
A suite of Vue components to show avatar, crop avatar, get avatar's content for upload.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT



npm install @iota-cn/avatar



import Avatar from '@iota-cn/avatar'
import '@iota-cn/avatar/dist/avatar.css'


    <div id="examples">
        <div class='section'>
            <div class='example'>
                <iota-avatar-viewer showUpload
                    :radius='51' />


props: {
        showUpload: Boolean,  // Whether show upload icon
        nickname: {           // the name show when image is missing  
            type: String
        img: String,          // avatar image
        width: {              
            type: Number,
            default: 100
        height: {
            type: Number,
            default: 100
        radius: {
            type: Number,
            default: 4
        color: {               // background color
            type: String,
            default: 'gray'
        userStyle: {           // custome styles
            type: Object,
            default() {
                return undefined


    <div id="examples">
        <div class='section'>
            <div class='example'>
                <iota-rawavatar :img='vueImg'/>


    props: {
        uploadImg: Function,   // call back to handle image changed(click then select a new image)
        width: Number,         
        height: Number,
        img: String,           // image to show, you can reset it after the 'uploadImg' handler finished.
        tips: Array,           // tips show to the user.
        disabled: Boolean,     // disable click event


    <div id="examples">
        <div class='section'>
            <div class='example'>
                <div class="example-avatar-editor">
                    <iota-avatar-editor :avatarFile='vueImg' />


    props: {
        title: {                           // Editor title, default: Upload Image
            type: String
        previewHint: {                     // hint of preview, default: Preview
            type: String
        selectImgHint: {                   // hint of select image, default: Select Image
            type: String
        cropHint: {                        // hint of crop, default: Best size 'width'x'height', you can cut it.
            type: String
        onAvatarData: Function,            // call back to process the image content.
        radiusPerc: Number,                // radius percent, default: 100 (%)
        width: Number,                     // width of cut window, default: 100 (px)
        height: Number,                    // height of cut window, default: 100 (px)
        avatarFile: {                      // the image to show
            type: [Object, String, File]


    <div id="examples">
        <div class='section'>
            <h3>AvatarEditor with default Modal</h3>
            <div class='example'>
                <iota-avatar />


    props: {
        title: String,          // Editor title, default: Upload Image
        previewHint: String,    // hint of preview, default: Preview
        selectImgHint: String,  // hint of select image, default: Select Image
        cropHint: String,       // hint of crop, default: Best size 'width'x'height', you can cut it.
        onAvatarData: Function, // call back to process the image content.
        width: Number,          // width of cut window, default: 100 (px)
        height: Number,         // height of cut window, default: 100 (px)
        radiusPerc: Number      // radius percent, default: 100 (%)


controller                      // replace default 'Select Image' button, for example, you can use an AvataViewer inside the Avatar

head                            // replace the "default header" in opened modal dialog.


git clone git@github.com:iota-cn/vue-iota-avatar.git

cd vue-iota-avatar
npm i
npm run examples
 DONE  Compiled successfully in 9558ms                                                                                                                                                        13:15:45

  App running at:
  - Local:   http://localhost:8080/