin{equation}dp[i][j] = points[i][j] + \max (dp[ii - 1][k] - |k - j|)\end{equation}



        \begin{equation} dp[i][j]=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \text{points}[i][j]-j+\max dp[i-1][k]+k, & k \leq j \\ \text { points }[i][j]+j+\max dp[i-1][k]-k, & k>j \end{array}\right. \end{equation}

        可以通过维护 left max 和 right max 将复杂度降低值$O(nm)$

        class Solution:
            def maxPoints(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                M, N = len(points), len(points[0])
                dp = points[0]
                for ii in range(1, M):
                    tmp = list(dp)
                    left, right = -inf, -inf
                    for jj in range(N):
                        left = max(left, dp[jj] + jj)
                        right = max(right, dp[N - jj - 1] - (N - jj - 1))
                        tmp[jj] = max(left - jj + points[ii][jj], tmp[jj])
                        tmp[N - jj - 1] = max(right + (N - jj - 1) + points[ii][N - jj - 1], tmp[N - jj - 1])
                    dp = tmp
                return max(dp)
      • LeetCode 1713. 得到子序列的最少操作次数

        给定两个数组 A 和 B,求最少的操作数,使得 A 变成 B 的子序列

        即求 A 和 B 的最大公共子序列,但是一般做法复杂度 O(mn)

        由于题目限制 B 中为非重复数组,那么可以将 B 转化为自增数组,即求300. 最长递增子序列


        class Solution:
            def minOperations(self, target: List[int], arr: List[int]) -> int:
                g = {jj: ii for ii, jj in enumerate(target)}
                nums = [g[ii] for ii in arr if ii in g]
                res = []
                for ii in nums:
                    idx = bisect.bisect_left(res, ii)
                    if idx == len(res):
                        res[idx] = ii
                return len(target) - len(res)
    • 区间 dp

      • LeetCode 87. 扰乱字符串


        dp[i][j] 表示 i->j 区间的

        1. 没交换 s1 == t1, s2 == t2
        2. 交换 s1 == t2, s2 == t1
        class Solution:
            def isScramble(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> bool:
                N, M = len(s1), len(s2)
                if s1 == s2:
                    return True
                if N != M or sorted(s1) != sorted(s2):
                    return False
                for ii in range(1, N):
                    if (self.isScramble(s1[:ii], s2[:ii]) and self.isScramble(s1[ii:], s2[ii:])) or (self.isScramble(s1[:ii], s2[-ii:]) and self.isScramble(s1[ii:], s2[:-ii])):
                        return True
                return False
      • LeetCode 5. 最长回文子串


        dp[i][j] i->j 为回文情况 因为连续正序遍历

    • 三维 dp

      • LeetCode 1320. 二指输入的的最小距离



        1. 如果当前由左指从上一个位置移动过来,则 \begin{equation}dp[ii][cur][jj] = min(dp[ii][cur][jj], dp[ii - 1][prev][jj] + dis)\end{equation}
        2. 如果当前由右指从上一个位置移动过来,则 \begin{equation}dp[ii][jj][cur] = min(dp[ii][jj][cur], dp[ii - 1][jj][prev] + dis)\end{equation}
        3. 如果当前是左指重新开始移动, 则\begin{equation}dp[ii][cur][jj] = min(dp[ii][cur][jj], dp[ii - 1][kk][jj] + tmp_d)\end{equation}
        4. 如果当前是右指重新开始移动, 则\begin{equation}dp[ii][jj][cur] = min(dp[ii][jj][cur], dp[ii - 1][jj][kk] + tmp_d)\end{equation}
        class Solution:
            MAX = 10 ** 9 + 7
            def minimumDistance(self, word: str) -> int:
                def getDist(x: int, y: int):
                    ax, ay = x // 6, x % 6
                    bx, by = y // 6, y % 6
                    return abs(ax - bx) + abs(ay - by)
                N = len(word)
                dp = [[[self.MAX] * 26 for _ in range(26)] for _ in range(N)]
                for ii in word:
                    for jj in range(26):
                        dp[0][ord(ii) - 65][jj] = 0
                        dp[0][jj][ord(ii) - 65] = 0
                for ii in range(1, N):
                    cur, prev = ord(word[ii]) - 65, ord(word[ii - 1]) - 65
                    dis = getDist(cur, prev)
                    for jj in range(26):
                        dp[ii][cur][jj] = min(dp[ii][cur][jj], dp[ii - 1][prev][jj] + dis)
                        dp[ii][jj][cur] = min(dp[ii][jj][cur], dp[ii - 1][jj][prev] + dis)
                        if prev != jj:
                        for kk in range(26):
                            tmp_d = getDist(cur, kk)
                            dp[ii][cur][jj] = min(dp[ii][cur][jj], dp[ii - 1][kk][jj] + tmp_d)
                            dp[ii][jj][cur] = min(dp[ii][jj][cur], dp[ii - 1][jj][kk] + tmp_d)
                return min([min(dp[N - 1][ii]) for ii in range(26)])
    • 树形 dp

      • LeetCode 834. 树中距离之和


        关键是去在 O(n)时间中计算出距离和

        \begin{equation}sum(father) = \sum(sum[p] + cnt[p] + 1)\end{equation} \begin{equation}cnt[father] = \sum(cnt[p])\end{equation}

        \begin{equation}ans[p] = (ans[father] - sum[p] - cnt[p] - 1) + (n - cnt[p] - 1) + sum[p]\end{equation}

        两遍 DFS

        class Solution:
            def sumOfDistancesInTree(self, N: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
                def dfs(node=0, parent=None):
                    # print(node, parent, count, res)
                    for v in g[node]:
                        if v == parent:
                        dfs(v, node)
                        count[node] += count[v]
                        res[node] += res[v] + count[v]
                def dfs_b(node=0, parent=None):
                    # print(node, parent, count, res)
                    for v in g[node]:
                        if v == parent:
                        res[v] = res[node] - count[v] + N - count[v]
                        dfs_b(v, node)
                g = collections.defaultdict(set)
                for ii, jj in edges:
                count = [1] * N
                res = [0] * N
                return res
    • 背包问题

      • 完全背包

        • LeetCode 1449. 数位成本和为目标值的最大数字

          给定 1-9 数字对应的价值,求价值和为 tgt 的最大数字.

          价值恒定,则为完全背包问题 dp[截止 i 数字][总价值=jj] 最大数字

          1. 两重循环,如果当前总价值 jj > ii 对应的价值,说明可拆分 => \begin{equation}dp[ii][jj] = max(dp[ii - 1][jj], dp[ii][jj - cost[9 - ii]] * 10 + 10 - ii)\end{equation}
          2. 否则不行
          class Solution:
              def largestNumber(self, cost: List[int], target: int) -> str:
                  dp = [[0] * (target + 1) for _ in range(10)]
                  dp[0] = [0] + [float("-inf")] * target
                  for ii in range(1, 10):
                      for jj in range(1, target + 1):
                          if jj >= cost[9 - ii]:
                              dp[ii][jj] = max(dp[ii - 1][jj], dp[ii][jj - cost[9 - ii]] * 10 + 10 - ii)
                              dp[ii][jj] = dp[ii - 1][jj]
                  ans = dp[-1][target]
                  return str(ans) if ans > 0 else "0"
      • 组合问题

        • LeetCode 377. 组合总和 Ⅳ

          给定一个可选数字的数组候选集,求合为 target 的情况数,(不同顺序不同, 可重复使用).

          因为考虑顺序,可重复使用,外层 target,内层 nums

          class Solution:
              def combinationSum4(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
                  if not nums:
                      return 0
                  dp = [0] * (target + 1)
                  dp[0] = 1
                  for ii in range(1, target + 1):
                      for num in nums:
                          if ii >= num:
                              dp[ii] += dp[ii - num]
                  return dp[target]
    • 公车上下车问题/差分数组

      • LeetCode 1109. 航班预订统计

        给定一组航班订购订单,每次订购从 i-j 区间所有的天 k 个航班.


        class Solution:
            def corpFlightBookings(self, bookings: List[List[int]], n: int) -> List[int]:
                dp = [0] * n
                for ii, jj, kk in bookings:
                    dp[ii - 1] += kk
                    if jj < n:
                        dp[jj] -= kk
                for ii in range(1, n):
                    dp[ii] += dp[ii - 1]
                return dp
      • LeetCode 1893. 检查是否区域内所有整数都被覆盖



        import bisect
        class Solution:
            def isCovered(self, ranges: List[List[int]], left: int, right: int) -> bool:
                diff = [0] * 52
                for ii, jj in ranges:
                    diff[ii] += 1
                    diff[jj + 1] -= 1
                tmp = 0
                for ii in range(1, 51):
                    tmp += diff[ii]
                    if left <= ii <= right and tmp <= 0:
                        return False
                return True
    • 扫描线

      • LeetCode 850. 矩形面积 II

        求 N 个矩阵面积和,存在重叠

        1. 二维差分,diff[x1][y1] += 1, diff[x2][y1] -= 1, diff[x1][y2] -= 1, diff[x2][y2] += 1 F[x1][y1] = F[x1][y1-1] + F[x1-1][y1] - F[x1-1][y1-1] + diff[x1][y1]
        2. 扫描线,按 y, x1, x2 排序,分别扫描当前 y 到前一个 y 之间所有需要计算的线段长度(\sum x)
        from sortedcontainers import SortedList
        class Solution:
            MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
            def rectangleArea(self, rectangles: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                def dfs():
                    res, pre = 0, -1
                    for ii, jj in ps:
                        res += max(0, jj - max(pre, ii))
                        pre = max(pre, jj)
                    return res
                line = []
                for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rectangles:
                    line.append((y1, 0, x1, x2))
                    line.append((y2, 1, x1, x2))
                ps, ans, pre_y = SortedList(), 0, -1
                for y, state, x1, x2 in sorted(line):
                    if pre_y >= 0:
                        ans += dfs() * (y - pre_y)
                        ans = ans % self.MOD
                    pre_y = y
                    if state == 0:
                        ps.add((x1, x2))
                        ps.remove((x1, x2))
                return ans
    • 状态压缩 dp/bitmask

      • LeetCode 464. 我能赢吗

        博弈类题目. 两个玩家轮流选择 1-m 的任何数字(不放回),第一个累计(两个玩家) >= d 的玩家获胜.

        因为 m 不超过 20,使用 1 << 20 个位表示当前选择数字情况

        \begin{equation}dp[1 << m + 1]\end{equation}

        from functools import lru_cache
        class Solution:
            def canIWin(self, maxChoosableInteger: int, desiredTotal: int) -> bool:
                def dfs(state: int, d: int):
                    for ii in range(maxChoosableInteger - 1, -1, -1):
                        if not state & (1 << ii): # ii 未被使用过
                            if ii + 1 >= d or not dfs(state + (1 << ii), d - ii - 1): # 可行
                                return True
                    return False
                if maxChoosableInteger >= desiredTotal:
                    return True
                if (1 + maxChoosableInteger) * maxChoosableInteger / 2 < desiredTotal:
                    return False
                return dfs(0, desiredTotal)
      • LeetCode 1125. 最小的必要团队


        0-1 背包, 但是有 n 个属性,不能建立 n+1 维度 => 位图 表示技能掌握情况. 1 << skill_id

        dp[1<<skill_ids] 表示满足当前技能点 的最小团队人数

        遍历人 i,计算 i 的技能点,按照这个技能点加到其他状态上,如果能有更少的人数则更新团队情况

        class Solution:
            def smallestSufficientTeam(self, req_skills: List[str], people: List[List[str]]) -> List[int]:
                N, M = len(req_skills), len(people)
                NN = 1 << N
                skill2id = {jj: ii for ii, jj in enumerate(req_skills)}
                team = {ii: [] for ii in range(NN)}
                dp = [-1] * NN
                dp[0] = 0
                for ii in range(M):
                    idx = 0
                    for s in people[ii]:
                        if s in skill2id:
                            idx = idx | (1 << skill2id[s])
                    for jj in range(NN):
                        if dp[jj] < 0:
                        x = jj | idx
                        if dp[x] == -1 or dp[x] > dp[jj] + 1:
                            # print(ii, jj, x, team)
                            dp[x] = dp[jj] + 1
                            team[x] = team[jj].copy()
                # print(team)
                return team[NN - 1]
      • LeetCode 5799. 最美子字符串的数目


        最容易想到的是前 n 和统计字符串情况,但是汇总的时候是 N^2,而且判断代价也很大

        奇数次想到异或,利用 $1 << (ord(i) - ord("a"))$ 表示字符串 idx

        汇总时复杂度为 $ii * 10 = O(N)$

        class Solution:
            def wonderfulSubstrings(self, word: str) -> int:
                c = [0] * (1 << 10)
                c[0] = 1
                now, res = 0, 0
                for ii in word:
                    idx = ord(ii) - ord('a')
                    now ^= 1 << idx
                    res += c[now]
                    for jj in range(10):
                        res += c[now ^ (1 << jj)]
                    c[now] += 1
                return res
  2. 字符串处理

      • LeetCode 726. 原子的数量

        统计化学式中原子数量, 存在"(",")"


        from collections import Counter
        class Solution:
            def countOfAtoms(self, F: str) -> str:
                res, stack, pre, pre_num = {}, [Counter()], "", 0
                N, ii = len(F), 0
                while ii < N:
                    s = F[ii]
                    if s == "(":
                        ii += 1
                    elif s == ")":
                        top = stack.pop()
                        ii += 1
                        b = ii
                        while ii < N and F[ii].isdigit():
                            ii += 1
                        num = int(F[b:ii] or 1)
                        for k, v in top.items():
                            stack[-1][k] += v * num
                        b = ii
                        ii += 1
                        while ii < N and F[ii].islower():
                            ii += 1
                        name = F[b:ii]
                        b = ii
                        while ii < N and F[ii].isdigit():
                            ii += 1
                        num = int(F[b: ii] or 1)
                        stack[-1][name] += num
                t = stack[-1]
                return "".join([k + (str(t[k] if t[k] > 1 else "")) for k in sorted(t)])
      • LeetCode 394. 字符串解码


        数字在[] 前面 表示括号内内容重复次数.

