⚠️ This repository has moved to ionathanch.gitlab.io. ⚠️


  1. Install the correct version of Ruby.
  2. make install
  3. make

Theme changes to Hydeout

Most of these changes are marked with a comment indicating where the original was modified.

  • Added profile picture to _includes/sidebar.html
  • Removed category links with blank _includes/category-links.html
  • Removed related posts with blank _includes/related_posts.html
  • _includes/custon-icon-links.html contains an icon
  • _includes/custom-head.html adds LaTeX support via KaTeX using katex: true
  • _includes/font-includes.html removes loaded font from Hydeout theme
  • NEW: _includes/image.html provides an include that adds image captions below images
  • NEW: blog/index.html is a page containing blog posts, with a list of categories copied from _layouts/category.html
  • NEW: category/index.html is a hidden placeholder page with a list of categories copied from above
  • NEW: assets/css/fonts.scss loads fonts if not present locally
  • Moved pagination buttons to below page content in _layouts/index.html
  • Added option to display longer page title than in the sidebar to _layouts/page.html using long_title
  • Added option to display alternate tab title tab_title and Open Graph meta tags to _includes/head.html
  • Added image caption styling, custom fonts, and widened column in assets/css/main.scss

Special assets

  • Sidebar profile picture: Add the relative path of the image to _config.yml under profile
  • KaTeX script: Add the relative path of katex.min.js to _config.yml under katex.js_path

Images with captions

To add an image with a caption, use the following code, replacing the content within the [brackets]:

{% include image.html
           img="[relative path to image]"
           url="[URL]" %}