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Understand the PoH component in the Solana Repository at commit d0b1f2c.

The task consists of three sub-tasks:

  • Read and understand how Solana’s PoH chain is created
  • Write code that emulates the same logic to create a continuous PoH chain over time while receiving hashes to mix into the chain.
  • Write a short explanation of the methods/structures to understand them more in-depth and how they connect.

Example Run


cargo run


Chain: Node {
    hash_state: "957a9c5209a2148cadfc1de08e95145a86811276759fd19a37de72dcafb94118",
    next: Some(
        Node {
            hash_state: "bde4693e55a336ff81ab238ce20cae1dd9c8ba03b9b8f43963f5569bf3cf5229",
            next: Some(
                Node {
                    hash_state: "4beace8bdcf9b5b74630eaee2e7f501180e46025ca89b05e7e041fbe953d817a",
                    next: Some(
                        Node {
                            hash_state: "293755ab6384e02d9202d483f2f0250100d786e75fdab1b6f3925b2800ece3cb",
                            next: Some(
                                Node {
                                    hash_state: "2435dc0372e12b3f7684fb7093fbe6f6dee79dbff96cc28b1687839ef526e02f",
                                    next: None,

Important Objects

Important Structs

  • Poh

    pub struct Poh {
        pub hash: Hash,
        num_hashes: u64,
        hashes_per_tick: u64,
        remaining_hashes: u64,
        tick_number: u64,
        slot_start_time: Instant,
    • The hash field has the following underlying structure:

      const HASH_BYTES: usize = 32;
      pub struct Hash(pub [u8; HASH_BYTES]);
      • Calling Hash::default() will give bytes in the form Hash([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).
    • num_hashes is the total number of hashes in the proof of history chain.

    • hashes_per_tick is the number of hashes in each tick chain.

    • remaining_hashes is the number of remaining hashes in the proof of history chain.

    • tick_number is the number of ticks per slot.

    • slot_start_time is from std::time::Instant and Instant::now() represents the current time.

  • Entry

    • The documentation explains the Entry struct.
      #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
      pub struct Entry {
          /// The number of hashes since the previous Entry ID.
          pub num_hashes: u64,
          /// The SHA-256 hash `num_hashes` after the previous Entry ID.
          pub hash: Hash,
          /// An unordered list of transactions that were observed before the Entry ID was
          /// generated. They may have been observed before a previous Entry ID but were
          /// pushed back into this list to ensure deterministic interpretation of the ledger.
          pub transactions: Vec<VersionedTransaction>,
  • PohService

    pub struct PohService {
      tick_producer: JoinHandle<()>,
    • The tick_producer field uses std::thread::JoinHandle to attach to a thread and it can be joined which means the join function will wait until the thread is finished.
  • PohRecorder

    pub struct PohRecorder {
      pub poh: Arc<Mutex<Poh>>, // able to access proof of history data across multiple threads
      tick_height: u64, // the height of the tick
      clear_bank_signal: Option<Sender<bool>>, // a sender of whether or not to clear the signal
      start_bank: Arc<Bank>,         // parent slot
      start_tick_height: u64,        // first tick_height this recorder will observe
      tick_cache: Vec<(Entry, u64)>, // cache of entry and its tick_height
      working_bank: Option<WorkingBank>, 
      sender: Sender<WorkingBankEntry>,
      poh_timing_point_sender: Option<PohTimingSender>, // an optional sender
      leader_first_tick_height_including_grace_ticks: Option<u64>,
      leader_last_tick_height: u64, // zero if none
      grace_ticks: u64,
      id: Pubkey, // public key
      blockstore: Arc<Blockstore>, // thread-safe
      leader_schedule_cache: Arc<LeaderScheduleCache>, // thread-safe
      ticks_per_slot: u64,
      target_ns_per_tick: u64,
      record_lock_contention_us: u64,
      flush_cache_no_tick_us: u64,
      flush_cache_tick_us: u64,
      send_entry_us: u64,
      tick_lock_contention_us: u64,
      total_sleep_us: u64,
      record_us: u64,
      report_metrics_us: u64,
      ticks_from_record: u64,
      last_metric: Instant, // represents the current time
      record_sender: Sender<Record>, // a sender for records
      leader_bank_notifier: Arc<LeaderBankNotifier>, // thread-safe 
      pub is_exited: Arc<AtomicBool>, // thread-safe

Main Functions

  • Poh :: tick(...)

        pub fn tick(&mut self) -> Option<PohEntry> {
              self.hash = hash(self.hash.as_ref()); // hash the current hash value
              self.num_hashes += 1; // increment the number of total hashes
              self.remaining_hashes -= 1; // decrement the number of remaining hashes
              // If we are in low power mode then always generate a tick.
              // Otherwise only tick if there are no remaining hashes
              if self.hashes_per_tick != LOW_POWER_MODE && self.remaining_hashes != 0 {
                  return None;
              let num_hashes = self.num_hashes;
              self.remaining_hashes = self.hashes_per_tick; // the number of remaining hashes in a tick
              self.num_hashes = 0; // the default number of hashes
              self.tick_number += 1; // increment the number of ticks
              // Return a proof of history entry 
              Some(PohEntry {
                  hash: self.hash,
  • Poh :: record(...)