        因为可能出现循环嵌套的问题,需要用两个栈(我们可以用 ArrayList 代替) 来分别存储括号前数字,括号内字符串.

        当遇到右括号 栈 pop,并计算相应的倍乘之后的字符串,加到字符串栈最后一个位置的字符串后面

        class Solution {
            public String decodeString(String s) {
                List<String> stack = new ArrayList<String>();
                List<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                int idx = 0;
                int N = s.length();
                int num;
                String tmp;
                while (idx < N){
                    char cur = s.charAt(idx);
                    if (Character.isDigit(cur)) {
                        int begin = idx;
                        while (idx < N && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(idx))){
                            idx += 1;
                        num = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(begin, idx));
                    } else if(cur == ']'){
                        num = nums.remove(nums.size() - 1);
                        tmp = stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
                        System.out.printf("%d %s\n", num, tmp.repeat(num));
                        stack.set(stack.size() - 1, stack.get(stack.size() - 1) + tmp.repeat(num));
                    } else if (cur == ']') {
                        if (idx == 0 || !Character.isDigit(s.charAt(idx - 1))){
                    } else {
                        stack.set(stack.size() - 1, stack.get(stack.size() - 1) + cur);
                    idx += 1;
                return stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
    • 计算器

      • LeetCode 227. 基本计算器 II

        same as LeetCode 面试题 16.26. 计算器

        正则划分运算符 + 数字 遍历数字 和 运算符

        栈的深度最多只有 1 可以用数组代替,更新 [-1] 位置的信息

        import re
        class Solution:
            def calculate(self, s: str) -> int:
                s = re.sub("([*+-/])", r" \1 ", s.replace(" ", "")).split()
                (first, *nums), op = s[::2], s[1::2]
                queue, signs = [int(first)], []
                for o, num in zip(op, nums):
                    if o == "*":
                        queue[-1] *= int(num)
                    elif o == "/":
                        queue[-1] //= int(num)
                        signs.append(1 if o == "+" else -1)
                return queue[0] + sum([ii * jj for ii, jj in zip(queue[1:], signs)])
      • LeetCode 224. 基本计算器

        只有 + - ( )的计算器

        和 16.26 最大的区别就是栈的深度变成不定的, 得手动模拟一下栈

        class Solution:
            def calculate(self, s: str) -> int:
                def decoder(stack: list):
                    res = stack.pop() if stack else 0
                    while stack and stack[-1] != ")":
                        sign = stack.pop()
                        if sign == "+":
                            res += stack.pop()
                            res -= stack.pop()
                    return res
                s = s.replace(" ", "")
                stack = []
                N, n, op = len(s), 0, 0
                for ii in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
                    now = s[ii]
                    if now.isdigit():
                        op = 10 ** n * int(now) + op
                        n += 1
                        if n:
                            n, op = 0, 0
                        if now == "(":
                            res = decoder(stack)
                if n:
                return decoder(stack)
      • LeetCode 1106. 解析布尔表达式


        本质上还是模拟栈,处理"(", ")"

        class Solution:
            def parseBoolExpr(self, s: str) -> bool:
                N = len(s)
                stack, op, tmp = [], [], []
                for ii in s:
                    if ii == ",":
                    if ii == ")":
                        tmp = set()
                        while stack and stack[-1] != "(":
                        op = stack.pop()
                        if op == "|":
                            stack.append("t" if "t" in tmp else "f")
                        elif op == "&":
                            stack.append("f" if "f" in tmp else "t")
                        elif op == "!":
                            stack.append("f" if "t" in tmp else "t")
                return bool(stack.pop() == "t")
    • 字符串匹配

      • KMP

        • LeetCode 459. 重复的子字符串


          如果满足条件,例如 s=abab

          那么 两个 s 拼接在一起 去掉头尾 bababa 也应该包含字符串 s

          利用 KMP,匹配串为 s, 查询串为 s+s[1:-1].

          class Solution:
              def repeatedSubstringPattern(self, s: str) -> bool:
                  def kmp(query: str, pattern: str) -> bool:
                      N, M = len(query), len(pattern)
                      next_list = [-1] * M
                      for ii in range(1, M):
                          jj = next_list[ii - 1]
                          while jj != -1 and pattern[jj + 1] != pattern[ii]:
                              jj = next_list[jj]
                          if pattern[jj + 1] == pattern[ii]:
                              next_list[ii] = jj + 1
                      match = -1
                      for ii in range(1, N - 1):
                          while match != -1 and query[ii] != pattern[match + 1]:
                              match = next_list[match]
                          if pattern[match + 1] == query[ii]:
                              match += 1
                              if match == M - 1:
                                  return True
                      return False
                  return kmp(s + s, s)
        • LeetCode 214. 最短回文串


          本质上去寻找当前字符串从 index 0 开始最长回文串.

          套用 KMP, 匹配串为 s, 查询串为 s[::-1], 返回匹配最大长度 t,则 t 之后的子串为需要填补到头部的子串.

          class Solution:
              def shortestPalindrome(self, s: str) -> str:
                  N = len(s)
                  next_list = [-1] * N
                  for ii in range(1, N):
                      jj = next_list[ii - 1]
                      while jj != -1 and s[jj + 1] != s[ii]:
                          # print(jj, next_list[jj], s[jj + 1], s[ii])
                          jj = next_list[jj]
                      if s[jj + 1] == s[ii]:
                          next_list[ii] = jj + 1
                      print(ii, jj, s[jj + 1], s[ii], next_list[ii])
                  best = -1
                  for ii in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
                      while best != -1 and s[best + 1] != s[ii]:
                          best = next_list[best]
                      if s[best + 1] == s[ii]:
                          best += 1
                  add = "" if best == N - 1 else s[best+1:]
                  return add[::-1] + s
      • Sunday

        • Leetcode 28. 实现 strStr()

          裸 Sunday

          class Solution:
              def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str) -> int:
                  def calShiftMat(st):
                      dic, K = {}, len(st)
                      for ii in range(K - 1, -1, -1):
                          if st[ii] not in dic:
                              dic[st[ii]] = K - ii
                      return dic
                  M, N = len(haystack), len(needle)
                  if M < N:
                      return -1
                  if needle == "":
                      return 0
                  shift = calShiftMat(needle)
                  idx = 0
                  while idx + N <= M:
                      wait = haystack[idx:idx + N]
                      if wait == needle:
                          return idx
                      if idx + N >= M:
                          return -1
                      now = haystack[idx + N]
                      if now in shift:
                          idx += shift[now]
                          idx += (N + 1)
                  return -1 if idx + N >= M else idx
    • 前缀树(可跳过)

      • LeetCode 648. 单词替换

        给定一个词典,将 sentence 中的单词替换成词典中能前缀匹配的最短字符.

        1. 建立前缀树.
        2. 前缀匹配,并替换
        class Solution {
            public String replaceWords(List<String> dictionary, String sentence) {
                TrieNode trie = new TrieNode();
                for (String s: dictionary){
                    TrieNode cur = trie;
                    for (char c: s.toCharArray()){
                        if (cur.children[c - 'a'] == null) {
                            cur.children[c - 'a'] = new TrieNode();
                        cur = cur.children[c - 'a'];
                    cur.word = s;
                StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
                for (String s: sentence.split("\\s+")){
                    if (res.length() > 0){
                        res.append(" ");
                    TrieNode cur = trie;
                    for (char c: s.toCharArray()){
                        if (cur.children[c - 'a'] == null || cur.word != null){
                        cur = cur.children[c - 'a'];
                    res.append(cur.word == null ? s : cur.word);
                return res.toString();
        class TrieNode{
            TrieNode[] children;
            String word;
            TrieNode() {
                children = new TrieNode[26];
        from functools import reduce
        class Solution:
            def replaceWords(self, dictionary: List[str], sentence: str) -> str:
                def word_replace(word: str):
                    cur = trie
                    for w in word:
                        if w not in cur or END in cur:
                        cur = cur[w]
                    return cur.get(END, word)
                Trie = lambda: collections.defaultdict(Trie)
                trie = Trie()
                END = True
                for d in dictionary:
                    reduce(dict.__getitem__, d, trie)[END] = d
                return " ".join([word_replace(ii) for ii in sentence.split()])
      • LeetCode 745. 前缀和后缀搜索

        给定一个字典,求满足特定前缀后缀的词最大 index.

        手动构造后序拼接到前缀前, 然后建立前缀树到#之前.

        Trie = lambda: collections.defaultdict(Trie)
        WEIGHT = False
        class WordFilter:
            def __init__(self, words: List[str]):
                self.trie = Trie()
                for idx, word in enumerate(words):
                    word += "#"
                    for ii in range(len(word)):
                        cur = self.trie
                        cur[WEIGHT] = idx
                        for jj in range(ii, 2 * len(word) - 1):
                            cur = cur[word[jj % len(word)]]
                            cur[WEIGHT] = idx
            def f(self, prefix: str, suffix: str) -> int:
                cur = self.trie
                for ii in suffix + "#" + prefix:
                    if ii not in cur:
                        return -1
                    cur = cur[ii]
                return cur[WEIGHT]
      • LeetCode 472. 连接词


        建立前缀树,然后 DFS,

        1. 如果末尾 idx 可以结尾,则尝试一次
        2. 如果当前 idx 不在当前前缀树
        class Solution:
            ENDS = "#"
            def findAllConcatenatedWordsInADict(self, words: List[str]) -> List[str]:
                def dfs(w, idx, c, tree):
                    # print(w, idx, c, tree)
                    nonlocal res
                    if w in res:
                    if idx > len(w):
                    if idx == len(w):
                        if c >= 1 and self.ENDS in tree:
                    if self.ENDS in tree:
                        dfs(w, idx, c + 1, trie)
                    if w[idx] not in tree:
                    dfs(w, idx + 1, c, tree[w[idx]])
                Trie = lambda: collections.defaultdict(Trie)
                trie = Trie()
                res = set()
                for w in words:
                    if w == "":
                    reduce(dict.__getitem__, w, trie)[self.ENDS] = w
                for w in words:
                    dfs(w, 0, 0, trie)
                return list(res)
      • LeetCode 5826. 删除系统中的重复文件夹


        建立前缀树,对子树进行序列化,然后 Hash,统计 Hash 数量

        class Solution:
            def deleteDuplicateFolder(self, paths: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
                t = Trie()
                for path in paths:
                return t.output()
        class Trie:
            MOD1 = 10 ** 9 + 7
            MOD2 = 10 ** 12 + 73
            def __init__(self):
                self.children = {}
                self.h_v = 1
            def add(self, arr):
                p = self
                for ch in arr:
                    if ch not in p.children:
                        p.children[ch] = Trie()
                    p = p.children[ch]
            def hash1(self):
                if len(self.children) == 0:
                    self.h1 = 1
                    return 1
                res = len(self.children)
                for k, v in self.children.items():
                    res *= v.hash1() * hash(k)
                    res %= self.MOD2
                self.h1 = res
                return res
            def hash1_delete(self):
                d = defaultdict(int)
                def dfs(p):
                    nonlocal d
                    d[p.h1] += 1
                    for k, v in p.children.items():
                def dfs2(p):
                    nonlocal d
                    for k, v in p.children.copy().items():
                        if v.h1 != 1 and d[v.h1] > 1:
            def output(self):
                res, cur = [], []
                def dfs(p):
                    nonlocal res, cur
                    if len(cur) > 0:
                    for k, v in p.children.items():
                return res
  3. 遍历、DFS、贪心

    • 遍历

      • LeetCode 306. 累加数

        复原斐波那契数列 '112358' = [1,1,2,3,5,8] 必须拆分出 3 个数字才能组成数组 确定头两个数字,后面都确定了,只需要检查,字符是否与数组一致 头两个数字的确定通过遍历长度[1, N // 3 + 2] PS: 斐波那契数列为递增数组,后面的长度一定大于前面的

        相似的题 LeetCode 842. 将数组拆分成斐波那契序列

        class Solution:
            def isAdditiveNumber(self, num: str) -> bool:
                def is_ok(a: int, b: int):
                    print(a, b)
                    a, b = num[:ii], num[ii: ii + jj]
                    if (len(a) > 1 and a[0] == "0") or (len(b) > 1 and b[0] == "0") or (len(a) == 0) or (len(b) == 0):
                        return False
                    a, b = int(a), int(b)
                    end = ii + jj
                    if end == N:
                        return False
                    while end < N:
                        print("=", a, b, end)
                        a, b = b, (a + b)
                        if int(num[end: end + len(str(b))]) != b or (len(str(b)) > 1 and num[end: end + len(str(b))][0] == "0"):
                            return False
                        end += len(str(b))
                    return True
                N = len(num)
                if N < 3:
                    return False
                for ii in range(1, N // 3 + 2):
                    for jj in range(1, (N - ii) // 2 + 2):
                        if is_ok(ii, jj):
                            return True
                return False
      • LeetCode 1493. 删掉一个元素以后全为 1 的最长子数组

        给定一个只由 1,0 组成的数组,求删除一个元素(必须要删除) 之和,全为 1 的最长子数组.

