- 2
Update sending data to OBIS-USA section to include creating a ticket in bio_data_guide
#46 opened by MathewBiddle - 8
- 4
- 4
- 12
Breakdown MBON datasets by collection methods (eDNA, SCUBA, Passive Acoustic, Animal Tracking, etc..)
#53 opened by MathewBiddle - 5
- 4
- 4
- 33
Add eDNA guidance
#6 opened by MathewBiddle - 2
- 13
- 3
- 2
Recommended data license for MBON affiliated datasets mobilized to OBIS-USA
#34 opened by MathewBiddle - 1
Hide data and metadata pages from sidebar
#43 opened by MathewBiddle - 8
- 0
Animal tracking data flows
#47 opened by MathewBiddle - 8
Add samplingProtocol to eDNA MBARI dataset
#39 opened by MathewBiddle - 1
Add the ESIP Bio Data Standards one pager
#11 opened by MathewBiddle - 1
- 2
PAM data management refs
#32 opened by MathewBiddle - 0
Add how-to add layers to BioEco Portal
#37 opened by MathewBiddle - 0
Imagery data management refs
#38 opened by MathewBiddle - 3
Update documentation on sending data to OBIS
#28 opened by MathewBiddle - 3
create a data product that maps the spatial and temporal monitoring efforts of MBON.
#33 opened by MathewBiddle - 0
- 12
Add gh-action for updating dropdown menus
#30 opened by MathewBiddle - 5
- 1
Add details on OBIS-USA IPT archival to NCEI
#13 opened by MathewBiddle - 1
Create MBON Data Portal tutorial page
#18 opened by MathewBiddle - 0
- 1
- 1
update (sidebar) ToC & assess page breakout
#7 opened by 7yl4r - 10
Create How to guide for MBON metadata
#15 opened by MathewBiddle - 0
Finish documenting NERACOOS WBTS use-case
#14 opened by MathewBiddle - 0
turn off sidebar accordion
#9 opened by MathewBiddle - 3
change title of site
#4 opened by MathewBiddle - 1
additions to file format lists?
#8 opened by 7yl4r