
sops in docker ( mozilla sops the gopass way )

Primary LanguageShell

sops in docker ( mozilla sops the gopass way )

How to

  • make build-alpine-sops-container to build the sops docker image
  • make run-alpine-container to start the docker container

*or execute the commands under each make recipe from the makefile


SOPS or secret operations i a way to store secrets in a git repo, for example keeping the secrets in a gitops repo. In order to decrypt a file you only need a master key, all other public keys are not needed in the key ring. To encrypt a file you need a master key and all public keys that can decrypt the files.

From the Docker Container

Chaos engineering SOPS or testing assumptions from a docker container.

  • some bash scripts are available to easily get what is needed for sops
  • For some reason sops encryption/decryption does not work in the sops container if the pgp key uses a passphrase.

Generate private/public keys.

Foo, Bar and Quz are our test user they will have it's own pgp key. Since Buz does not have a pgp key. He will not have access to the encrypted files.
A little metasyntactic variable joke :).

PGP_EMAIL=foo.test@example.com ./scripts/gpg-generate-key-pair.sh
PGP_EMAIL=bar.test@example.com ./scripts/gpg-generate-key-pair.sh
PGP_EMAIL=quz.test@example.com ./scripts/gpg-generate-key-pair.sh

Remove key ring (start fresh).

After the key generation it makes sense to start fresh. the test is not viable if all the public/private keys are in the same key ring. Do this either by destroying the container and starting a new one or remove the .gnupg directory.

rm -r /root/.gnupg/

Import public keys.

Import all public keys from the public folder (gopass style).


Import a master key.

Import one of the private keys also known as master key. Without a private key there is no way to encrypt/decrypt files.

gpg --yes --import .private-keys/foo.test\@example.com.asc

Generate the key list for .sops.yaml file.

Sops needs to know the list of key used to encrypt files. Exec the script and manually add the keys to the .sops.yaml file.

INFO: .sopas.yaml file gpg public keys

 - pgp: 38A72FA4C54DDC50,469142157BED552C,BB72787C9E992BFE

Use sops to encrypt/decrypt files.

Now that all the public keys are imported and a master key is available you can encrypt or decrypt files.

sops --encrypt test.env > test.enc.env
sops --encrypt test.yaml > test.enc.yaml
sops --encrypt test.json > test.enc.json

Other test

  • Destroy the container, import another private key and run encrypt/decrypt commands.
  • Generate another pgp file and encrypt the files using all keys.
  • etc

In case some bad keys are exported.

This happened only in one iteration out of ... many. I was to fix the errors using the solution from below gist.

# https://gist.github.com/m-rey/b981b214a8936e889dc3675557ad5b22
gpg --check-trustdb 2>&1| grep 'not found' | awk '{print $8}' >bad-keys.txt
gpg --export-ownertrust > ownertrust-gpg.txt
mv ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg-broken
for KEY in `cat bad-keys.txt` ; do sed -i "/$KEY/d" ownertrust-gpg.txt ; done
gpg --import-ownertrust ownertrust-gpg.txt
rm bad-keys.txt ownertrust-gpg.txt