        1. 统计当前连续 1 数组的起始、中止情况.
        2. 分情况去除元素
        class Solution:
            def longestSubarray(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(nums)
                b = ([0] if nums[0] == 1 else []) + [ii for ii in range(1, N) if nums[ii] == 1 and nums[ii - 1] == 0]
                e = [ii for ii in range(N - 1) if nums[ii] == 1 and nums[ii + 1] == 0] + ([N - 1] if nums[N - 1] == 1 else [])
                print(b, e)
                pairs = [(ii, jj) for ii, jj in zip(b, e)]
                M = len(pairs)
                if not M:
                    return 0
                len_list = ([pairs[0][1] - pairs[0][0] + (1 if pairs[0][0] != 0 or pairs[0][1] != N - 1 else 0)]) + [pairs[ii][1] - pairs[ii - 1][0] if pairs[ii][0] - pairs[ii - 1][1] == 2 else pairs[ii][1] - pairs[ii][0] + 1 for ii in range(1, M)]
                return max(len_list)
      • LeetCode 935. 骑士拨号器

        相对于依次遍历, 每次按照规则记录可能情况数

        class Solution:
            DIRS = [(4,6), (6,8), (7,9), (4,8), (0,3,9), (), (0,1,7), (2,6), (1,3), (2,4), (4,6)]
            MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
            def knightDialer(self, n: int) -> int:
                1 -> 6, 8;
                2 -> 7, 9:
                3 -> 4, 8;
                4 -> 0, 9, 3;
                5 -> ;
                6 -> 0, 7, 1;
                7 -> 2, 6;
                8 -> 1, 3;
                9 -> 2, 4;
                0 -> 4, 6;
                dp = [1] * 10
                for _ in range(1, n):
                    tmp = []
                    for ii in range(10):
                        tmp.append(sum([dp[jj] for jj in self.DIRS[ii]]) % self.MOD)
                    dp = tmp
                return sum(dp) % self.MOD
      • LeetCode 419. 甲板上的战舰

        统计 1N N1 的战舰有几艘

        DFS 统计访问过的坐标

        class Solution:
            def countBattleships(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> int:
                def dfs(x: int, y: int):
                    dp[x][y] = 1
                    if x + 1 < N and board[x + 1][y] == "X":
                        x += 1
                        while x < N and dp[x][y] == 0 and board[x][y] == "X":
                            dp[x][y] = 1
                            x += 1
                    elif y + 1 < M and board[x][y + 1] == "X":
                        y += 1
                        while y < M and dp[x][y] == 0 and board[x][y] == "X":
                            dp[x][y] = 1
                            y += 1
                N, M = len(board), len(board[0])
                dp = [[0] * M for _ in range(N)]
                res = 0
                for ii in range(N):
                    for jj in range(M):
                        if board[ii][jj] == "X" and dp[ii][jj] == 0:
                            dfs(ii, jj)
                            res += 1
                return res
      • LeetCode 378. 有序矩阵中第 K 小的元素

        每行都是自增的矩阵中,查找第 k 小的元素


        class Solution:
            def kthSmallest(self, matrix: List[List[int]], k: int) -> int:
                def cal_num(tgt: int) -> int:
                    ii, jj, num = N - 1, 0, 0
                    while ii >= 0 and jj < N:
                        if matrix[ii][jj] <= mid:
                            num += ii + 1
                            jj += 1
                            ii -= 1
                    return num >= k
                N = len(matrix)
                left, right = matrix[0][0], matrix[-1][-1]
                while left < right:
                    mid = (left + right) // 2
                    if cal_num(mid):
                        right = mid
                        left = mid + 1
                return left
      • LeetCode 853. 车队


        排序之后,判断位置之前有没有速度慢且能超过的车. (这题时间排序有点后,没想好怎么优化)

        class Solution:
            def carFleet(self, target: int, position: List[int], speed: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(position)
                res = N
                pairs = sorted([(ii, jj) for ii, jj in zip(position, speed)], key=lambda i:i[0])
                for ii in range(N):
                    for jj in range(ii + 1, N):
                        if pairs[jj][1] < pairs[ii][1] and (pairs[jj][0] - pairs[ii][0]) * pairs[jj][1] <= (target - pairs[jj][0]) * (pairs[ii][1] - pairs[jj][1]):
                            res -= 1
                return res
      • LeetCode 154. 寻找旋转排序数组中的最小值 II


        大致上和 153 很像.

        1. 二分如何停止 => mid == left or mid == right
        2. [10,1,10,10,10,10] 如何处理,这个就不能二分了,只能顺序查找
        class Solution:
            def findMin(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(nums)
                res, left, right, l_v, r_v = nums[0], 0, N - 1, nums[0], nums[-1]
                if l_v < r_v:
                    return l_v
                elif l_v == r_v:
                    while left < right and nums[left] >= l_v:
                        left += 1
                    return nums[left]
                while left < right:
                    mid = (left + right) // 2
                    if mid in [left, right]:
                        left = right if nums[mid] < l_v else left
                    if nums[mid] >= l_v:
                        left = mid
                        right = mid
                # print(left, right)
                if nums[left] >= l_v:
                    return nums[right]
                return nums[left]
      • LeetCode 1340. 跳跃游戏 V

        每次跳跃只能在半径 d 中,且跳跃点与当前点之间的所有海拔都必须小于出发点, 求最多能跳几跳.


        dp[u] = max(dp[ii]) + 1 (ii 为所有可达的点)

        from functools import lru_cache
        class Solution:
            def maxJumps(self, arr: List[int], d: int) -> int:
                def dp(u):
                    tmp = []
                    left, right = u - 1, u + 1
                    while left >= 0 and left >= u - d and arr[left] < arr[u]:
                        left -= 1
                    while right < N and right <= u + d and arr[right] < arr[u]:
                        right += 1
                    if len(tmp) == 0:
                        return 1
                    return max([dp(ii) for ii in tmp]) + 1
                N = len(arr)
                res = 1
                for ii in range(N):
                    res = max(dp(ii), res)
                return res
      • LeetCode 1267. 统计参与通信的服务器


        这个难度比只有相邻可以通行低很多,不需要 DFS,直接统计就可以了

        class Solution:
            DIRS = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
            def countServers(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                N, M = len(grid), len(grid[0])
                g_l = {ii: [] for ii in range(N)}
                g_r = {ii: [] for ii in range(M)}
                res = 0
                for ii in range(N):
                    for jj in range(M):
                        if grid[ii][jj]:
                for k, v in g_l.items():
                    if len(v) == 0:
                    if len(v) > 1:
                        res += len(v)
                        if len(g_r[v[0]]) > 1:
                            res += 1
                # print(g_l, g_r)
                return res
      • LeetCode LCP 12. 小张刷题计划


        给定一个单日刷题耗时上限,则可以判断所需要的天数。 这样就可以通过二分刷题耗时来解决,二分左=0,右=总时间。

        class Solution {
            public int minTime(int[] time, int m) {
                int left = 0, right = 0, mid;
                for (int ii: time) {
                    right += ii;
                while (left < right) {
                    mid = (left + right) >> 1;
                    if (dfs(mid, time, m)){
                        right = mid;
                    } else {
                        left = mid + 1;
                return left;
            public boolean dfs(int limit, int [] time, int m){
                int total = 0, day = 1, max_v = time[0], now;
                for (int ii = 1; ii < time.length; ++ii){
                    now = time[ii];
                    if (total + Math.min(max_v, now) <= limit){
                        total += Math.min(max_v, now);
                        max_v = Math.max(max_v, now);
                    } else{
                        day += 1;
                        total = 0;
                        max_v = now;
                return day <= m;
      • 拆半搜索

        • 5897. 将数组分成两个数组并最小化数组和的差

          给定一个数组,长 2N,将其拆分为两个长度为 N 的数组,求两个数组和之差的绝对值最小

          枚举前 N 个数组中选出 k 个数的和,则后 N 个数组最优选择为二分查找 sum//2 - s'

          class Solution:
              def minimumDifference(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                  def picker(a):
                      res, d = [[]], defaultdict(set)
                      for ii in a:
                          res += [jj + [ii] for jj in res]
                      for ii in res:
                      return d
                  N = len(nums)
                  s = sum(nums)
                  n = N // 2
                  a, b = picker(nums[:n]), picker(nums[n:])
                  res = float("inf")
                  for ii in range(n + 1):
                      x = sorted(b[n - ii])
                      for kk in a[ii]:
                          idx = bisect.bisect_left(x, s // 2 - kk)
                          res = min(res, abs(s - 2 * (kk + x[min(len(x) - 1, idx)])))
                  return res
    • 贪心

      • LeetCode 991. 坏了的计算器

        只能使用减小 -=1,和倍乘 *2 两个操作 将 X 变成 Y 最少需要几步

        贪心的做,优先 * 2. 反过来对于 Y 来说优先/2.

        1. Y 为偶数的话 Y //= 2;
        2. Y 为奇数的话 Y -= 1;
        class Solution:
            def brokenCalc(self, X: int, Y: int) -> int:
                res = 0
                while X < Y:
                    res += 1
                    if (Y >> 1 << 1 != Y):
                        Y += 1
                        Y //= 2
                return res + X - Y
      • LeetCode 1558. 得到目标数组的最少函数调用次数

        只能使用 单个元素 + 1,或者所有元素倍乘两个操作, 求使得全 0 数组变成目标数组的最短次数。

        思路和 991 一致,贪心的来,优先倍乘,如果奇数-=1


        class Solution:
            def minOperations(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                def get_add_mul_times(num: int):
                    a, b = 0, 0
                    while num > 0:
                        if num >> 1 << 1 != num:
                            a += 1
                            num -= 1
                            b += 1
                            num //= 2
                    return a, b
                N = len(nums)
                add, mul = [0] * N, [0] * N
                for ii in range(N):
                    a, b = get_add_mul_times(nums[ii])
                    add[ii] = a
                    mul[ii] = b
                return max(mul) + sum(add)
      • LeetCode 402. 移掉 K 位数字

        移除数字中的 k 位使得,整体数字最小.

        分析移除一位, 145233. 我们应该移除 5. 选择标准是从头开始第一个变成递减的转折点


        class Solution:
            def removeKdigits(self, num: str, k: int) -> str:
                def dp(s: str, n: int):
                    if n <= 1:
                        return ""
                    idx, pre = 0, int(s[0])
                    while idx + 1 < n and int(s[idx + 1]) >= pre:
                        pre = int(s[idx + 1])
                        idx += 1
                    if idx == n:
                        return s[1:]
                    return s[:idx] + s[idx + 1:]
                N = len(num)
                res, n = num, N
                for ii in range(k):
                    res = dp(res, n)
                    n -= 1
                idx = 0
                while idx < n and res[idx] == "0":
                    idx += 1
                if idx == n:
                    return "0"
                return res[idx:]
      • LeetCode 910. 最小差值 II


        贪心的做,每次计算当前改变之后与之前结果的差值min(ans, max(pre_max-K, a+K) - min(pre_min+K, b-K))

        class Solution:
            def smallestRangeII(self, A: List[int], K: int) -> int:
                N = len(A)
                pre_min, pre_max = A[0], A[-1]
                ans = pre_max - pre_min
                for i in range(N - 1):
                    a, b = A[i], A[i+1]
                    ans = min(ans, max(pre_max-K, a+K) - min(pre_min+K, b-K))
                return ans
    • DFS, 记忆化 DFS

      • LeetCode 329. 矩阵中的最长递增路径


        ] => [1,2,6,9]

        直接 dfs, 为了重复搜索,存储遍历结果

        class Solution:
            DIRS = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
            def longestIncreasingPath(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                def dfs(x: int, y: int):
                    tmp = []
                    for dx, dy in self.DIRS:
                        xx, yy = x + dx, y + dy
                        if not (0 <= xx < N) or not (0 <= yy < M):
                        if matrix[xx][yy] > matrix[x][y]:
                            if dp[xx][yy]:
                                tmp.append(dfs(xx, yy))
                    dp[x][y] = max(tmp) + 1 if tmp else 1
                    self.res = max(self.res, dp[x][y])
                    return dp[x][y]
                if not matrix:
                    return 0
                N, M = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
                dp = [[0] * M for _ in range(N)]
                self.res = 0
                for ii in range(N):
                    for jj in range(M):
                        if not dp[ii][jj]:
                            dfs(ii, jj)
                return self.res
      • LeetCode 1219. 黄金矿工

        寻找效益最优的路线,访问过则置 0,遇到 0 则停止遍历

        直接 DFS, 对起始位置剪枝 => 还能做记忆化,数据量小就没做了

        class Solution:
            DIRS = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
            def getMaximumGold(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                N, M = len(grid), len(grid[0])
                self.res = 0
                def dfs(x: int, y: int, v: int, done: set):
                    self.res = max(self.res, v)
                    for dx, dy in self.DIRS:
                        xx, yy = x + dx, y + dy
                        if not (0 <= xx < N) or not (0 <= yy < M) or (xx, yy) in done or grid[xx][yy] == 0:
                        done.add((xx, yy))
                        dfs(xx, yy, v + grid[xx][yy], done)
                        done.remove((xx, yy))
                done = set()
                for ii in range(N):
                    for jj in range(M):
                        zero_num = [idx for idx, (dx, dy) in enumerate(self.DIRS) if (0<= ii + dx < N) and (0 <= jj + dy < M) and grid[ii + dx][jj + dy]]
                        flag = len(zero_num) <= 1 or (len(zero_num) == 2 and 1 in zero_num and 2 in zero_num)
                        if grid[ii][jj] and flag:
                            done.add((ii, jj))
                            dfs(ii, jj, grid[ii][jj], done)
                            done.remove((ii, jj))
                return self.res
      • LeetCode 5501. 使陆地分离的最少天数

