Harmonium is a free music player for the TiVo DVR. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. See the COPYING file for the specifics of that license. The newest version of Harmonium can always be found on Harmonium's Google Code project page: <http://code.google.com/p/harmonium/>. The original Harmonium developer is Charles Perry. You can contact him through the original Harmonium project Web page, <http://software.dazeend.org/harmonium/>, or by email at harmonium@dazeend.org. The current Harmonium maintainer is Ian Olsen. You can contact him through Harmonium's project page at Google Code, <http://code.google.com/p/harmonium/>, or by email at ian.olsen@gmail.com. In order to compile the Harmonium source code, you will need a number of additional open source libraries, all of which are available from the Harmonium Google Code project Web page. Library Description Version License Project Web Page ------- ----------- ------- ------- ---------------- bananas.jar TiVo Bananas UI Toolkit 1.3 CPL http://tivohme.sourceforge.net/ hme-hd-0.4.1.jar TiVo HME HD Library 0.4.1 LGPL http://hmehd.sourceforge.net/ opencsv-1.8.jar CSV parser 1.8 Apache http://opencsv.sourceforge.net/ commons-logging-1.1.1.jar Apache Commons Logging 1.1.1 Apache http://commons.apache.org/logging/ jmdns-1.0.jar Mulit-cast DNS, Zeroconf 1.0 LGPL http://jmdns.sourceforge.net/ Additionally, the Harmonium source includes modified versions of code taken from the following projects. (You don't need to download these to build Harmonium, they're simply listed here to give due credit.) Library Description Version License Project Web Page ------- ----------- ------- ------- ---------------- hme.jar TiVo HME SDK 1.4 CPL http://tivohme.sourceforge.net/ hme-host-sample.jar TiVo HME SDK 1.4 CPL http://tivohme.sourceforge.net/ JID3.jar Java ID3 Class Library 0.46 LGPL http://jid3.blinkenlights.org/ The user archives for Linux and Windows use the Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition (http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/doc/english/download.jsp).