Install by adding the iOSimple folder into your project
Import "iOSimple.h" into your project where needed.
Let's say i'm coding from a UIViewController class.. I could import the iOSimple+UIViewController.h class and use [self "classMethod"] - because "self" is an extension of a UIViewController.
iOSimple+UIButton Easily add a growing animation and action to a custom UIButton
iOSimple+UIColor Convert HEX text into a UIColor object. Also a function for colorWithRed... without having to supply the (x/255) everytime - just use the float value of the colour.
iOSimple+UIMapView Search and zoom, geocode an address string into a CLLocation, remove all annotations, zoom to custom location, zoom to current location, add annotations and more.
iOSimple+UINavigationController For custom UINavigationController pops and pushes. Currently only supports flip and fade.. but feel free to add more and lookout for upcoming ones to this class.
iOSimple+UIScrollView Scroll to the bottom, get the current page, set a sticky header (a UIView / UIImageView that sticks to the top and stretches like it's being pulled - Twitter is an example). Also includes a function for easily adding a UIRefreshControl action.
iOSimple+UITextField Set a placeholder colour, easily add padding to a UITextField.
iOSimple+UIViewController Handy for adding NSNotificationCenter handlers without having to call "[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObser....]" .. now just call "[self addHandlerWithName:name selector:selector]". Also support for posting notifications and removing them all.
iOSimple+UIView Easily set auto resizing masks. I often use "[myView setResizingMask:MaskTypeFull]" if i want to make a UIView object fully stretchable and adjusts to all corners, etc. Another great feature of this class... is adding a "magic button".
Instead of creating a hidden UIButton object, setting up it's targets.. adding the functions.. just call [myView addMagicButtonWithAction:SEL sender:sender] - this will add a UIButton that will automatically stretch, and grow / shrink when selected. SO handy.
Find a UIView object with an identifier (set the restoration id in the storyboard file).
These classes can be initialised as objects, some of them also have class methods to simplify things.
iOSAlert UIAlertController simplification - easily present alerts, add buttons to alerts. etc.
CGExt / CGeometry CGRect extensions for easy resizing, positioning and calculations
Finder Easily find the highest ViewController, or a UINavigationController / UIViewController of a UIView object. Comes in handy when using subclasses of UIView objects.
Haptic Helper (YANIK) Generate haptic feedback for supported devices - supports: selection, impact light, impact medium, impact heavy, notification success, notification warning, notification error.
iOSReachability Check if internet connection is reachable.
Keyboard Helper Useful for detecting the keyboard size of any device - instead of using notifications throughout subclasses.. just use 1 and optionally store the keyboard size to use globally.. without calling it over and over again.
Location Manager Handy for fetching a users current location, converting locations to CLPlacemarks (where you can extract information on the country, city, street, etc), also supports converting an NSString address to a CLPlacemark, and getting the distance between 2 locations.
Push Handle Handles registering the device for remote push notifications (APNS) - also with optional completion handler, and delegate methods for when a notification is presented, and tapped.
Share Handler Presents a UIActivityViewController with a given NSArray of objects (NSURL, NSString, UIImage, etc). Comes in handy when somebody taps a share button.
Growing Text View Basically what it says in the title. This comes with a .xib file that you can customise (remember to update the height in the .m file). Usefull for having a UITextView that could be dropped in a "new message" screen where a user will be displayed 1 line of text, then when they start typing.. it expands vertically.
TouchID Check whether a device supports TouchID, and includes a method to authenticate with TouchID - with completion handlers error / success / invalid.
Validator Scan for arrays, strings, whatever inside of dictionaries NSDictionary's/NSArray's. This checks to see if they're not NULL or checks the lengths (if it's a string) or checks the array count (if it's an array or a dictionary - then it'll check the dictionary key count). Also includes functions for converting an NSDate into a string (with optional extra's), and validating an NSString to an NSDate.
- Drop Down View UIView subclass - click on this and it will present a list of dropdown options that are customisable in .xib format.