        陆地相邻的定义为竖直向和纵向有临近的. 求去除陆地之后能使得陆地分离(两块以上大陆)

        要敢 DFS, 尤其是数据量小

        class Solution:
            def minDays(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                def check(g):
                    self.dp = [[1] * M for _ in range(N)]
                    res = 0
                    for ii in range(N):
                        for jj in range(M):
                            if g[ii][jj] == 1 and self.dp[ii][jj] == 1:
                                dfs(g, ii, jj)
                                res += 1
                    return res != 1
                def dfs(g: list, x: int, y: int):
                    self.dp[x][y] = 0
                    tmp = []
                    for dx, dy in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]:
                        xx, yy = dx + x, dy + y
                        if not (0 <= xx < N) or not (0 <= yy < M) or g[xx][yy] == 0 or self.dp[xx][yy] == 0:
                        tmp.append(dfs(g, xx, yy))
                    return sum(tmp) + 1
                N, M = len(grid), len(grid[0])
                self.dp = [[1] * M for _ in range(N)]
                if check(grid):
                    return 0
                for ii in range(N):
                    for jj in range(M):
                        if grid[ii][jj] == 1:
                            grid[ii][jj] = 0
                            if check(grid):
                                return 1
                            grid[ii][jj] = 1
                return 2
      • LeetCode 488. 祖玛游戏


        这道题的数据量很小 N<20, M <5,可以放心用 DFS。

        1. 统计词频,如果目前有的词频+ 可以添加的词频还不到 3,那肯定不行了
        2. 一开始很贪心的认为,添加的球一定是在连续子串的头或者尾,所以用前后指针压缩了字符串;
        3. 然后进行 DFS, 第一个难点,如何模拟消失这个过程,(有可能会多次消失,用个左右指针 从添加点依次向左右扩散;
        4. 这个版本写完了就大部分完成了,直到遇到了 case "RRWWRRBBRR", "WB". 一开始还以为是因为如果大于 3 个能选择是否完全消失,后来才发现是先"R(B)RWWRRRBBRR"
        from collections import Counter
        class Solution:
            def findMinStep(self, board: str, hand: str) -> int:
                def decoder(pss: list, ii: int):
                    N = len(pss)
                    left, right = ii - 1, ii + 1
                    while left >= 0 and right < N and pss[left][1] == pss[right][1]:
                        size, w = pss[right]
                        size = pss[left][0] + size
                        if size >= 3:
                            left -= 1
                            right += 1
                            right += 1
                            pss[left] = (size, w)
                    return pss[:left + 1] + pss[right:]
                def dfs(ps: list, c: dict):
                    if total - sum(c. values()) > self.res:
                    if not len(ps):
                        self.res = min(total - sum(c.values()), self.res)
                    for ii in range(len(ps)):
                        size, w = ps[ii]
                        need = 3 - size
                        if w not in c or c[w] < need:
                        c[w] -= need
                        dfs(decoder(ps, ii), c)
                        c[w] += need
                    for ii in range(len(ps)):
                        size, w = ps[ii]
                        if size != 2:
                        for k, v in c.items():
                            if k == w or v <= 0:
                            for t in range(1, 2):
                                if t > v:
                                c[k] -= t
                                dfs(ps[:ii] + [(1, w), (t, k), (1, w)] + ps[ii + 1:], c)
                                c[k] += t
                N = len(board)
                hand_c = Counter(hand)
                total = len(hand)
                self.res = 10**9 + 7
                for k, v in Counter(board).items():
                    if v % 3 == 0:
                    if k not in hand_c or hand_c[k]  + v < 3:
                        return -1
                b = [0] + [ii for ii in range(1, N) if board[ii] != board[ii - 1]]
                e = [ii for ii in range(N - 1) if board[ii] != board[ii + 1]] + [N - 1]
                pairs = [(jj - ii + 1, board[ii]) for ii, jj in zip(b, e)]
                dfs(pairs, hand_c)
                return -1 if self.res == 10**9 + 7 else self.res
      • LeetCode 486. 预测赢家

        给定一个数组,A,B 依次从两端取数,直到没有数了。求 A 能赢 B

        LeetCode 877. 石子游戏

        记忆化递归, 如果 A 则加,轮到 B 则减

        from functools import lru_cache
        class Solution:
            def PredictTheWinner(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
                N = len(nums)
                is_odd = N >> 1 << 1 == N
                def dp(i: int, j: int):
                    if i > j:
                        return 0
                    flag = (N - (j - i) - 1) % 2
                    if flag:
                        return min(-nums[i] + dp(i + 1, j), -nums[j] + dp(i, j - 1))
                    return max(nums[i] + dp(i + 1, j), nums[j] + dp(i, j - 1))
                return dp(0, N - 1) >= 0
      • LeetCode 427. 建立四叉树

        给一个 n*n 的矩阵,按照组内元素是否相等作为树结构是否划分的依据。

        直接 DFS

        Definition for a QuadTree node.
        class Node:
            def __init__(self, val, isLeaf, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight):
                self.val = val
                self.isLeaf = isLeaf
                self.topLeft = topLeft
                self.topRight = topRight
                self.bottomLeft = bottomLeft
                self.bottomRight = bottomRight
        class Solution:
            def construct(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> 'Node':
                def is_same(x: int, y: int, size: int):
                    tmp = set()
                    for ii in range(x, x + size):
                        for jj in range(y, y + size):
                            if not grid[ii][jj] in tmp:
                                if len(tmp) == 1:
                                    return False
                    return True
                def dfs(x: int, y: int, size: int):
                    if size == 1 or is_same(x, y, size):
                        return Node(grid[x][y], True, None, None, None, None)
                    tmp = []
                    s = size // 2
                    for dx, dy in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
                        xx, yy = x + dx * s, y + dy * s
                        tmp.append(dfs(xx, yy, s))
                    return Node(1, False, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3])
                N = len(grid)
                return dfs(0, 0, N)
      • LeetCode 51. N 皇后

        生成所有 N 皇后的可能情况.


        约束回溯 => LeetCode 37. 解数独

        class Solution {
            char[][] edges;
            List<List<String>> res;
            int[] col;
            int[] diag;
            int[] reverse_diag;
            int N;
            public List<List<String>> solveNQueens(int n) {
                N = n;
                col = new int[N];
                diag = new int[2 * N];
                reverse_diag = new int[2 * N];
                res = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
                edges = new char[N][N];
                for (char[] ii: edges){
                    Arrays.fill(ii, '.');
                return res;
            public void dfs(int u){
                if (u == N){
                    List<String> board = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                        board.add(new String(edges[i]));
                for (int ii = 0; ii < N; ++ii){
                    if (col[ii] == 0 && diag[u + ii] == 0 && reverse_diag[N - u + ii] == 0){
                        edges[u][ii] = 'Q';
                        col[ii] = 1;
                        diag[u + ii] = 1;
                        reverse_diag[N - u + ii] = 1;
                        dfs(u + 1);
                        edges[u][ii] = '.';
                        col[ii] = 0;
                        diag[u + ii] = 0;
                        reverse_diag[N - u + ii] = 0;
      • LeetCode 5494. 统计所有可行路径


        记忆式搜索,对于给定当前点 index 和还能行走距离可行的路径应该是确定的。而且是=\sum(走一步的可行数)

        from functools import lru_cache
        class Solution:
            MODS = 10 ** 9 + 7
            def countRoutes(
                self, locations: List[int], start: int, finish: int, fuel: int
            ) -> int:
                def dfs(now: int, oil: int):
                    ans = 0
                    for ii, loc in enumerate(locations):
                        if now == ii:
                        cost = abs(locations[now] - loc)
                        if cost + abs(locations[now] - locations[finish]) <= oil:
                            ans += dfs(ii, oil - cost)
                    if now == finish:
                        ans += 1
                    return ans % self.MODS
                return dfs(start, fuel)
    • 单调栈

      • 1856. 子数组最小乘积的最大值

        定义 min-product = min(A) * sum(A), 求给定数组中所有非空子数组 min-product 的最大值。

        一开始想成子序列了,子序列很简单直接 Counter + heapq 就可 子数组,则需要遍历所有最小值,找到左右第一个比当前值小的 index,

        构造单调栈,如果栈顶小于当前值,则 pop,被 pop 的值,相当于确定了右边界=当前 index,左边界则是 stack 的栈顶元素 再利用前缀和就可以在 O(n)内完成所有遍历

        class Solution:
            MODS = 10 ** 9 + 7
            def maxSumMinProduct(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                s, res = [0], 0
                for ii in nums:
                    s.append(s[-1] + ii)
                stack = []
                for ii, jj in enumerate(nums):
                    while stack and nums[stack[-1]] > jj:
                        pre = stack.pop()
                        left = stack[-1] if stack else -1
                        # print(pre, ii, s[ii], s[pre], nums[pre], nums[pre] * (s[ii] - s[left + 1]))
                        tmp = nums[pre] * (s[ii] - s[left + 1])
                        res = max(res, tmp)
                return res % self.MODS
      • LeetCode 5931. 用邮票贴满网格图

        给定一个图,图中 1 表示被占,其余区域均可贴邮票,现有不能旋转长宽为 h,w 的无限邮票,问该图可否完全贴满邮票

        LeetCode 85. 最大矩形

        上下连续的 0 看着柱子,利用单调栈

        class Solution:
            def possibleToStamp(self, grid: List[List[int]], stampHeight: int, stampWidth: int) -> bool:
                N, M = len(grid), len(grid[0])
                dp1 = [0] * M
                for ii in range(N):
                    dp2 = [0] * M
                    l, r = 0, 0
                    for jj in range(M):
                        if dp1[jj] < stampHeight:
                            l = r = jj + 1
                            while r < M and dp1[r] >= stampHeight:
                                r += 1
                        if grid[ii][jj] == 0:
                            dp2[jj] = dp1[jj] + 1
                        elif ii > 0 and dp1[jj] and r - l < stampWidth:
                            return False
                    dp1 = dp2
                l, r = 0, 0
                for jj in range(M):
                    if dp1[jj] < stampHeight:
                        l = r = jj + 1
                        while r < M and dp1[r] >= stampHeight:
                            r += 1
                    if dp1[jj] and r - l < stampWidth:
                        return False
                return True
  4. 队列

    • LeetCode 剑指 Offer 59 - II. 队列的最大值

      平均摊销 O(1) 下完成队列的入队,出队,求最大值

      1. 维护一个队列来存储最大值,pop 队尾小于当前值的所有值;
    • 优先队列

      • LeetCode 632. 最小区间

        一组单增数组, 求一个最小的区间,使得每行数组都至少有一个值在区间内.

        维护大小为 N 的小顶堆,里面存储每行各一个值,依次 pop 出最小的值,并放入同行下一个值

        class Solution {
            public int[] smallestRange(List<List<Integer>> nums) {
                int res_min = 0, res_max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                int max_v = Integer.MIN_VALUE, min_v;
                int n = nums.size();
                int[] next = new int[n];
                PriorityQueue<Integer> queue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>(new Comparator<Integer>(){
                    public int compare(Integer a, Integer b){
                        return nums.get(a).get(next[a]) - nums.get(b).get(next[b]);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
                    max_v = Math.max(max_v, nums.get(i).get(0));
                while (true) {
                    int index = queue.poll();
                    if (max_v - nums.get(index).get(next[index]) < res_max - res_min) {
                        res_max = max_v;
                        res_min = nums.get(index).get(next[index]);
                    if (next[index] == nums.get(index).size()){
                    max_v = Math.max(max_v, nums.get(index).get(next[index]));
                return new int[]{res_min, res_max};
      • LeetCode 407. 接雨水 II

        接雨水 II 需要四周来接

        1. 从外围开始遍历,依次弹出最小值。
        2. 观察最小值是否是大于四周的
        import heapq
        class Solution:
            DIRS = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
            def trapRainWater(self, heightMap: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                N, M = len(heightMap), len(heightMap[0])
                flag = [[0] * M for _ in range(N)]
                queue = []
                for ii in range(N):
                    if ii in [0, N - 1]:
                        for jj in range(M):
                            heapq.heappush(queue, (heightMap[ii][jj], ii, jj))
                            flag[ii][jj] = 1
                        for jj in [0, M - 1]:
                            heapq.heappush(queue, (heightMap[ii][jj], ii, jj))
                            flag[ii][jj] = 1
                res = 0
                while queue:
                    head, x, y = heapq.heappop(queue)
                    # print(x, y, head, queue)
                    for dx, dy in self.DIRS:
                        xx, yy = x + dx, y + dy
                        if not (0 <= xx < N) or not (0 <= yy < M) or flag[xx][yy]:
                        if head > heightMap[xx][yy]:
                            res += head - heightMap[xx][yy]
                        heapq.heappush(queue, (max(heightMap[xx][yy], head), xx, yy))
                        flag[xx][yy] = 1
                return res
      • LeetCode 786. 第 K 个最小的素数分数

        给定一个素数集合,求组合中第 K 小的分数.

