This extension was created by Christopher Schleiden and was unpublished from the marketplace at 2021/4/1, I used and now need this extension again for a new project, so feel free to also use this extension

Suport will be provided based on my own needs, but you can open a ticket or send a email with the error, and I can try to update this extension and fix it. Feel free to make pull-requests of sugestions.

VSTS Quick Decompose

This extension allows you to quickly decompose a work item into a valid hierarchy. Example:

Decompose item into hierarchy

This is an example for using relatively modern web dev technologies to build a VSTS ( extension. In contrast to my other seed project and example ( and which focused on simplicity, this sample aims to be more complete. It supports:

  • Code written in Typescript/Styling defined using SASS
  • Publishing a dev version of an extension and a production one, without changing the manifest
  • Webpack for watching and building files during development, and for building optimized bundles for production
  • Unit tests of the core logic using mocha/chai
  • React for rendering a complex UI with user interation


This extension uses webpack for bundling, webpack-dev-server for watching files and serving bundles during development, mocha, chai for writing unit tests, and karma as a test runner.

Two bundles are defined for webpack, one for the main dialog, one for the extension context menu registration.

All actions can be triggered using npm scripts (npm run <target>), no additional task runner required.

General setup

You need

  • node/npm

then just clone and execute npm install.


  1. Run npm run publish:dev to publish the current extension manifest to the marketplace as a private extension with a suffix of -dev added to the extension id. This package will use a baseUri of https://localhost:8080.

  2. Run npm run dev to start a webpack developmen server that watches all source files. Tests live next to product code and use a .tests.ts suffix instead of only .ts.

  3. To run a single test pass execute npm run test, to keep watching tests and build/execute as you develop execute npm run dev:test.


  1. Run npm run publish:release to compile all modules into bundles, package them into a .vsix, and publish as a public extension to the VSTS marketplace.