
A Swift Package to convert Capacitor Plugins from Cocoapods to SPM

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Capacitor Plugin Converter


This is a experimental CLI tool under heavy development

This package builds a binary cap2spm that allows for the following:

  • To read Plugin.m and Plugin.h files and modify your Plugin.swift file to allow them to be removed
  • Generate a Package.swift for your plugin to be useable with Capacitor SPM

The easiest way to install is via curl:

curl -OL https://github.com/ionic-team/capacitor-plugin-converter/releases/latest/download/cap2spm.zip
USAGE: cap2-spm [options] <plugin-directory>

  <plugin-directory>      Plugin Directory

  --backup/--no-backup    Should we make a backup? (default: --backup)
  --objc-header <objc-header>
                          Objective-C header for file containing CAP_PLUGIN
  --objc-file <objc-file> Objective-C file containing CAP_PLUGIN macro
  --swift-file <swift-file>
                          Swift file containing class inheriting from CAPPlugin
  -h, --help              Show help information.


The binary in releases is currently not signed. If you download from a browser, you will have to run the following

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ./cap2spm