        按起始位置维护优先队列,对于每个起始位置 i 而言, 分数排序是固定的,从底到顶. 每次 pop 优先队列中最小的,然后添加同起始位置的下一个小的分数.

        import heapq
        class Solution:
            def kthSmallestPrimeFraction(self, A: List[int], K: int) -> List[int]:
                N = len(A)
                dp = [N - 1] * N
                res = 0
                heap = [(A[ii] / A[-1], ii) for ii in range(N - 1)]
                while heap:
                    _, row = heapq.heappop(heap)
                    # print(row, dp[row], heap, res)
                    res += 1
                    if res == K:
                        return [A[row], A[dp[row]]]
                    if dp[row] > row + 1:
                        dp[row] -= 1
                        if dp[row] == row and row:
                            dp[now] -= 1
                        heapq.heappush(heap, (A[row] / A[dp[row]], row))
                return []
      • LeetCode 239. 滑动窗口最大值


        构造一个大顶堆 => heapq,然后也记录 index. 如果 top index 超过窗口范围一直弹出.

        import heapq
        class Solution:
            def maxSlidingWindow(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
                N = len(nums)
                res, have = [], []
                for ii, jj in enumerate(nums[:k]):
                    heapq.heappush(have, (-jj, ii))
                for ii in range(N - k + 1):
                    x, y = heapq.heappop(have)
                    while y < ii:
                        x, y = heapq.heappop(have)
                    res.append(-1 * x)
                    heapq.heappush(have, (x, y))
                    next_id = ii + k
                    if next_id < N:
                        heapq.heappush(have, (-nums[next_id], next_id))
                return res
      • LeetCode 480. 滑动窗口中位数


        和 239 不同的是中位数需要一直维护滑动窗口内的值(即剔除超出窗口的值) => 用 bisect 二分查找 pop

        class Solution:
            def medianSlidingWindow(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[float]:
                N = len(nums)
                res, tmp = [], sorted(nums[:k - 1])
                for ii in range(N - k + 1):
                    jj = ii + k - 1
                    bisect.insort(tmp, nums[jj])
                    if k >> 1 << 1 == k:
                        res.append(sum(tmp[k // 2 - 1:k //2 + 1]) / 2)
                        res.append(tmp[k // 2])
                    tmp.pop(bisect.bisect_left(tmp, nums[ii]))
                return res
      • LeetCode 264. 丑数 II

        求质因数只包含 2,3,5 的第 n 个数

        这边没有使用 heapq 来维护堆,而是用三个 index 来维护 倍速 ×2/3/5 比目前序列大的最小 index

        class Solution:
            def nthUglyNumber(self, n: int) -> int:
                res, have = [1], [2, 3, 5]
                i2, i3, i5 = 0, 0, 0
                for ii in range(1, n + 1):
                    tmp = min(res[i2] * 2, res[i3] * 3, res[i5] * 5)
                    if tmp == res[i2] * 2:
                        i2 += 1
                    if tmp == res[i3] * 3:
                        i3 += 1
                    if tmp == res[i5] * 5:
                        i5 += 1
                # print(res)
                return res[n - 1]
    • 树的遍历

      • LeetCode 面试题 04.06. 后继者



        class Solution:
            def inorderSuccessor(self, root: TreeNode, p: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
                res, stack = [], []
                while stack or root:
                    while root:
                        root = root.left
                    root = stack.pop()
                    root = root.right
                for ii in range(len(res)):
                    if res[ii] == p:
                        return res[ii + 1]
                return None
      • LeetCode 94. 二叉树的中序遍历


        1. 用指示符表示遍历情况
        2. 遍历先遍历右子树
        class Solution:
            WHITE, RED = 0, 1
            def inorderTraversal(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
                res, stack = [], [(self.WHITE, root)]
                while stack:
                    color, node = stack.pop()
                    if node is None:
                    if color == self.WHITE:
                        stack.append((self.WHITE, node.right))
                        stack.append((self.RED, node))
                        stack.append((self.WHITE, node.left))
                return res
      • LeetCode 515. 在每个树行中找最大值

        直接 BFS

        import heapq
        class Solution:
            def largestValues(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
                if not root:
                    return []
                idx, res, queue = 1, {}, []
                heapq.heappush(queue, (0, 0, root))
                while queue:
                    _, h, front = heapq.heappop(queue)
                    if h not in res:
                        res[h] = front.val
                        res[h] = max(res[h], front.val)
                    if front.left:
                        heapq.heappush(queue, (idx, h + 1, front.left))
                        idx += 1
                    if front.right:
                        heapq.heappush(queue, (idx, h + 1, front.right))
                        idx += 1
                return [res[ii] for ii in sorted(res)]
      • LeetCode 968. 监控二叉树

        一个监控器可以监控父和所有子节点. 求最小监控数量.


        1. head 放监控时,覆盖整棵树所需要的监控数;
        2. 维护整棵树最小监控
        3. head 不放监控,覆盖整棵树
        class Solution:
            def minCameraCover(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
                def dfs(head: TreeNode):
                    if head is None:
                        return [float("inf"), 0, 0]
                    la, lb, lc = dfs(head.left)
                    ra, rb, rc = dfs(head.right)
                    a = lc + rc + 1
                    b = min(a, la + rb, ra + lb)
                    c = min(a, lb + rb)
                    return [a, b, c]
                a, b, c = dfs(root)
                return b
    • 树的插入

      • LeetCode 919. 完全二叉树插入器



        from collections import deque
        class CBTInserter:
            def __init__(self, root: TreeNode):
                self.root = root
                self.deque = deque()
                q = deque([root])
                while q:
                    tmp = q.popleft()
                    if not tmp.left or not tmp.right:
                    if tmp.left:
                    if tmp.right:
            def insert(self, v: int) -> int:
                tmp = self.deque[0]
                if not tmp.left:
                    tmp.left = self.deque[-1]
                    tmp.right = self.deque[-1]
                return tmp.val
            def get_root(self) -> TreeNode:
                return self.root
      • LeetCode 623. 在二叉树中增加一行


        class Solution {
            public TreeNode addOneRow(TreeNode root, int v, int d) {
                TreeNode f = root;
                Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
                int h = 1;
                while (h < d - 1){
                    Queue<TreeNode> tmp = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
                    while (!queue.isEmpty()){
                        TreeNode top = queue.remove();
                        if (top.left != null){
                        if (top.right != null) {
                    queue = tmp;
                if (d == 1){
                    TreeNode now = new TreeNode(v);
                    now.left = f;
                    return now;
                for (TreeNode ii:queue){
                    TreeNode left = new TreeNode(v);
                    TreeNode right = new TreeNode(v);
                    left.left = ii.left;
                    right.right = ii.right;
                    ii.left = left;
                    ii.right = right;
                return f;
    • 特殊树

      • LeetCode 1373. 二叉搜索子树的最大键值和

        求子树是 BST 的最大 val 和.

        和判断 一棵树是否是 BST 刚好相反,(确定上下界,不满足上下界就不是 BST)

        这边的上下界是一个自底向上的过程,需要从 DFS 底部往回传

        class Solution:
            def maxSumBST(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
                def dfs(now: TreeNode):
                    # print(now.val)
                    if now.left is None and now.right is None:
                        self.res = max(self.res, now.val)
                        return (now.val, now.val, now.val)
                    res = now.val
                    now_min, now_max = now.val, now.val
                    valid = True
                    if now.left:
                        l_v, l_min, l_max = dfs(now.left)
                        if l_max >= now.val or l_v is False:
                            valid = False
                            res += l_v
                            now_min = l_min
                    if now.right:
                        r_v, r_min, r_max = dfs(now.right)
                        if r_min <= now.val or r_v is False:
                            valid = False
                            res += r_v
                            now_max = r_max
                    if valid is False:
                        return (False, now_min, now_max)
                    self.res = max(self.res, res)
                    return (res, now_min, now_max)
                self.res = 0
                return self.res
      • LeetCode 剑指 Offer 36. 二叉搜索树与双向链表

        将 BST 转换成双向链表


        class Solution:
            def treeToDoublyList(self, root: "Node") -> "Node":
                def dfs(h):
                    nonlocal pre, r, head
                    if h is None:
                    if h.left:
                    if r is None:
                        r = head = h
                    if pre is not None:
                        pre.right = h
                    pre = h
                    if h.right:
                r = head = None
                pre = None
                if head is None:
                    return head
                pre = head
                head = head.right
                while head:
                    head.left = pre
                    head = head.right
                    pre = pre.right
                pre.right = r
                r.left = pre
                return r
  5. 链表

    • 链表的重组

      • LeetCode 138. 复制带随机指针的链表



        1. 在每个节点后面都插入一个等值的节点 Node. 遍历一次.
        2. 遍历每个节点,则 random 和对应的新建的 random 也只隔了 next.
        3. 分离新老节点.
        class Solution {
            public Node copyRandomList(Node head) {
                if (head == null){
                    return head;
                Node now = head;
                while (now != null){
                    Node new_node = new Node(now.val);
                    new_node.next = now.next;
                    now.next = new_node;
                    now = new_node.next;
                now = head;
                while (now != null){
                    now.next.random = now.random != null ? now.random.next : null;
                    now = now.next.next;
                Node origin = head;
                now = head.next;
                Node new_node = head.next;
                while (origin != null){
                    origin.next = origin.next.next;
                    new_node.next = (new_node.next != null) ? new_node.next.next : null;
                    origin = origin.next;
                    new_node = new_node.next;
                return now;
    • 并查集

      • LeetCode 5510. 保证图可完全遍历

        边的关系有专属 A,专属 B,AB 共享三种,求去除边还能使得图连通的最大边数.

        先用 AB 共享的边建立一个并查集 U1. 然后用专属 A 的边在 U1 上建立 U2 => 检查是否连通. 专属 B 的边在 U1 上建立 U3=> 检查是否连通.

        class Solution:
            def maxNumEdgesToRemove(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                def getroot(r, p):
                    q = r[p]
                    while p != r[p]:
                        p = r[p]
                    while q != p:
                        tmp = r[q]
                        r[q] = p
                        q = tmp
                    return p
                ra = list(range(n))
                e = [[], [], []]
                for types, u, v in edges:
                    e[types - 1].append((u - 1, v - 1))
                # print(ra, e)
                ans = 0
                for u, v in e[2]:
                    u, v = getroot(ra, u), getroot(ra, v)
                    if u == v:
                        ans += 1
                        ra[u] = v
                    # print(ra, u, v)
                rb = ra.copy()
                for el, r in ((e[0], ra), (e[1], rb)):
                    for u, v in el:
                        u, v = getroot(r, u), getroot(r, v)
                        if u == v:
                            ans += 1
                            r[u] = v
                        # print(",", r, u, v)
                    r0 = getroot(r, 0)
                    for i in range(1, n):
                        if getroot(r, i) != r0:
                            return -1
                return ans
      • LeetCode 721. 账户合并


        Bad Case: A: a, b, c; B: d; C: a, d => A, B, C 一类


        class Solution:
            def accountsMerge(self, accounts: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
                def get_root(r: list, p: int):
                    q = r[p]
                    while p != r[p]:
                        p = r[p]
                    while p != q:
                        tmp = r[q]
                        r[q] = p
                        q = tmp
                    return q
                N = len(accounts)
                ra = list(range(N))
                res, a_map = [set()] * N, {}
                for idx, ii in enumerate(accounts):
                    have = set([get_root(ra, a_map[ii]) for ii in ii[1:] if ii in a_map])
                    if not have:
                        a_id = idx
                        v = idx
                        a_id = min(have)
                        v = a_id
                        # print(have, v)
                        for jj in have:
                            if jj != a_id:
                                ra[jj] = v
                        ra[idx] = v
                        # print(ra)
                    for jj in ii[1:]:
                        a_map[jj] = v
                # print(ra)
                for ii in range(N):
                    u = get_root(ra, ii)
                    if u != ii:
                        for jj in accounts[ii][1:]:
                        res[ii] = set(accounts[ii][1:])
                return [ii[:1] + list(sorted(jj)) for ii, jj in zip(accounts, res) if jj]
      • LeetCode 959. 由斜杠划分区域


        按并查集来做,把每个小方块划分成四个三角形,初始指向自己,然后按"/", ""归并, 注意需要跨行归并.

        class Solution:
            def regionsBySlashes(self, grid: List[str]) -> int:
                def getRoot(r: list, p: int):
                    q = r[p]
                    while p != r[p]:
                        p = r[p]
                    while q != r[p]:
                        tmp = r[q]
                        r[q] = p
                        q = tmp
                    return p
                def union(r, u, v):
                    u, v = getRoot(r, u), getRoot(r, v)
                    r[u] = v
                    return r
                N = len(grid)
                r = list(range(4 * N * N))
                for ii in range(N):
                    for jj in range(N):
                        tmp = grid[ii][jj]
                        root = 4 * (ii * N + jj)
                        if tmp in "/ ":
                            r = union(r, root + 0, root + 1)
                            r = union(r, root + 2, root + 3)
                        if tmp in "\ ":
                            r = union(r, root + 1, root + 2)
                            r = union(r, root + 0, root + 3)
                        if ii < N - 1:
                            r = union(r, root + 3, root + 4 * N + 1)
                        if ii:
                            r = union(r, root + 1, root - 4 * N + 3)
                        if jj < N - 1:
                            r = union(r, root + 2, root + 4 + 0)
                        if jj:
                            r = union(r, root + 0, root - 4 + 2)
                return len([1 for ii in range(4 * N * N) if getRoot(r, ii) == ii])
      • LeetCode 947. 移除最多的同行或同列石头


        把同行、同列看成是边关系,则连通图能移除的点数量为 k - 1.



