Store is a lightweight shared state library by the StencilJS core team. Implements a simple key/value map that efficiently re-renders components when necessary.
Pinned issues
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#304 opened by renovate - 1
feat: allow removing `onChange` listeners
#439 opened by LanceStasinski - 13
- 0
testing refine auto
#469 opened by rwaskiewicz - 0
testing bug auto
#468 opened by rwaskiewicz - 1
- 5
Use @Watch combined with stencil-store
#71 opened by IndyVC - 0
bug: Using store prevents stencil test from being run
#342 opened by pimmesz - 11
Store malfunction
#73 opened by olivier65 - 5
Error with stencil store
#72 opened by bsastregx - 0
feat: test feat
#248 opened by rwaskiewicz - 0
bug: test bug
#247 opened by rwaskiewicz - 0
bug: test issue
#246 opened by rwaskiewicz - 4
bug: Memory leak
#209 opened by raymondboswel - 3
Expose `oldValue` in `onChange`
#36 opened by simonhaenisch - 5
feat: redux (@stencil/redux deprecated)
#151 opened by miqmago - 4
How to store a value permanently?
#27 opened by JEricaM - 1
Add license file
#31 opened by michaellashinsky - 1
#26 opened by fohlin - 5
- 2
- 8
Uncaught TypeError: t.keys is not a function or its return value is not iterable
#59 opened by deltaGPhys - 2
- 0
- 2
Maintenance of the repository
#76 opened by mici001 - 1
- 3
Add delete method
#23 opened by George-Payne - 2
Example usage of Subscriptions?
#35 opened by davidleger95 - 3
onChange stopped working with multiple stores
#69 opened by pinkkis - 5
- 3
- 1
Is this project actively maintained?
#42 opened by reins-ch - 4
Data Leak between instances
#39 opened by dnepro - 4
2_000, is it valid?
#34 opened by anonimusprogramus - 2
- 1
- 0
Why it requires stencil "1.12.1"?
#21 opened by amazzoccone - 5
- 2
Inferred types for `on` callback values
#18 opened by simonhaenisch - 0
Memory leak
#1 opened by cjorasch