IonQ Forte #AQ29 Data

This repository contains circuits, measured and simulated results demonstrating #AQ29 on IonQ Forte.


The repository contains multiple instance of cirucuits generated for different application-oriented algorithms:

  • AE - Amplitude Estimation
  • HSIM - Hamiltonian Simulation
  • MC - Monte Carlo Sampling
  • PE - Phase Estimation
  • QFT - Quantum Fourier Transform
  • VQE - VQE Simulation

All circuits are provided in OpenQasm 2.0 as submitted to the system, as transpiled by qiskit, and as transpiled by the IonQ compiler to the level of native gates. The naming convention is ALGNQQVII_V where

  • ALG - algorithm identifier as listed above
  • QQ - number of qubits used in the circuit
  • II - instance identifier as a number
  • V - variant identifier (specified for the circuits compiled to native gates)

For example, circuits/input/AEN04V02.qasm is the second instance of the amplitude estimation algorithm on four qubits as submitted to the system, while circuits/ionq/AEN04V02_2 is its second variant transpilation to native gates.


The measured results are provided in results/measured.json while the results generated by a noisy simulator are given in results/simulated.json. All results are indexed by circuit and variant identifiers.


Characterization and benchmarking data used for the figures is provided in data.