- 1
K8s nodepool version is not required
#89 opened by RuriRyan - 2
Support cluster_endpoint, cluster_ca_certificate and user_token outputs when creating a new cluster
#90 opened by MarkusBartels - 1
- 6
- 7
Support for Terraform 0.13
#80 opened by MarkusBartels - 0
The docs and the provider do not fit
#88 opened by lachnerd - 2
Feature request: MAC adress output
#82 opened by timrogait-ionos - 2
- 6
Feature request: Support more data sources
#75 opened by MarkusBartels - 4
Feature request: K8s version latest label
#87 opened by RuriRyan - 4
IP Address not modifyable for nic.0
#49 opened by benschmi - 3
public_ips not removed from nodepool
#86 opened by arteonprifti - 0
[BUG] Providing password or ssh-keys must not be an error if a snapshot is used
#85 opened by jbuchhammer - 0
- 4
- 5
resource profitbricks_ipfailover: An error occured while patching a lans failover group
#63 opened by ravibhure - 3
Increase node count is not executed
#78 opened by ando47 - 1
Error "Cannot include a null value in a string template" during plan-phase
#70 opened by soenkeliebau - 0
- 3
- 0
Create server fails when using an image UUID
#56 opened by jbuchhammer - 1
support for terraform 0.12.x
#60 opened by lachnerd - 8
terraform-provider-profitbricks still alive ?
#61 opened by lachnerd - 2
Provider credentials are no longer valid causing TeamCity acceptance tests to fail
#59 opened by jasmingacic - 0
Terraform state may get out of sync
#55 opened by Ntr0 - 1
dhcp=false ignored for nic.0
#50 opened by benschmi - 0
CI Test Failing (again)
#53 opened by Ntr0 - 1
Enable/Disable of firewall is not working
#48 opened by benschmi - 0
"token": conflicts with username
#46 opened by benschmi - 3
- 2
- 0
Block storages and SSH keys
#20 opened by jasmingacic - 2
CI Test Failing
#19 opened by jasmingacic - 8
- 19
An image template not found to use SSH keys.
#3 opened by einyx - 2
- 1
profitbricks_ipblock - Missing name property
#12 opened by jasmingacic