
Easily import docs to your gh-pages branch.

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A GitHub Pages import tool.


This will DESTROY your gh-pages branch. If you love it, you'll want to take backups before playing with this. This script assumes that gh-pages is 100% derivative. You should never edit files in your gh-pages branch by hand if you're using this script because you will lose your work.


pip install ghp-import2


Usage: ghp-import [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY

-n Include a .nojekyll file in the branch.
-m MESG The commit message to use on the target branch.
-p Push the branch to origin/{branch} after committing.
-r REMOTE The name of the remote to push to. [origin]
-b BRANCH Name of the branch to write to. [gh-pages]
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Its pretty simple. Inside your repository just run ghp-import $DOCS_DIR where $DOCS_DIR is the path to the built documentation. This will write a commit to your gh-pages branch with the current documents in it.

If you specify -p it will also attempt to push the gh-pages branch to GitHub. By default it'll just run git push origin gh-pages. You can specify a different remote using the -r flag.

You can specify a different branch with -b. This is useful for user and organization page, which are served from the master branch.

ghp-import also recognizes the GIT_DIR environment variable which can be useful for Git hooks.


ghp-import is distributed under the Tumbolia Public License. See the LICENSE file for more information.