
terraform-provider-profitbricks still alive ?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

nothing new since June 26 2019 - is this still alive ?

Hi @lachnerd.

The module is still alive. In the following weeks we plan to update it with the latest Ionos Go SDK version.

Kind regards

Hi @vadimcucereanu, Is there any plans to add new feature to the current version ?
I would like to have count for profitbricks_server resources. It is just easy to create multiple servers at once.

resource "profitbricks_server" "example" {
  name              = "server"
  count              = 3
  datacenter_id     = "${}"
  cores             = 1
  ram               = 1024
  availability_zone = "ZONE_1"
  cpu_family        = "AMD_OPTERON"
  image_password    = "test1234"
  ssh_key_path      = "${var.private_key_path}"
  boot_image        = "${var.ubuntu}"

  volume {
    name           = "new"
    size           = 5
    disk_type      = "SSD"

  nic {
    lan             = "${}"
    dhcp            = true
    ip              = "${profitbricks_ipblock.example.ip}"
    firewall_active = true

Hi @ravibhure. The count parameter is already implemented and can be used immediatly.

@benschmi, I am following the doc, it is not showing up the argument reference.

Thank you @benschmi , I got it 👍

Can you be a little more precise ?
Is there any release date planned?
Using the old terraform version is becoming more and more painful but as long as there is no 0.12 compatible profitbricks version we are unfortunately forced to.

Hi @lachnerd

A new version is out (1.5.0), with Terraform v0.12 support:

Please let us know if you need any help.

