
JDBC sync from iomete. This library provides easily replicate tables from JDBC databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) to iomete

Primary LanguagePython

iomete: JDBC Sync

This library provides easily replicate tables from JDBC databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) to iomete

Note: It requires you have SSH Tunnel between iomete if your database in a private network (see: https://docs.iomete.com/docs/database-connection-options)

Sync mode

You can define sync mode for each table. Currently, supported sync modes are:

  • FullLoad: Read everything in the source and overwrites whole table at the destination at each sync
  • IncrementalSnapshot: It creates the snapshot of table in the destination and only move the newly inserted and updated records. While writing to iomete it uses merge statement. This mode requires 2 parameters: identification_column will be used on merge statement, and tracking_column to track the where it should continue to get data from the source table


  • Go to Spark Jobs.
  • Click on Create New.

Specify the following parameters (these are examples, you can change them based on your preference):

  • Name: jdbc-sync-job
  • Schedule: 0 0/22 1/1 * *
  • Docker Image: iomete/iomete_jdbc_sync:0.3.0
  • Main application file: local:///app/driver.py
  • Environment Variables: DB_PASSWORD: 9tVDVEKp
  • Config file:
    source_connection: {
        type: mysql,
        host: "iomete-tutorial.cetmtjnompsh.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com",
        port: 3306,
        username: tutorial_user,
        password: "9tVDVEKp"
    syncs: [
            source.schema: employees
            source.tables: ["*"]
            source.exclude_tables: [departments, dept_manager, salaries]
            destination.schema: employees_raw
            sync_mode.type: full_load
            source.schema: employees
            source.tables: [ departments, dept_manager ]
            destination.schema: employees_raw
            sync_mode.type: full_load
            source.schema: employees
            source.tables: [
                (SELECT emp_no, sum(salary) total_salary FROM salaries group by emp_no)
                as total_salaries
            destination.schema: employees_raw
            sync_mode.type: full_load

Configuration properties

Property Description

Required properties to connect source.

  • type your database type like Mysql, Postgres, etc.
  • host your database host. Example: iomete-tutorial.cetmtjnompsh.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com
  • port port number. Example: 3306
  • username database username
  • password database password

Database where your tables stored.


List of tables which you want to replicate. If you want to move all tables set ["*"]


List of tables which you do not want to replicate.


Database name where you want to store tables in your warehouse.

type full_load overwrites whole table at the destination at each sync or incremental_snapshot only move the newly inserted and updated records.
  • full_load
  • incremental_snapshot
    • identification_column
    • tracking_column

Create Spark Job Create Spark Job.png

Create Spark Job - Instance

You can use Environment Variables to store your sensitive data like password, secrets, etc. Then you can use these variables in your config file using the ${DB_PASSWORD} syntax.

Create Spark Job.png

Create Spark Job - Application Config Create Spark Job - Application Config.png

And, hit the create button.

The job will be run based on the defined schedule. But, you can trigger the job manually by clicking on the Run button.

Manual Run


Prepare the dev environment

virtualenv .env #or python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate

pip install -e ."[dev]"

Run test