        class Solution:
            def removeStones(self, stones: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                def get_root(r, p):
                    q = r[p]
                    while r[p] != p:
                        p = r[p]
                    while q != r[p]:
                        tmp = r[q]
                        r[q] = p
                        q = tmp
                    return p
                r = list(range(20000))
                for ii, jj in stones:
                    u, v = get_root(r, ii), get_root(r, jj + 10000)
                    r[u] = v
                # print(r)
                return len(stones) - len(set([get_root(r, ii) for ii, jj in stones]))
      • LeetCode 5632. 检查边长度限制的路径是否存在

        给定一个无向图,求从 A 到 B 点 是否存在一条路径使得每条边均小于一个值

        一开始想的是 dfs,按 limit 进行过滤,但是时间复杂度于 query 大小有关,超时

        将 edgeList 按 limit 正序排序,queries 也按 limit 正序排序

        选出不超过 query limit 的边,然后查看连通状态,


        from collections import defaultdict
        class Solution:
            def distanceLimitedPathsExist(self, n: int, edgeList: List[List[int]], queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[bool]:
                def get_father(r, p):
                    q =  r[p]
                    while p != r[p]:
                        p = r[p]
                    while q != p:
                        tmp = r[q]
                        r[q] = p
                        q = tmp
                    return p
                ra = list(range(n))
                N, M = len(edgeList), len(queries)
                ans = [0] * M
                q = [[ii] + jj for ii, jj in enumerate(queries)]
                q.sort(key=lambda i: i[-1])
                edgeList.sort(key=lambda i:i[-1])
                idx = 0
                for ii in range(M):
                    while idx < N and edgeList[idx][-1] < q[ii][-1]:
                        a, b = edgeList[idx][:-1]
                        fa = get_father(ra, a)
                        fb = get_father(ra, b)
                        if fa != fb:
                            ra[fa] = fb
                        idx += 1
                    a, b = q[ii][1:-1]
                    fa = get_father(ra, a)
                    fb = get_father(ra, b)
                    ans[q[ii][0]] =  fa == fb
                return ans
    • 拓扑排序

      • LeetCode 210. 课程表 II



        from collections import defaultdict
        class Solution:
            def findOrder(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
                def dfs(ii: int):
                    flag[ii] = 1
                    for v in edges[ii]:
                        if flag[v] == 0:
                            if not self.valid:
                        elif flag[v] == 1:
                            self.valid = False
                    flag[ii] = 2
                res = []
                edges = defaultdict(list)
                flag = [0] * numCourses
                self.valid = True
                for ii, jj in prerequisites:
                for ii in range(numCourses):
                    if self.valid and flag[ii] == 0:
                if not self.valid:
                    return []
                return res
    • 最小生成树

      • kruskal

        • LeetCode 5513. 连接所有点的最小费用


          相当于一个最小生成树的问题,只不过每个节点都和另外的节点之间存在可达的关系. 因为是完全图,遍历复杂度很高,对 kruskal 的归并过程做了查询优化, 用两个 map 空间换时间.

          class Solution:
              def minCostConnectPoints(self, p: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                  def kruskal(edge_list):
                      group = {ii: ii for ii in range(N)}
                      group2 = [[ii] for ii in range(N)]
                      ans = 0
                      for edge in edge_list:
                          m = group[edge[0]]
                          n = group[edge[1]]
                          if m != n:
                              ans += edge[2]
                              for ii in group2[n]:
                                  group[ii] = m
                              group2[m] = group2[m] + group2[n]
                              group2[n] = []
                      return ans
                  N = len(p)
                  edge_list = []
                  for ii in range(N):
                      for jj in range(ii):
                              [ii, jj, abs(p[ii][0] - p[jj][0]) + abs(p[ii][1] - p[jj][1])]
                  edge_list = sorted(edge_list, key=lambda i: i[-1])
                  return kruskal(edge_list)
    • 最短路径

      • Dijkstra

        • LeetCode 882. 细分图中的可到达结点


          相当于求所有节点到原点的最短路径,并统计小于 K 的节点数

          from collections import defaultdict
          import heapq
          class Solution:
              def reachableNodes(self, edges: List[List[int]], M: int, N: int) -> int:
                  g = defaultdict(dict)
                  for ii, jj, kk in edges:
                       g[ii][jj] = g[jj][ii] = kk
                  queue, flag = [(0, 0)], {0: 0}
                  used = {}
                  res = 0
                  while queue:
                      d, head = heapq.heappop(queue)
                      # print(d, head)
                      if d > flag.get(head):
                      res += 1
                      for kk, vv in g[head].items():
                          v = min(vv, M - d)
                          used[(head, kk)] = v
                          now_d = d + vv + 1
                          if now_d < flag.get(kk, M + 1):
                              heapq.heappush(queue, (now_d, kk))
                              flag[kk] = now_d
                  for ii, jj, kk in edges:
                      res += min(kk, used.get((ii, jj), 0) + used.get((jj, ii), 0))
                  return res
        • LeetCode 2045. 到达目的地的第二短时间


          class Solution:
              INF = 10 ** 9 + 7
              def secondMinimum(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], time: int, change: int) -> int:
                  g = defaultdict(list)
                  for ii, jj in edges:
                      g[ii - 1].append(jj - 1)
                      g[jj - 1].append(ii - 1)
                  queue, flag = [(0, 0)], [[self.INF] * 2 for _ in range(n)]
                  flag[0][0] = 0
                  while queue and flag[n - 1][1] == self.INF:
                      d, head = heapq.heappop(queue)
                      # print(d, head)
                      for ii in g[head]:
                          if d + 1 < flag[ii][0]:
                              flag[ii][0] = d + 1
                              heapq.heappush(queue, (d + 1, ii))
                          elif flag[ii][1] > d + 1 > flag[ii][0]:
                              flag[ii][1] = d + 1
                              heapq.heappush(queue, (d + 1, ii))
                  res = 0
                  for ii in range(flag[n - 1][1]):
                      if res % (2 * change) >= change:
                          res += change * 2 - res % (2 * change)
                      res += time
                  return res
      • Floyd

      • A*

        • LeetCode 773. 滑动谜题

          滑块游戏,每次只能移动周围块到 0 位置,求能否将给定序列变成顺序序列,求最小步数。

          DFS / A* 期望代价为哈夫曼距离

          import heapq
          class Solution:
              def slidingPuzzle(self, board: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                  def get_h_dist(now):
                      res = 0
                      for ii in range(N):
                          for jj in range(M):
                              tmp = now[ii * N + M]
                              arc_tmp = e_map[tmp]
                              res += abs(ii - arc_tmp[0]) + abs(jj - arc_tmp[1])
                      return res
                  N, M = len(board), len(board[0])
                  target = tuple(list(range(1, N * M)) + [0])
                  target_wrong = tuple(list(range(1, N * M - 2)) + [N * M - 1, N * M - 2, 0])
                  head = tuple([jj for ii in board for jj in ii])
                  queue = [(0, 0, head, head.index(0))]
                  e_map = {(N * ii + jj + 1) % (N * M): (ii, jj) for ii in range(N) for jj in range(M)}
                  e_map[0] = (N - 1, M - 1)
                  cost = {head: 0}
                  while queue:
                      c, h, now, idx = heapq.heappop(queue)
                      if now == target:
                          return h
                      if now == target_wrong:
                          return -1
                      if c > cost[now]:
                      for dx in (1, -1, M, -M):
                          new_idx = idx + dx
                          if abs(new_idx // M - idx // M) + abs(new_idx % M - idx % M) != 1 or not (0 <= new_idx < N * M):
                          tmp = list(now)
                          tmp[new_idx], tmp[idx] = tmp[idx], tmp[new_idx]
                          tmp_tuple = tuple(tmp)
                          new_c = h + 1 + get_h_dist(tmp)
                          if new_c < cost.get(tmp_tuple, float("inf")):
                              cost[tmp_tuple] = new_c
                              heapq.heappush(queue, (new_c, h + 1, tmp_tuple, new_idx))
                  return -1
      • Tarjan

        • LeetCode 1192. 查找集群内的「关键连接」


          Tarjan,O(V + E), refer to: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15t4y197eq/

          若没遍历过,初始化一个 idx, 再去遍历邻接,如果邻接有比它小的,则有环。

          from collections import defaultdict
          class Solution:
              def criticalConnections(self, n: int, connections: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
                  def dfs(idx, father, depth):
                      if ids[idx] >= 0:
                          return ids[idx]
                      ids[idx] = depth
                      m_depth  = n
                      for ii in g[idx]:
                          if ii == father:
                          sub_depth =  dfs(ii, idx, depth + 1)
                          if sub_depth <= depth:
                              connections.discard(tuple(sorted((idx, ii))))
                          m_depth = min(sub_depth, m_depth)
                      return m_depth
                  g = defaultdict(list)
                  for ii, jj in connections:
                  ids = [-1] * n
                  connections = set([tuple(sorted((ii, jj))) for ii, jj in connections])
                  dfs(0, -1, 0)
                  return list(connections)
  6. 数学题

    • 运算(算数,位)

      • LeetCode 1015. 可被 K 整除的最小整数

        长度为 x 的 1 组成的数字能否被 K 整除. 模拟长除,用 set 存储当前余数,若余数已经出现过,则不能整除

        class Solution:
            def smallestRepunitDivByK(self, K: int) -> int:
                def getDiv(num: int):
                    have, res = set(), 1
                    while num % K:
                        if num in have:
                            return -1
                        num = (num % K) * 10 + 1
                        res += 1
                    return res
                return getDiv(1)
      • LeetCode 461. 汉明距离

        计算两个对应的二进制不同的位数 布赖恩·克尼根算法 x & (x - 1)

        class Solution:
            def hammingDistance(self, x: int, y: int) -> int:
                xor = x ^ y
                res = 0
                while xor:
                    res += 1
                    xor = xor & (xor - 1)
                return res
      • LeetCode 793. 阶乘函数后 K 个零

        求阶乘后 K 位为 0 的 x 数量

        1. 如果*100 的倍数,则有一位不会有 x 满足,答案为 0,其他的都应该是 5
        2. x!=2^a5^b....
        3. a 远大于 b
        4. 所以我们只需去确认 5^b 的个数
        5. x! 末尾的零个数 = x // 5 + x // 5^2 + ... +
        class Solution:
            def preimageSizeFZF(self, K: int) -> int:
                def zeta(x):
                    return x // 5 + zeta(x // 5) if x > 0 else 0
                left, right = K, 10 * K + 1
                while left < right:
                    mid = (left + right) // 2
                    mid_v = zeta(mid)
                    if mid_v == K:
                        return 5
                    elif mid_v < K:
                        left = mid + 1
                        right = mid
                return 0
      • LeetCode 899. 有序队列

        每次可以从队列中选取前 K 个中的一个移动到队尾,不限制次数,求使得队列字典序最小的解.

        一开始想的是类似 402 记忆化搜索的方式,但是"bbbbcaaa" 这种情况则不会选择,实际上还是要考虑全局最优

        当 K>=2 时,则可以看做是冒泡排序

        class Solution:
            def orderlyQueue(self, S: str, K: int) -> str:
                if K == 1:
                    return min([S[ii:] + S[:ii] for ii in range(len(S))])
                return "".join(sorted(S))
      • LeetCode 1442. 形成两个异或相等数组的三元组数目

        求 a = arr[i] ^ arr[i + 1]^...^arr[j - 1] == b = arr[j] ^ arr[j + 1] ^ ... ^ arr[k] 的所有三元组个数

        正常来做 O(N^3)的复杂度

        但实际上 a == b <=> a^b=0=arr[i] ^ arr[i+1] ^ ... ^ arr[k] 这是一个与 j 无关的式子 => O(N^2)

        class Solution:
            def countTriplets(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(arr)
                A, pre = [arr[0]], arr[0]
                for ii in arr[1:]:
                    pre ^= ii
                res = 0
                for ii in range(N):
                    for kk in range(ii + 1, N):
                        a_i, a_k = A[ii - 1] if ii else 0, A[kk]
                        a_ik = a_k ^ a_i
                        if not a_ik:
                            res += kk - ii
                return res
      • LeetCode 260. 只出现一次的数字 III


        如果是只有一个单次数 直接 异或现在 相当于 a = x ^ y = arr[0] ^ arr1 ^ ... ^ arr[N - 1]

        那么我们还需要建立一个等式 或者 想办法把 x y 中的一个求出来

        那么我们记录 a 2 进制中的最后一个 1 的位置 => a & (-a)

        那么去判断 arr 里面的数字 如果该位为 1 则统计一次异或,就能求出 x

        class Solution:
            def singleNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
                N = len(nums)
                a = 0
                for ii in nums:
                    a ^= ii
                b = a & (-a)
                x = 0
                for ii in nums:
                    if ii & b:
                        x ^= ii
                return [x, a ^ x]
      • LeetCode 342. 4 的幂

        判断数字是否是 4 的幂

        2 进制 4 ^ n 中 1 都在偶数位 则和奇数位异或 == 0

        class Solution:
            def isPowerOfFour(self, num: int) -> bool:
                return num > 0 and num & (num - 1) == 0 and num & 0xaaaaaaaa == 0
      • LeetCode 861. 翻转矩阵后的得分


        贪心的看,如果第一位为 1,那么行翻转就没得意义.


        class Solution:
            def matrixScore(self, A: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                N, M = len(A), len(A[0])
                res = 0
                for jj in range(M):
                    num = 0
                    for ii in range(N):
                        num += A[ii][jj] ^ A[ii][0]
                    res += max(num, N - num) * 2 ** (M - jj - 1)
                return res
      • LeetCode 233. 数字 1 的个数