    pub fn record(&mut self, mixin: Hash) -> Option<PohEntry> {
          // If only one hash left
          if self.remaining_hashes == 1 {
              return None; // Caller needs to `tick()` first
          self.hash = hashv(&[self.hash.as_ref(), mixin.as_ref()]); // update the new hash with given hash
          let num_hashes = self.num_hashes + 1; // increment the total number of hashes
          self.num_hashes = 0; // the default number of hashes
          self.remaining_hashes -= 1; // the number of remaining hashes
          // Return a proof of history entry
          Some(PohEntry {
              hash: self.hash,
    • One of the underlying structures is hashv which hashes multiple values:
      pub fn hashv(&mut self, vals: &[&[u8]]) {
          for val in vals {
  • Poh :: hash(...)

    pub fn hash(&mut self, max_num_hashes: u64) -> bool {
          // Get the minimum number of hashes (subtracting by 1 just in case only one hash left)
          let num_hashes = std::cmp::min(self.remaining_hashes - 1, max_num_hashes);
          // Loop through hashes
          for _ in 0..num_hashes {
              // hash the current hash 
              self.hash = hash(self.hash.as_ref());
          self.num_hashes += num_hashes; // increment by the number of hashes
          self.remaining_hashes -= num_hashes; // decrement by the number of hashes
          assert!(self.remaining_hashes > 0); // check that there are available hashes left
          self.remaining_hashes == 1 // Return `true` if caller needs to `tick()` next 
  • PohRecorder :: record(...)

// Returns the index of `transactions.first()` in the slot, if being tracked by WorkingBank
    pub fn record(
        bank_slot: Slot, // A [slot](https://docs.rs/solana-sdk/latest/solana_sdk/clock/type.Slot.html) is a  unit of time given to a leader for encoding a block.
        mixin: Hash,
        transactions: Vec<VersionedTransaction>,
    ) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
        // create a new channel so that there is only 1 sender and when it goes out of scope, the receiver fails
        let (result_sender, result_receiver) = unbounded();
        // Attempt to send the record
        let res =
                .send(Record::new(mixin, transactions, bank_slot, result_sender));
        if res.is_err() {
            // If the channel is dropped, then the validator is shutting down so return that we are hitting
            //  the max tick height to stop transaction processing and flush any transactions in the pipeline.
            return Err(PohRecorderError::MaxHeightReached);
        // Besides validator exit, this timeout should primarily be seen to affect test execution environments where the various pieces can be shutdown abruptly
        let mut is_exited = false;
        loop {
            // Try to receive the result
            let res = result_receiver.recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis(1000));
            // match on the result
            match res {
                Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => {
                    if is_exited {
                        return Err(PohRecorderError::MaxHeightReached);
                    } else {
                        // A result may have come in between when we timed out checking this
                        // bool, so check the channel again, even if is_exited == true
                        is_exited = self.is_exited.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
                Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => {
                    return Err(PohRecorderError::MaxHeightReached);
                Ok(result) => {
                    // Return the result if successful
                    return result;
  • PohService :: tick_producer(...)
    fn tick_producer(
            poh_recorder: Arc<RwLock<PohRecorder>>,
            poh_exit: &AtomicBool, 
            ticks_per_slot: u64,
            hashes_per_batch: u64,
            record_receiver: Receiver<Record>,
            target_ns_per_tick: u64,
        ) {
            let poh = poh_recorder.read().unwrap().poh.clone();
            let mut timing = PohTiming::new();
            let mut next_record = None;
            loop {
                // Determine if a tick is needed
                let should_tick = Self::record_or_hash(
                    &mut next_record,
                    &mut timing,
                if should_tick {
                    // Lock PohRecorder only for the final hash. record_or_hash will lock PohRecorder for record calls but not for hashing.
                        let mut lock_time = Measure::start("lock");
                        let mut poh_recorder_l = poh_recorder.write().unwrap();
                        lock_time.stop(); // update the duration time
                        timing.total_lock_time_ns += lock_time.as_ns();
                        let mut tick_time = Measure::start("tick");
                        tick_time.stop(); // update the duration time
                        timing.total_tick_time_ns += tick_time.as_ns();
                    timing.num_ticks += 1;
                    if poh_exit.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { // only the memory directly touched by the operation is synchronized (see [sync::atomic::Ordering](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/atomic/enum.Ordering.html))
    • Some of the underlying data structures are the following:
      struct PohTiming {
          num_ticks: u64,
          num_hashes: u64,
          total_sleep_us: u64,
          total_lock_time_ns: u64,
          total_hash_time_ns: u64,
          total_tick_time_ns: u64,
          last_metric: Instant,
          total_record_time_us: u64,
          total_send_record_result_us: u64,

Future Work

  • Consider adding fields like From, To, and Txn Fee. See etherscan for an example.
  • Consider using multiple threads and asynchronous functions.
  • Apply concurrency techniques when appropriate.
  • Add test coverage.
  • The current example in main should be moved into a test.
  • Add a CI/CD workflow for the project.
  • Add a linter (consider clippy).
  • Do benchmarking and note any limitations for the current architecture.
  • If integrating any databases, consider the CAP Theorem, comment on scaling, and make a migration plan if potentially moving to a different database or tech stack.
  • Consider offloading some intensive calculations to Redis.
  • Please consider caching and sharding when appropriate.