
Crossconnect pcc is not set correctly, when lan is imported

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Terraform Version


Affected Resource(s)

  • profitbricks_lan

Expected Behavior

We have a datacenter, where a lan is connected to a private crossconnect. After importing a profitbricks_lan resource it is expected, that the pcc is set.

Actual Behavior

After importing a profitbricks_lan resource the pcc is not set (null).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a private lan and a private crossconnect in the IONOS DCD and connect them.
  2. Import the crossconnect with terraform import
  3. Import the lan with terraform import
  4. make plan
    make plan shows a difference
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "profitbricks_lan" "backend_lan" {
        datacenter_id = "xxxxxxxxx-ee85-46eb-aa86-xxxxxxxxx"
        id            = "2"
        name          = "sc-staging-legacy-backend-lan"
      + pcc           = "xxxxxxxxx-6583-417c-b4ec-xxxxxxxxx"
        public        = false

        timeouts {}

Hi @MarkusBartels ,

Same here, planned for next sprint.


Hello @MarkusBartels ,

We've fixed this in version 1.6.4. Hope it works ok now.