        求所有小于等于 n 的非负整数中数字出现的个数。

        对于第 k 位如果小于 < 1, 该位不会出现 1;$[1, 2)$, 出现 1 的个数是 $k - 10 ** k + 1$; $[2, 9]$, 出现 1 的个数 $10 ** k$

        \begin{equation}\left\lfloor\frac{n}{10^{k+1}}\right\rfloor \times 10^{k}+\min \left(\max \left(n \bmod 10^{k+1}-10^{k}+1,0\right), 10^{k}\right)\end{equation}

        class Solution:
            def countDigitOne(self, n: int) -> int:
                t, res = 1, 0
                while n >= t:
                    res += (n // (t * 10)) * t + min(max(n % (t * 10) - t + 1, 0), t)
                    t *= 10
                return res
    • 线段, 集合

      • LeetCode 1330. 翻转子数组得到最大的数组值

        求数组相差的绝对值最大值,可翻转数组[i, j]一次

        翻转数据 即 改变 Total + abs(nums[ii - 1] - nums[ii]) + abs(nums[jj] - nums[jj + 1])

        到 Total + abs(nums[ii - 1] - nums[jj]) + abs(nums[ii] - nums[jj + 1])



        class Solution:
            def maxValueAfterReverse(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(nums)
                pairs = [(min(ii, jj), max(ii, jj)) for ii, jj in zip(nums[:-1], nums[1:])]
                sum_list = [jj - ii for ii, jj in pairs]
                a = max([ii for ii, _ in pairs])
                b = min([jj for _, jj in pairs])
                res = 0
                for ii in range(1, N):
                    res = max(res, abs(nums[ii] - nums[0]) - abs(nums[ii - 1] - nums[ii]))
                    res = max(res, abs(nums[ii - 1] - nums[-1]) - abs(nums[ii] - nums[ii - 1]))
                return sum(sum_list) + max(2 * (a - b), res)
    • 平面几何

      • LeetCode 587. 安装栅栏


        1. 寻找最左端点
        2. 寻找点积为负的边
        3. 依次遍历
        from collections import Counter
        class Solution:
            def outerTrees(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
                def getLineDist(a: list, b: list, c: list):
                    return (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - b[0]) - (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - b[1])
                def isBetween(a: list, c: list, b: list):
                    aa = b[0] >= c[0] >= a[0] or b[0] <= c[0] <= a[0]
                    bb = b[1] >= c[1] >= a[1] or b[1] <= c[1] <= a[1]
                    return aa and bb
                res, N, times, left_most = set(), len(points), 0, 0
                if N <= 4:
                    return points
                for ii in range(N):
                    if points[ii][0] < points[left_most][0]:
                        left_most = ii
                p = left_most
                while (p != left_most or times == 0):
                    q = (p + 1) % N
                    for ii in range(N):
                        if ii in [p, q]:
                        if getLineDist(points[p], points[ii], points[q]) < 0:
                            q = ii
                    for ii in range(N):
                        if ii in [p, q]:
                        if getLineDist(points[p], points[ii], points[q]) == 0 and isBetween(points[p], points[ii], points[q]):
                            # print(points[p], points[ii], points[q])
                    p = q
                    times += 1
                return [list(ii) for ii in res]
      • LeetCode 789. 逃脱阻碍者

        模拟糖豆人游戏。 判断能否在对手前面达到终点, 中途碰见对手则失败

        简化问题,如果对手能在中途拦截,说明能在你之前到达某个 X(且 X 想必(0,0) 更靠近目标点)。



        class Solution:
            def escapeGhosts(self, ghosts: List[List[int]], target: List[int]) -> bool:
                def getDistance(x: list, y: list):
                    return abs(x[0] - y[0]) + abs(x[1] - y[1])
                our = getDistance([0, 0], target)
                for ii in ghosts:
                    tmp = getDistance(ii, target)
                    if tmp <= our:
                        return False
                return True
      • LeetCode 149. 直线上最多的点数


        两层循环,对 i 点,记录所有斜率和水平竖直线个数.

        class Solution {
            public int maxPoints(int[][] points) {
                int N = points.length;
                if (N <= 2){
                    return N;
                int res = 2;
                for (int ii = 0; ii < N; ++ii){
                    int x1 = points[ii][0], y1 = points[ii][1];
                    Map<String, Integer> tmp = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
                    int c_d = 0, h_l = 1;
                    for (int jj = ii + 1; jj < N; ++jj){
                        int x2 = points[jj][0], y2 = points[jj][1];
                        if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2){
                            c_d += 1;
                        } else if (y1 == y2){
                            h_l += 1;
                        } else{
                            int d = gcd(x1 - x2, y1 - y2);
                            int dx = (x1 - x2) / d, dy = (y1 - y2) / d;
                            String k = String.format("%d,%d", dx, dy);
                            tmp.put(k, tmp.getOrDefault(k, 1) + 1);
                    int now = 0;
                    for (int k: tmp.values()){
                        now = Math.max(now, k);
                    now = Math.max(now, h_l) + c_d;
                    res = Math.max(res, now);
                return res;
            public int gcd(int a, int b){
                if (b != 0){
                    return gcd(b, a % b);
                return a;
      • LeetCode 391. 完美矩形



        class Solution:
            def isRectangleCover(self, rectangles: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
                N = len(rectangles)
                points, S = set(), 0
                for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rectangles:
                    S += (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
                    for point in [(x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y1), (x2, y2)]:
                        if point in points:
                points = sorted(points)
                if not len(points):
                    return False
                x1, y1 = points[0]
                x2, y2 = points[-1]
                if len(points) != 4:
                    return False
                new_S = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
                if new_S != S:
                    return False
                return True
    • 函数, 递推关系式

      • LeetCode 1014. 最佳观光组合

        评分为 = A[i] + A[j] + i - j, (i < j)

        最简单的想法是两层循环,但当遍历到 j 位置时, A[j] - j 确定了,我们保存前 i 个位置最大的 A[i] + i 即可得到最优解.

        class Solution:
            def maxScoreSightseeingPair(self, A: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(A)
                mx, ans = A[0] + 0, 0
                for ii in range(1, N):
                    ans = max(ans, mx + A[ii] - ii)
                    mx = max(mx, A[ii] + ii)
                return ans
      • LeetCode 390. 消除游戏

        1,2,3,4,...,n 隔一个取数. 第二步,反向隔一个取数,求最后剩下的数.


        1. f(2k) = 2(k+1 - f(x))
        2. f(2k+1) = 2(k+1 - f(x))
        class Solution {
            public int lastRemaining(int n) {
                return n == 1 ? 1:2 * ((n >> 1) + 1 - lastRemaining(n >> 1));
      • LeetCode 60. 第 k 个排列

        按大小顺序计算第 k 大的排序


        class Solution:
            def getPermutation(self, n: int, k: int) -> str:
                dp = [1]
                for ii in range(1, n):
                    dp.append(dp[-1] * ii)
                k -= 1
                res, flag = [], [1] * (n + 1)
                for ii in range(1, n + 1):
                    order = k // dp[n - ii] + 1
                    for jj in range(1, n + 1):
                        order -= flag[jj]
                        if order == 0:
                            flag[jj] = 0
                    k %= dp[n - ii]
                return "".join(res)
      • LeetCode 891. 子序列宽度之和


        1. 对数组排序;
        2. $\sum(2^(j-i-1)(A_j-A_i))$


        => \begin{equation}\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}(2^i-2^{N-i-1})A_i\end{equation}

        class Solution:
            def sumSubseqWidths(self, A: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(A)
                A = sorted(A)
                MODS = 10 ** 9 + 7
                pow2, res = [1], 0
                for ii in range(1, N):
                    pow2.append(2 * pow2[-1] % MODS)
                for ii, jj in enumerate(A):
                    res = (res + (pow2[ii] - pow2[N - ii - 1]) * jj) % MODS
                return res
    • 组合

      • LeetCode 5502. 将子数组重新排序得到同一个二叉查找树的方案数

        统计能够顺次新建出相同 BST 的数组个数,取模 10**9+7

        构造相同 BST, 需要保证> nums[0]的 还按照相同顺序排列

        例如 < nums[0] 的 K1 个数字,先选位置 C_(N - 1)^(K1)


        class Solution:
            def numOfWays(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                def getC(a: int, b: int):
                    if 2 * b > a:
                        b = a - b
                    res = 1
                    for ii in range(a - b + 1, a + 1):
                        res *= ii
                    for ii in range(2, b + 1):
                        res //= ii
                    return res
                def dfs(left: int, right: int, nums: list):
                    if len(nums) <= 2:
                        return 1
                    t, res = nums[0], getC(right - left, nums[0] - left)
                    res *= dfs(left, t - 1, [ii for ii in nums if ii < t])
                    res *= dfs(t + 1, right, [ii for ii in nums if ii > t])
                    res %= (10 ** 9 + 7)
                    return res
                return dfs(1, len(nums), nums) - 1
      • LeetCode 5492. 分割字符串的方案数

        给定 01 组成的字符串,求平分 1 个数的三个子串的可能情况.

        1. 全 0,则变成组合问题, C(2, N - 1)
        2. 存在 1,则找到第一个满足 T3//3 T3//3 + 1 的 index, 然后拓展 index 到非 0 点
        3. 两个线段长度相乘
        class Solution:
            MODS = 10 ** 9 + 7
            def numWays(self, s: str) -> int:
                def getC(a, b):
                    res = 1
                    if b > a >> 1:
                        b = a - b
                    for ii in range(a, a - b, -1):
                        res *= ii
                    for ii in range(2, b + 1):
                        res /= ii
                    return int(res) % self.MODS
                N = len(s)
                T3 = len([1 for ii in s if ii == "1"])
                if T3 % 3:
                    return 0
                if not T3:
                    return getC(N - 1, 2)
                b, e, num, idx = [], [], 0, 0
                while idx < N and num != (T3 // 3):
                    num += s[idx] == "1"
                    idx += 1
                b.append(idx - 1)
                while idx < N and s[idx] == "0":
                    idx += 1
                while idx < N and num != (T3 // 3) * 2:
                    num += s[idx] == "1"
                    idx += 1
                b.append(idx - 1)
                while idx < N and s[idx] == "0":
                    idx += 1
                res = 1
                for ii, jj in zip(b, e):
                    res *= jj - ii
                return res % self.MODS
      • LeetCode 1079. 活字印刷

        求字体排序的可能情况, 单个字块仅可使用一次.

        dfs + 组合数 为了避免重复计算,记录上一轮使用的字块个数.

        from collections import Counter
        class Solution:
            def numTilePossibilities(self, tiles: str) -> int:
                def getC(a, b):
                    ans = 1
                    if b > a // 2:
                        b = a - b
                    for ii in range(a, a - b, -1):
                        ans *= ii
                    for ii in range(2, b + 1):
                        ans /= ii
                    return int(ans)
                def dfs(idx: int, last_num:int, now: dict):
                    total = sum(now.values())
                    if total and last_num:
                        ans = 1
                        for ii in now.values():
                            ans *= getC(total, ii)
                            total -= ii
                        self.res += ans
                        ans = 0
                    if idx > N - 1:
                    for jj in range(c_y[idx] + 1):
                        if jj:
                            now[c_x[idx]] = jj
                        dfs(idx + 1, jj, now)
                        if jj:
                            del now[c_x[idx]]
                c = Counter(tiles)
                c_x = list(c.keys())
                c_y = list(c.values())
                N = len(c_x)
                self.res = 0
                dfs(0, 0, {})
                return self.res
        LeetCode 5204. 统计为蚁群构筑房间的不同顺序


        \begin{equation}f[i] = \left( \prod_{\textit{ch}} f[\textit{ch}] \right) \times \frac{(\textit{cnt}[i] - 1)!}{\prod_{\textit{ch}} \textit{cnt}[\textit{ch}]!}\end{equation}


        class Solution:
            MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
            def waysToBuildRooms(self, prevRoom: List[int]) -> int:
                N = len(prevRoom)
                # fac[i] 表示 i!
                # inv[i] 表示 i! 的乘法逆元
                F, iF = [0] * N, [0] * N
                F[0] = iF[0] = 1
                for i in range(1, N):
                    F[i] = F[i - 1] * i % self.MOD
                    # 使用费马小定理计算乘法逆元
                    iF[i] = pow(F[i], self.MOD - 2, self.MOD)
                # 构造树
                edges = defaultdict(list)
                for i in range(1, N):
                f, cnt = [0] * N, [0] * N
                def dfs(u: int) -> None:
                    f[u] = 1
                    for v in edges[u]:
                        # 乘以左侧的 f[ch] 以及右侧分母中 cnt[ch] 的乘法逆元
                        f[u] = f[u] * f[v] * iF[cnt[v]] % self.MOD
                        cnt[u] += cnt[v]
                    # 乘以右侧分子中的 (cnt[i] - 1)!
                    f[u] = f[u] * F[cnt[u]] % self.MOD
                    cnt[u] += 1
                return f[0]
      • 三色问题

        • LeetCode 5507. 替换所有的问号


          仅仅是枚举一种情况还是很简单的,依次遍历 a-z,检查周围

          class Solution:
              def modifyString(self, s: str) -> str:
                  res = ""
                  idx, N = 0, len(s)
                  while idx < N:
                      if s[idx] != "?":
                          res += s[idx]
                          idx += 1
                      tmp = 0
                      while tmp < 26 and ((idx != 0 and res[idx - 1] == chr(tmp + 97)) or (idx != N - 1 and s[idx + 1]) == chr(tmp + 97)):
                          tmp += 1
                      res += chr(tmp + 97)
                      idx += 1
                  return res
        • LeetCode 5811. 用三种不同颜色为网格涂色

