
Test Nest with ClickHouse service

Work with submodules

This repo contains submodules. Please install them before proceeding.

To clone this repo with submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

To pull submodules changes into existing repo:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Setup .env

Copy .env.example to .env and make changes if needed.


npm i

Get ready container

Start ClickHouse in Docker

make up

Init Database migrations

make clickhouse-generate name=init

Apply any non-applied Database migrations

make clickhouse-migrate

Working with the app

Run the app

make start

By default app is listening on http://localhost:80

Stop the app

make down

Working with Database migrations

To create migration

make clickhouse-generate name=<some-name-for-migration>

To run migrations

make clickhouse-migrate