These are output targets that can be added to Stencil for React and Angular.
Pinned issues
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#348 opened by renovate - 9
- 3
- 11
[React] bug: SSR output target duplicates the component's internal shadow DOM layout
#470 opened by dgonzalezr - 2
bug(react-output-target): eventName with special characters results in invalid code generation
#473 opened by alexprudhomme - 3
- 4
bug: [React] when updating the slot content the component looses it's style
#393 opened by pedroresende - 9
- 3
- 3
bug: 9.0 Using valueAccessorConfigs does not add the base value-accessor file to the generated outputs
#469 opened by istvanherbak - 4
bug: lib/components.ts(6,15): error TS2305: Module '"stencil-library"' has no exported member 'JSX'.
#427 opened by loremru - 3
- 2
Issue in React output with includeDefineCustomElements vs includeImportCustomElements
#443 opened by crrobinson14 - 1
- 2
- 2
feat: Support custom tag names
#420 opened by sdvg - 7
bug: vue-component-library not usable in a vue3-vite example application => Failed to fetch dynamically imported module
#364 opened by verena-ifx - 2
- 12
bug: Angular can't handle event types in HTML-Templates after issue #4908 is released for Stencil 4.6.0
#401 opened by FabioGimmillaro - 3
- 4
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
feat: Disable SSR flag
#374 opened by marcincodes - 3
- 2
bug: control entire conponent render by props
#353 opened by mehrabix - 3
bug: vue-output-target does not load styles
#345 opened by mehrabix - 6
- 7
[react-output-target] bug: generated components.ts using absolute paths in an Nx monorepo
#457 opened by dgonzalezr - 7
- 1
bug: Comments within objects are not resolved correctly - Angular Build not possible.
#483 opened by marcomattes - 2
bug: Import errors in angular component.ts
#481 opened by kartikwatwani - 1
- 1
bug: Getting compile time error with generated react output from Stencil Component
#472 opened by ranjanakash166 - 5
[React] bug: properties are not available when the component calls `connectedCallback` when using the react wrapper
#458 opened by dgonzalezr - 2
feat: standalone angular value accessors
#460 opened by Samg983 - 7
bug: project fails to build on Windows
#462 opened by mdellanave - 3
- 1
- 1
bug(react): empty className not applied (includeImportCustomElements: true)
#440 opened by danielleroux - 1
bug: RadioValueAccessor generated by angular-output-target overwrites the value of the radio input
#434 opened by adarean5 - 5
- 1
- 4
At directivesProxyFile the @Component decorator is missing the output event array
#389 opened by adoumas - 5
bug: Nested generics have incorrect type information in the Angular output target after a build
#369 opened by lodybo - 2
- 12
- 4
bug: ClassName not transformed and appplied when using Serverside Rendering
#360 opened by mayerraphael - 2
bug: TS2339: Property does not exist on type '(props: Props & InputProps<VModelType> & {}) => any'.
#356 opened by borisdiakur