
Command line script for scraping the hackernews website for posts

Primary LanguageHTML


To build and run container.

From within the root directory, execute the following commands

docker build -t hackernews:latest .
docker run --name hackernews -d hackernews
To run/test the application
  1. ssh into the container.docker exec -it hackernews bash
  2. To run tests, from within the /Hackernews directory execute commad python -m unittest test_hackernews.py -v
  3. To run the application, from anywhere in the container, execute command hackernews --posts n where n is an integer in the range 0-100.
  4. To display help message, execute hackernews --help
Libraries used and why.

These are the main libraries used. Some of them have dependencies which can be seen in requirements.txt

  1. beautifulsoup4: For parsing/extracting content from html.
  2. requests: For making HTTP requests
  3. rfc3986: For validating URI's
  4. json: For parsing python dictionaires/lists into JSON and vice-versa
  5. argparse: For handling user input through the command line and displaying usage information.
  6. logging: For displaying log messages during run time