
Primary LanguageHaskell

Weekly Assignments 2

To be submitted: _____

Note that some tasks may deliberately ask you to look at concepts or libraries that we have not yet discussed in detail. But if you are in doubt about the scope of a task, by all means, ask.

Please try to write high-quality code at all times! This means in particular that you should add comments to all parts that are not immediately obvious.

W2.1 Roulette

In the casino game roulette, there are 37 pockets numbered from 0 to 36. Half of the numbers from 1 to 36 are red, the other half is black. The number 0 is special.

We can model possible colors with the following simple Haskell datatype:

data Color = Zero | Red | Black
   deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord,

Subtask W2.1.1

Implement a function

roulette :: IO Color

which simulates one random throw at the roulette table and returns colors with the correct probabilities.

Subtask W2.1.2

Implement a function

histogram :: Int -> IO (Map Color Int)

which gets a number of roulette rolls as argument, simulates that many rolls and returns a Map Color Int which contains the count of each observed outcome. Outcomes that did never happen should not occur in the result.

So for example, for one execution of histogram 5, the simulated outcomes could be Red, Zero, Red, Black, Black, in which case the result of that execution would be

fromList [(Zero,1),(Red,2),(Black,2)]

Subtask W2.1.3

In roulette, When you bet one dollar on red or black and win, you get back your one dollar and win an additional dollar. When you lose, your one dollar is gone.

Consider a player who has a certain number of dollars when she sits down at the roulette table, and in each round, she bets one dollar on red. She keeps playing until she runs out of money. (Note that in theory, she could play forever, but this would be astronomically unlikely. Sooner or later, she will run out of money.)

Implement a function

gamblersRuin :: Int -> IO Int

that simulates this player. It gets the original number of dollars as its single argument and returns the number of steps it took to run out of money.

W2.2 Dining Philosophers

The Dining philosophers problem is a classic problem to demonstrate synchronization issues in concurrent programming and ways to resolve those problems.


By Benjamin D. Esham / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

n philosophers sit aroung a table, between each of them lies a fork. We label philosophers and forks by the numbers from 1 to n (counterclockwise), such that fork #1 is the fork between philosophers #1 and #2, fork #2 is the fork between philosophers #2 and #3 and so on.

The philosophers are hungry from their discussions and want to eat. In order to eat, a philosopher has to pick up the fork to his left and the fork to his right. Once he has both forks, he eats, then puts the forks down again, then immediately becomes hungry again and again wants to eat.

We model each philosopher as its own concurrent Haskell thread. For each of the subtasks, log some output to the screen, so that you can observe which philosopher is holding which fork and which philosopher is eating. You may need to come up with a way to ensure that the log output is not garbled, even though all philosopher threads try to log concurrently.

Provide one executable for each subtask, where n can be provided as a command line argument. Keep the executables as small as possible and implement most code in the library.

Try to share as much code as possible between subtasks!

Subtask W2.2.1

First we want to demonstrate the danger of deadlock. Use an MVar () for each fork, where an empty MVar means that the fork has been picked up. Implement the philosophers by having them always pick the left fork first, then the right fork.

Observe that very soon, there will be deadlock.

Subtask W2.2.2

One classic strategy for deadlock avoidance is to impose a global order on the order in which locks are taken. Change your deadlock-prone program from above in such a way that now, each philosopher first tries to pick up the fork with the lower number, then the fork with the higher number.

Observe that the deadlock problem is fixed and that the philosophers can all eat.

Subtask W2.2.3

Finally, we want to see how using STM avoids the deadlock problem without the need for any global order of locks: Represent forks as TVar Bool's, where value False means that the fork is on the table, True means it has been picked up. Have the philosophers try to pick up the left fork first, then the right one.

Observe that again, we have no deadlock.

W2.3 Unsafe IO

In this task, we're going to show that unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a is not just a function that can lead to unpredictable results, but it can in fact be really dangerous and lead to crashes such as segmentation faults.

For this, we're going to combine unsafePerformIO with mutable references, so you will need the following modules:

import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

Subtask W2.3.1

Just to practice working with IORefs, write a function

relabelTree :: Tree a -> IO (Tree (a, Int))


data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)

that assigns unique integer labels from left to right to all of the leaves, starting from 1. This time, we do not want to use the State type, but simply make use of an IORef Int to hold the counter.

In this part, you should not use unsafePerformIO.

Subtask W2.3.2

Use unsafePerformIO to define a value of type

anything :: IORef a

Can you see why the presence of such a value is dangerous?

Subtask W2.3.3

Use unsafePerformIO and anything to define a function

cast :: a -> b

that abandons all type safety. Play with cast a bit and see what happens if you cast various types into each other. Can you find cases where this actually works? And why? Can you also find cases where this reliably crashes?

W2.4 Transactions

In most cryptocurrencies, transactions map a number of inputs to a number of outputs, roughly as follows:

data Transaction =
    { tId      :: Id
    , tInputs  :: [Input]
    , tOutputs :: [Output]
  deriving (Show)

type Id = Int

The Id is simply a unique identifier for the transaction.

The idea is that all the inputs are completely consumed, and the money contained therein is redistributed to the outputs.

An Output is a value indicating an amount of currency, and an address of a recipient. We use String to model addresses, and keep values all as integers.

data Output =
    { oValue   :: Int
    , oAddress :: Address
  deriving (Show)

type Address = String

An Input must actually refer to a previous output, by providing an Id of a transaction and a valid index into the list of outputs of that transaction.

data Input =
    { iPrevious :: Id
    , iIndex    :: Index
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type Index = Int

In processing transactions, we keep track of "unspent transaction outputs" (UTxOs) which is a map indicating which outputs can still be used as inputs:

type UTxOs = Map Input Output

The outputs contained in this map are exactly the unspent outputs. In order to refer to an Output, we need its transaction id and its index, therefore the keys in this map are of type Input.

Subtask W2.4.1

A transaction is called valid if all its inputs refer to unspent transaction outputs, and if the sum of the values of its outputs is smaller than or equal to the sum of the values of its inputs. (In real cryptocurrencies, the amount by which it is smaller is usually considered to be the transaction fee and not lost, but reassigned to the block creator in a special transaction. But in our small example, that money simply disappears.)

In the light of this, implement a function

processTransaction :: Transaction -> UTxOs -> Either String UTxOs

that checks if a transaction is valid and at the same time updates the UTxOs by removing the ones that are used by the transaction and adding the ones that are newly created by the transaction. If the transaction is invalid, an error message should be produced.

Then, write a function

processTransactions :: [Transaction] -> UTxOs -> Either String UTxOs

that processes many transactions in sequence and aborts if there is an error.

Subtask W2.4.2

Construct example transactions tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4 and tx5 and an initial state of unspent transaction outputs genesis (that determines the initial money distribution, because we have no way to create money here), and verify that processTransaction and processTransactions behave as intended.

Subtask W2.4.3

For the previous subtask, you will have to write several functions of the type

UTxOs -> Either String (a, UTxOs)

This looks like a combination of the State type with Either.

Let's define

newtype ErrorState s a =
    ErrorState {runErrorState :: s -> Either String (a, s)}

Define a Monad instance (and the implied Functor and Applicative instances) that combines the ideas of the monad instances for Either and State, i.e., it aborts as soon as an error occurs (with an error message), and it threads the state through the computation.

Also define the functions:

throwError :: String -> ErrorState s a
get :: ErrorState s s
put :: s -> ErrorState s ()

in similar ways as we had done for the individual monads.

Subtask W2.4.4

Rewrite processTransactions and all the helper functions to use the ErrorState type.