
Android application for gathering texts from other applications, attaching them labels, and saving them locally or in Notion 📱

Primary LanguageJava

Highlighter 📱

Description 🖼️

Highlighter is an Android application for gathering texts (referenced in the application context as "quotes") from other applications (for example, a sentence from an article read on a website, in the browser), attaching them labels, and saving them locally or in Notion.

The application has the following functionalities:

  • saving quotes from other application via the context menu;
  • edit of the details of the quote;
  • filtering of the quotes by the content or by labels;
  • deletion of quotes;
  • upload/download of quotes to/from a collection in Notion;
  • statistics activity with details about quotes count, the ranking of the used labels, and chart with quotes count per day;
  • settings activity;
  • activity with details about the application;
  • snackbar usage for new events (successes and errors); and
  • dark mode.

Observation: As the official Notion API was not integrated, the Android application requires a Python 3 proxy server that creates the requests to Notion.

Screenshots 📸

Home Activity Search Functionality Quote View Activity Statistics Activity Settings Activity About Activity Dark Mode
Home Activity Screenshot Search Functionality Screenshot Quote View Activity Screenshot Statistics Activity Screenshot Settings Activity Screenshot About Activity Screenshot Dark Mode Screenshot

Setup 🔧

  1. Duplicate the Notion template that will store the quotes
  2. Set up ngrok by following the installation guide
  3. Set up the proxy server
cd api
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 api.py
ngrok http 5000
  1. Open the Android Studio project
  2. Create a secrets.properties file in the build file with a MAPS_API_KEY key storing the Google Maps API key retrieved from Google Cloud Platform
  3. Build the project and deploy the application to your Android phone

Future Improvements 🔜

  • Replacement of the unofficial Notion API with the official one, taking out the need for a proxy server
  • Testing and refactoring of the user interface to imply responsiveness on all devices
  • Replacement of the AsyncTalk class, deprecated in API level 30
  • Removal of the Google Maps component

Resources 📚

Name Description Link
notion-py unofficial Python API client for Notion repository
Material Design Material Components for Android website
MPAndroidChart chart library for Android repository
Maps SDK Google Maps SDK for Android website
Android - Font Awesome Icon Android library for Font Awesome icons repository
Room Android persistence library on top of SQLite database website
Jackson JSON parser library for Java repository
FlatIcon icons database website