
Inhouse developed ruby gem for the TICKeos B2B API :gem:

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


CI for tickeos_b2b

Ruby bindings for the TICKeosB2B API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tickeos_b2b'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install tickeos_b2b


First create a new instance of the TickeosB2b::Client class. The following method parameters are needed for the authentication:


tickeos = TickeosB2b::Client.new(url, username, password)

Then use one of the following methods to interact with the TICKeos B2B API:


The product_list method returns a list of all available tickets with their name and reference_id.

No parameters are needed.




The product_data method returns more details about a requested ticket.

Needed parameters:

  • ref_id (Ticket reference ID)


ref_id = 'example-ticket'



The purchase method is used to purchase a selected product. In case of a successful purchase, the response contains the order number (server_ordering_serial) and the serial product number (server_order_product_serial) as well as necessary data of the purchased product. In case of an error, the error codes and detailed error messages can be found in the response.

Needed parameters:

  • pre_check
  • go
  • **options
Description pre_check go
Validation before an order 1 0
Validation after an order 0 0
Validation and generation of an order 0 1
options = {
  :serial_ordering,  # Unique ordering id
  :first_name,       # First name
  :last_name,        # Last name
  :ref_id,           # Ticket reference id
  :quantity,         # Number of tickets
  :serial_product,   # Ticket id
  :date_to_validate, # Validation date (time can also be passed, but it must have a CET/CEST timezone attached to it)
  :location_id,      # Location id (for communication with HAFAS)
  :sub_ref_id,       # Subproduct reference id
  :transaction_id,   # Payment transaction id
  :payed_amount      # Payed amount


pre_check = '0' # default
go        = '1' # default

options = {
  ref_id:           'Ganztagesticket',
  first_name:       'Json',
  last_name:        'Statham',
  serial_ordering:  'unique_id_123',
  serial_product:   '123',
  date_to_validate: ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Berlin'].now,
  sub_ref_id:       'AB',
  transaction_id:   '2L1JHBFT49TC1',
  quantity:         '1',
  payed_amount:     '7.66'

tickeos.purchase(pre_check, go, options)


The order method retrieves the purchased ticket from the TICKeosB2B API. To retrieve a ticket a server_ordering_serial and server_order_product_serial parameter is needed. Both parameters are returned after a successful purchase.

Needed parameters:

  • server_ordering_serial (order number on eos.uptrade server)
  • server_order_product_serial (product serial number (ticket ID) on eos.uptrade server)


server_ordering_serial      = '42'
server_order_product_serial = '0815'

tickeos.order(server_ordering_serial, server_order_product_serial)


To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup or bundle to install all dependencies. Then, run rake spec or rake to run the tests. To use an interactive prompt that allows some manual testing of the gem, simply run bin/console and you're good to go.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/dbdrive/tickeos_b2b.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.