
Create a first level heading for the whole exercise Listmania.

Part 1 - Ordered Lists

  • Create an h2 element with the contents Driving Instructions
  • Underneath, wrap the instructions in the included .txt file in an ordered list
  • Wrap each individual instruction in an li tag

Part 2 - Unordered Lists

  • In an unordered list, create a shopping list with at least five items
  • Change the list-style-type to circle
  • Make two of the items links that take the user to an image of the chosen item
  • The links should open in a new tab

Part 3 - Easy Carrot Cake

  • The top of the section should have an h2 tag with the title Easy Carrot Cake
  • Next should come an h3 tag with the title Ingredients. The ingredients in the .txt file should should come after in an unordered list
  • Another h3 should come after with the title Steps
  • Underneath steps, include the steps from the .txt file in an ordered list
  • Change the list-style-type to whatever you like


  • Use comments in your markup to specify the specific lists
  • Use a class or id as needed