workshop_soil moisture

Material for Raspberry Pi workshop


Lighting an LED

RELAY Raspberry Pi
- GND pin
+ +5v pin
Signal GPIO 11
Soil Moisture Raspberry Pi
- GND pin
+ +5v pin
Signal GPIO 21



1- Power your raspberry

You can achive it with connecting it to your pc trought the Micro USB Port of the raspberry pi


2- Connect to your raspberry pi

Using putty if you're on windows, Ssh if you're on a linux based os Follow the following instruction if you dont know how to connect to raspberry pi Connect to Raspberry Pi using Putty

3- Download relay binary file

Assuming you're connected with... copy and past this command If you're using Raspberry zero

curl -O

If you're using Raspberry 3 b

curl -O

make it executable

chmod +x irrigation

4- execute binary


How to stop the program

To quit or stop the program click on Ctrl+C