Hi there 👋

These days

I am working at Xibbon building fun mobile applications like La Terminal and El Pintador

These days, when I am hacking for pleasure, I mostly do it in Swift:


I have been involved in the open source world for many years, starting sometime around 1990-1991 or so.

Some of the project I started:

  • The Midnight Commander File Manager for Unix

  • Started the GNOME project, along Federico Mena.

  • Created the Gnumeric spreadsheet

  • Founded Ximian, which we sold to Novell in 2003, and we built:

    • Evolution an Email and Calendar app for Linux
    • Red Carpet software management suite
    • Mono: an open source implementation of .NET
      • I managed the team, and designed core pieces, and wrote most of the original C# compiler.
    • At Novell, we believed that Linux on the Desktop was the future, and we built both Gtk# (a Gtk+ binding to .NET) and many (by those days' standards) desktop applications for Linux (F-Spot, for photo management; Dashboard as an early live assistant; Beagle, for searching; Banshee, our desktop music player).
    • Started Moonlight, in a 21-day hack-a-thon which later would get funded by Microsoft and Novell.
    • Did everything in my power to get and keep Unity on the .NET ecosystem, and that is why we have C# in all those games now.
  • Founded Xamarin, a company focused on bringing C# to mobile platforms, which we sold to Microsoft in 2016.

I served on a few boards:

  • Free Software Foundation
  • Gnome Foundation
  • Outercurve Foundation
  • .NET Foundation

Participated in some international standards:

  • ECMA Common Intermediate Language
  • ECMA C#

Crashed a few parties and a few conferences.

At Novell, I was VP for the Developer Platform, and built Xamarin out of the ashes of Novell's hostile takeover.

At Microsoft, I was a Distinguished Engineer working on Xamarin and .NET, and later on Microsoft's Azure and AI efforts. I loved working with the .NET team and the C# language design team. I got a few things in the language that I am particularly proud of:

I left Microsoft in 2022.

Some of my C# repositories in GitHub:

  • XtermSharp
  • gui.cs: this project started as a two-day joke, and is now a popular UI toolkit for consoles.
  • Mono - the VM and the class libraries are now just part of upstream .NET
  • TensorFlowSharp - no longer maintained, there are better TensorFlow alternatives.
  • TorchSharp - PyTorch bindings to .NET, now developed by the .NET foundation