          求 M*N 矩阵的三色问题情况数,取 10**9+7 的余数

          注意到$M\in [1,5]$

          1. 枚举列的可能情况
          2. 判断每种列情况的下一个可能情况
          class Solution:
              MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
              def colorTheGrid(self, m: int, n: int) -> int:
                  base, wait = [], [0, 1, 2]
                  def dfs(now):
                      if len(now) == m:
                      for ii in wait:
                          if not now or ii != now[-1]:
                              dfs(now + [ii])
                  N = len(base)
                  dp = [[0] * N for _ in range(n)]
                  dp[0] = [1] * N
                  can = defaultdict(list)
                  for ii in range(N):
                      for jj in range(N):
                          flag = True
                          for kk in range(m):
                              if base[ii][kk] == base[jj][kk]:
                                  flag = False
                          if flag:
                  for ii in range(1, n):
                      for jj in range(N):
                          for kk in can[jj]:
                              dp[ii][jj] += dp[ii - 1][kk]
                              dp[ii][jj] %= self.MOD
                  return sum(dp[-1]) % self.MOD
  7. 空间 O(1)

    • 投票法

      • LeetCode 面试题 17.10. 主要元素

        O(N), 空间 O(1)下找出超过半数的数字

        维护两个变量,候选值,候选值次数(如相同+1,不相同-1) 当次数=0 是更新候选值

        class Solution:
            def majorityElement(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
                c, num = -1, 0
                for ii in nums:
                    if num == 0:
                        c = ii
                    if c == ii:
                        num += 1
                        num -= 1
                num = len([1 for ii in nums if ii == c])
                return c if num > len(nums) / 2 else -1
  8. 指针

    • 快慢指针

      • LeetCode 19. 删除链表的倒数第 N 个节点
        1. fast 指针先走 n 步;
        2. fast, slow 指针一起走,直到队尾;
        class Solution {
            public ListNode removeNthFromEnd(ListNode head, int n) {
                ListNode fast = head, slow = head;
                ListNode res;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                    fast = fast.next;
                while (fast != null && fast.next != null) {
                    fast = fast.next;
                    slow = slow.next;
                if (fast == null) {
                    res = head.next;
                } else {
                    res = head;
                    slow.next = slow.next.next;
                return res;
      • LeetCode 287. 寻找重复数

        对 nums[] 数组建图,每个位置 i 连 -> nums[i]. 因为存在重复的数字,因此 target 存在两条边,一定存在环

        class Solution {
            public int findDuplicate(int[] nums) {
                int slow = 0, fast = 0;
                do {
                    slow = nums[slow];
                    fast = nums[nums[fast]];
                } while (slow != fast);
                slow = 0;
                while (slow != fast) {
                    slow = nums[slow];
                    fast = nums[fast];
                return slow;
    • 双指针

      • 两数之和

        • LeetCode 167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

          因为只有一组情况满足 nums[left] + nums[right] == target 双指针将遍历复杂度从 O(n^2) 降低到 O(n). 左指针->0, 右指针->N-1. sum > target, right--; sum < target, left++;

          public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
              int left = 0, right = nums.length - 1;
              while (left < right) {
                  int sum = nums[left] + nums[right];
                  if (sum == target) {
                      return new int[]{left + 1, right + 1};
                  } else if (sum < target) {
                  } else if (sum > target) {
              return new int[]{-1, -1};
      • 滑动窗口

        • LeetCode 3. 无重复字符的最长子串

          给定一个字符串,请你找出其中不含有重复字符的 最长子串 的长度。

          通过 hashSet 去统计该字符有没有存在过。 left 移动的时候,清理 hashSet 中的 left 所指向的内容。

          public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {
              int N = s.length();
              if (N == 0) {
                  return 0;
              int result = 0;
              int left = 0;     // 左指针初始位置
              int right = 0;    // 右指针初始位置
              HashSet<Character> subset = new HashSet<>();
              subset.add(s.charAt(0)); // 先把第0个字符放入Set
              while (left < N) {
                  // 先判断长度,再判断是否包含字符,避免越界
                  // right初始位置是0,0号字符已被加入集合,从下一个字符开始计算
                  while (right + 1 < N && ! subset.contains(s.charAt(right + 1)) ) {
                      subset.add(s.charAt(right + 1));
                  result = Math.max(result, right - left + 1);
                  if (right + 1 == N) { // 右指针移动到最后,可以终止计算,不需要再循环
              return result;

          有序数组, 右指针先走,左指针不动,先找到第一个满足 nums[left] + nums[right] >= target 的 right, 然后移动 left 直到 nums[left] + nums[right] <= target 通过依次、交替移动左右指针,每次移动是在上一次遍历结果之上,来减少一些不必要的遍历。

        • LeetCode 76. 最小覆盖子串

          给你一个字符串 S、一个字符串 T 。请你设计一种算法,可以在 O(n) 的时间复杂度内,从字符串 S 里面找出:包含 T 所有字符的最小子串。

          和 3 思路比较类似,

          1. left right 从 0 开始;
          2. 用 HashMap 统计 left -> right 之间字符出现情况, 并与 T 出现的字符进行对比,移动 right 直到能够包含所有 T 中出现的字符;
          3. 移动左指针,并更新 HashMap 直到不包含所有 T 中的字符;
          4. 重复直到 right > N

          下面是你上次写的代码,用的也是相同的**. 只不过不用 HashMap 而是使用 ASCII 码来解决,数组里面的数字表示该 ASCII 码对应的字符需要多少个数。

          class Solution {
              public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
                  int left=0;
                  int right=0;
                  int count=0;//子串中目标字符的总数,最高等于t长度,多了结果不对
                  int minlen=s.length()+1;//最小长度
                  int minright=0;//最小长度时的位置
                  int[] need = new int[128];//需要哪些字符,按照ascii码,
                  int[] have = new int[128];//已经有了哪些
                  for(int i=0;i<t.length();i++){
                  //结构上比较容易错:右边if 左边while
                      System.out.println(left + " " + right + " " + count);
                          if (right >= s.length()){
                      if (count==t.length()){
                          System.out.println(left + " " + right);
                          // System.out.print(right);
                          // System.out.print(" ");
                  if( minlen>s.length()) return "";
                      return s.substring(minright-minlen,minright);
        • LeetCode 1234. 替换子串得到平衡字符串
          1. 统计超出 N // 4 个数的字符情况;
          2. 再对判断包含改字符分布的最大区间; -> 双指针
          class Solution {
              public int balancedString(String s) {
                  if(s==null || s.length()<=0) return -1;
                  int N=s.length();
                  int[] need=new int[26];
                  Arrays.fill(need, -N/4);
                  int[] cur=new int[26];
                  for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
                  int needCount=0;
                  for(int i=0;i<need.length;i++){
                      if(need[i]>0) needCount++;
                  if(needCount==0) return 0;
                  int res=N;
                  int left=0,right=0;
                  int matchCount=0;
                      char c=s.charAt(right);
                      while(left<=right && matchCount==needCount){
                          char cl=s.charAt(left);
                  return res;
        • LeetCode 5493. 删除最短的子数组使剩余数组有序

          给定一个数组,求删除某个连续的子数组(1 个)之后能让剩下的数组有序递增的最短长度.

          这边用双指针+遍历 来做


          1. 两端保留,删除中间;
          2. 一端保留,一端删除;

          对于 Case1, 直接求得两端最长上升数组(left, right),然后双指针, 依次寻找 nums[l] <= nums[r]的点,从而计算最小删除长度(r - l - 1); 对于 Case2, 直接求两端最长上升数组即可(可复用 Case1)

          class Solution:
              def findLengthOfShortestSubarray(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
                  N = len(arr)
                  left, right = 0, N - 1
                  while left + 1 < N and arr[left + 1] >= arr[left]:
                      left += 1
                  while right - 1 >= 0 and arr[right - 1] <= arr[right]:
                      right -= 1
                  res = min(N - 1, N - left - 1, right)
                  l, r = left, right
                  if arr[l] <= arr[r]:
                      return max(r - l - 1, 0)
                  while r < N and arr[r] < arr[l]:
                      r += 1
                  while l >= 0 and r >= right:
                      while r - 1 >= right and arr[l] <= arr[r - 1]:
                          r -= 1
                      res = min(res, max(r - l - 1, 0))
                      l -= 1
                  return res
        • LeetCode 1498. 满足条件的子序列数目

          给定一个无序数组,求满足最小+最大值 <= target 的所有子序列个数

          因为是子序列,而且只关心最大最小值,那么和顺序无关 => 可提前排序

          v_min <= v_max <= target - v_min => v_min <= target / 2

          当固定 v_min 的时候可以找到确定的 v_max 上界 => 双指针

          那么 在 v_min - v_max 之间的可能组合数 = 2 ** (j - i) 选/不选

          class Solution:
              MODS = 10 ** 9 + 7
              def numSubseq(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
                  N = len(nums)
                  cal_map = [1]
                  for ii in range(1, N):
                      cal_map.append(cal_map[-1] * 2 % self.MODS)
                  left, right, res = 0, N - 1, 0
                  while left < N:
                      if nums[left] * 2 > target:
                      while right - 1 >= left and nums[left] > target - nums[right]:
                          right -= 1
                      res += cal_map[right - left]
                      # print(left, right, cal_map[right - left], nums[left])
                      left += 1
                  return res % self.MODS
        • LeetCode 2024. 考试的最大困扰度

          一个由 T 和 F 组成的字符串,现在可以替换其中 k 个字符,求能使唯一字符的子串长度最长的长度

          class Solution:
              def maxConsecutiveAnswers(self, answerKey: str, k: int) -> int:
                  def check(s, flag):
                      left, lsum, rsum = 0, 0, 0
                      res = 0
                      for ii in range(N):
                          rsum += int(s[ii] == flag)
                          while rsum - lsum > k:
                              lsum += int(s[left] == flag)
                              left += 1
                          res = max(res, ii - left + 1)
                      return res
                  N = len(answerKey)
                  return max(check(answerKey, "T"), check(answerKey, "F"))
    • 前缀和

      • LeetCode 2025. 分割数组的最多方案数

        给定一个数组,你可以把任意一个元素改为 k,使得和等分的分配方式最多

        当不替换元素的时候,情况数为前缀和数组中等于最后一个数//2 的结果

        而替换一个元素 i,前缀和数组[i+1:] 相同的增加 X=(k-nums[i])

        考虑到可以等分的元素 j 满足 s[-1] - s[j] == s[-1] // 2 更改 k 不改变之后的元素与 s[-1]的相对距离

        从后向前,逐渐减小前缀和数组,并维护一个相对距离次数 dict

        class Solution:
            def waysToPartition(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
                s = [0]
                for ii in nums:
                    s.append(s[-1] + ii)
                c, cc = Counter(s[1:-1]), defaultdict(int)
                res = c[s[-1] // 2] if s[-1] % 2 == 0 else 0
                # c[s[-1]] += 1
                # print(res)
                for ii in range(len(nums) - 1, -1, -1):
                    if ii != len(nums) - 1:
                        c[s[ii + 1]] -= 1
                    if ii != len(nums) - 1:
                        cc[s[-1] - s[ii + 1]] += 1
                    end = s[-1] + k - nums[ii]
                    # print(end)
                    if end % 2 == 0:
                        tmp = c[end // 2] + cc[end // 2]
                        # print(s[ii], c[end // 2] + cc[end // 2], tmp)
                        if tmp > res:
                            res = tmp
                return res
  9. 数据结构

    • LeetCode 710. 黑名单中的随机数


      1. 最简单的想法直接记录白名单,空间太大.
      2. 产生随机数 k=N - len(b), 然后二分查找白名单中第 k 个数字.
      3. 建立映射
      class Solution:
          def __init__(self, N: int, blacklist: List[int]):
              write_len = N - len(blacklist)
              self.write_len = write_len
              w = set([ii for ii in range(write_len, N)])
              for ii in blacklist:
                  if ii >= write_len:
              w = list(w)
              idx = 0
              self.write_map = {}
              for ii in blacklist:
                  if ii < write_len:
                      self.write_map[ii] = w[idx]
                      idx += 1
          def pick(self) -> int:
              k = random.randint(0, self.write_len - 1)
              return self.write_map.get(k, k)
  10. 匹配问题

    • 匈牙利算法

      • LeetCode 5825. 最大兼容性评分和

        M 个老师,M 个学生分别对 N 门课进行打分,定义打分相兼容性评分,同个数为求老师和学生最大兼容性评分的匹配

        先构建 Match 矩阵,然后用 linear_sum_assignment 实现匈牙利算法

        (需要注意 linear_sum_assignment 为最小匹配

        from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
        class Solution:
            def maxCompatibilitySum(self, students: List[List[int]], mentors: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                N, M = len(students[0]), len(students)
                match = [[0] * M for _ in range(M)]
                for ii, student in enumerate(students):
                    for jj, teahcher in enumerate(mentors):
                        score = 0
                        for k, v in zip(student, teahcher):
                            if k == v:
                                score += 1
                        match[ii][jj] = score
                r, c = linear_sum_assignment([[N - match[ii][jj] for jj in range(M)] for ii in range(M)])
                return sum([match[ii][jj] for ii, jj in zip(r, c)])

Pat A


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