
Hamiltonian Circuit solution with Genetic algorithm

Primary LanguageJava

GA Hamiltonian Circuit

Hamiltonian Circuit solution with Genetic algorithm

Getting Started

Clone this repository and run, easy :)


Java Development Kit


Usage: java Main <parameters>

Possible parameters:
    | --help:       Print this :)
    | -r,--random:  Randomize city position
    | --infinite:   Loops until you press Ctrl+C
    | -p [30-1000]: Set the max population              Default:60
    | -t [n]:       Set wait time (milliseconds)        Default:100
    | -n [n]:       Set cities number                   Default:17
    | -i [n]:       Set the max iterations              Default:1000
    | -c [0-100]:   Set the crossover probability       Default:60%
    | -m [0-100]:   Set the mutation probability        Default:20%