Thank you for visiting our account. We are going to make a fireworks app in an hour. If would you like to study yourself before hands-on, or review what you have learned in the session, please use the following material.
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Xcode 8.3.2 / Swift 3
0-1. Open Xcode
0-2. Select "Create a new Xcode project"
0-3. Select "Single View Application" and then tap "Next"
0-4. Fill "Product name" and then tap "Next"
0-5. Select the place for saving your project and then tap "Create"
・Particle1-1. Drop your icon into your "Assets.xcassets"
・Fireworks (Optional)
2-0. Change background color to black
2-1. Drap & Drop "UIImageView"
2-2. Resize "UIImageView". After that, set "Autoresizing" for adjusting frame depending on devices
Documentation ・CAEmitterLayer ・CAEmitterCell
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController
let emitterLayer = CAEmitterLayer()
override func viewDidLoad()
func setupBaseLayer()
// Add a layer that emits, animates, and renders a particle system.
let size = view.bounds.size
emitterLayer.emitterPosition = CGPoint(x: size.width / 2, y: size.height - 100)
emitterLayer.renderMode = kCAEmitterLayerAdditive
func launchFireworks()
// Get particle image
let particleImage = UIImage(named: "particle")?.cgImage
// The definition of a particle (launch point of the firework)
let baseCell = CAEmitterCell()
baseCell.color = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.8).cgColor
baseCell.emissionLongitude = -CGFloat.pi / 2
baseCell.emissionRange = CGFloat.pi / 5
baseCell.emissionLatitude = 0
baseCell.lifetime = 2.0
baseCell.birthRate = 1
baseCell.velocity = 400
baseCell.velocityRange = 50
baseCell.yAcceleration = 300
baseCell.redRange = 0.5
baseCell.greenRange = 0.5
baseCell.blueRange = 0.5
baseCell.alphaRange = 0.5
// The definition of a particle (rising animation)
let risingCell = CAEmitterCell()
risingCell.contents = particleImage
risingCell.emissionLongitude = (4 * CGFloat.pi) / 2
risingCell.emissionRange = CGFloat.pi / 7
risingCell.scale = 0.4
risingCell.velocity = 100
risingCell.birthRate = 50
risingCell.lifetime = 1.5
risingCell.yAcceleration = 350
risingCell.alphaSpeed = -0.7
risingCell.scaleSpeed = -0.1
risingCell.scaleRange = 0.1
risingCell.beginTime = 0.01
risingCell.duration = 0.7
// The definition of a particle (spark animation)
let sparkCell = CAEmitterCell()
sparkCell.contents = particleImage
sparkCell.emissionRange = 2 * CGFloat.pi
sparkCell.birthRate = 8000
sparkCell.scale = 0.5
sparkCell.velocity = 130
sparkCell.lifetime = 3.0
sparkCell.yAcceleration = 80
sparkCell.beginTime = 1.5
sparkCell.duration = 0.1
sparkCell.alphaSpeed = -0.1
sparkCell.scaleSpeed = -0.1
// baseCell contains rising and spark particle
baseCell.emitterCells = [risingCell, sparkCell]
// Add baseCell to the emitter layer
emitterLayer.emitterCells = [baseCell]