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Always Balanced is a React and Redux Application, with a Rails backend which allows users to create a personalised schedule with the aim of helping them to better balance their work and home life. Always Balanced was created by Iona Brabender for her Mod 5 Project as part of Flatiron School's immersive Software Engineering Program.

To see the full demo, click here.


Please find the repositories here: and

To run Always Balanced, first clone both the front and back end repositories into a single directory.

cd into the always-balanced-frontend directory and run the following commands in your terminal:

bundle install          # to track and install the exact versions of ruby gems needed for Always Balanced
rails db:migrate        # to run table migrations
rails db:seed           # to seed your database
rails server            # to start up your rails server

You should now cd into the always-balanced-frontend directory and run the following command in your terminal:

To see the live demo, click here.

To see the full demo, click here.


Please find the repositories here: and

To run Always Balanced, first clone both the front and back end repositories into a single directory.

cd into the always-balanced-backend directory and run the following commands in your terminal:

bundle install          # to track and install the exact versions of ruby gems needed for Always Balanced
rails db:create         # to create PostgreSQL database
rails db:migrate        # to run table migrations
rails db:seed           # to seed your database
rails server            # to start up your rails server

You should now cd into the always-balanced-frontend directory and run the following commands in your terminal:

npm install             # to download the necessary React packages and dependencies
npm start               # to open the app in your browser

Using Always Balanced

Sign Up or Log In

  • Visit the Always Balanced homepage to get started.
  • If this is your first time using the app, you'll need to create a profile.
    • Select the sign up option.
    • You'll be asked to choose the time you'd like to start work, how many hours you want to work per day, and what types of activities you like to do to relax.
    • This information is used to allow you to create a schedule which completely suits you and can be updated at any time.
    • You'll also have the chance to enter any tasks that you do on a regular basis, for instance a certain project that you work on every day.
  • Otherwise, just sign in with your user name and password.

Always Balanced Demo Gif Part 1

Create Your Schedule

  • Add new tasks or use existing tasks to create your schedule.
  • You can also select 2 relaxation categories from the choices you made when you signed up.
  • Based on how many hours you indicated that you'd like to work per day, there will be a recommended number of tasks to add to your schedule, however you're free to add fewer depending on how you feel that day.

Always Balanced Demo Gif Part 2

View Your Schedule

  • Once you've created your schedule, you have the option to view it.
  • The task or break you're currently on will be highlighted in blue.
  • You can see your schedule in full, or you can use the focus mode for a clearer view.
  • You'll be notified at the beginning of every break and there will be a timer counting down until the next task begins.
  • You can also use the quick break timer if you want to catch your breath for five minutes.
  • Five minute or fifteen minute breaks are scheduled every hour. Activities will be suggested for the longer breaks based on your relaxation choices.
  • A forty-five minute lunch break is scheduled between 11:45 and 13:00 depending on when your day begins.

Update Your Schedule

  • Use the edit button to update your schedule at any time of the day.
  • You can remove tasks, or add new ones, as well as update your relaxation choices for that day.

Update Your Profile

  • Update your profile including your username, password, start work time, and number of hours per day.
  • Change your relaxation preferences.
  • Add or remove tasks from your task list.
  • Delete your profile.

Always Balanced Demo Gif Part 3

Additional Features

  • A clock with the current date and time appears in the top-right-hand corner.
  • You have the option to play calming white noise by using the player in the top-left-hand corner.


Iona Brabender