
Central repository for Ionic Protocol's frontend, SDK, and bots

Primary LanguageSolidity

Netlify Status




Make sure you clone submodules together

git clone --recurse-submodules

If you already pulled using just git clone, you can use below command to update submodules.

git submodule update --init --recursive


From fresh clone:

  • yarn
  • yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk forge install
  • yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk build


Run everything from the top level.

Ask for .env file from the team and add it under packages/sdk

If you want to add packages to modules, you can do so like:

  • yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk add ethers

To run forge commands inside the sdk package, run:

  • yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk forge install <SOME_DEP>
  • yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk forge build
  • etc

Adding a Package

  • Copy source into packages/my-new-package.
  • Add reference to root tsconfig.json:
  "references": [
      "path": "./packages/my-new-package"
  • Add workspace-level dependencies to package.json inside the package:
  "dependencies": {
    "@ionicprotocol/some-other-package": "workspace:*"
- `yarn` from top-level to update dependencies/symlinks.

Working with Forks

Forking requires access to a archive RPC node. For BSC we had a great experience using an RPC Node from NodeReals MegaNode service - https://nodereal.io/meganode .

For forking Polygon we haven't found a free service to use an archive node yet.

You general purpose forking you have to set FORK_RPC_URL and FORK_CHAIN_ID in your packages/sdk/.env file.

And than start a forked local node by running.

> yarn dev:node:fork

In order to start multiple forks at once we streamlined the process a bit. In your executing shell make sure to set BSC_RPC_URL and or POLYGON_RPC_URL.

> yarn dev:node:bsc
// Will start a CHAIN_ID=56 fork using $BSC_RPC_URL at https://localhost:8545
> yarn dev:node:polygon
// Will start a CHAIN_ID=137 fork using $POLYGON_RPC_URL at https://localhost:8546

The idea is to increase the port number with each fork we want to support.

8545: BSC
8546: Polygon
8547: Moonbeam?

For convenience we have a Hardhat task to make some token swaps to on the forked node for you.

> yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk hardhat fork:fund-accounts --network fork
// Works with https://localhost:8545

> yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk hardhat fork:fund-accounts --network localbsc
// Works with https://localhost:8545

> yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk hardhat fork:fund-accounts --network localpolygon
// Works with https://localhost:8546

Running UI Tests

We are using ChainSafe/dappeteer to test our UI with Metamask. The test are expecting to work on a fork of BSC mainnet for now.

Follow this step to run the UI test locally

  1. Start local forked BSC node
> yarn dev:node:fork
  1. Start local UI dev server
> yarn dev:ui
  1. Fund test accounts
> yarn workspace @ionicprotocol/sdk hardhat fork:fund-accounts --network fork
  1. Run dAppateer
> yarn test:ui

UI Test With WSL2

If you are on windows you need an X-server to run dappeteer. These instructions were taken from here: https://www.rickmakes.com/windows-subsystem-for-linux-2-installing-vcxrv-x-server/

Follow these steps before running yarn test:ui

  1. Download VcXsrv, this is your X-server that will display the GUI https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/
  2. Run VcXsrv. Use these settings
Multiple Windows -> Start No Client -> Check All Boxes in Extra Settings -> Finish

If Windows Defender Firewall prompts you, check both Private & Public Networks and Allow Access

  1. Find your Windows IP Address by running the following command
cat /etc/resolv.conf
  1. Set DISPLAY Variable (replace ip_address with your IP Address found above)
export DISPLAY=ip_address:0.0
  1. export opengl Variable