
Upgrade from basic IOTA-Spammer with addition of value spamming.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An application to contribute to IOTA network efficiency by sending 'value or message' spam transactions. Optionally, it can also be used to re-broadcast transactions that the node received since the last milestone.


To use this app you'll first need a working (IOTA IRI node)[https://github.com/iotaledger/iri]. You'll also need (node)[https://nodejs.org] and npm (included with node) installed on your system.

To install, clone this repo, open a terminal to the directory of the cloned repo and type:

npm install

Now you are ready to configure and use this tool.


You can run the application 'out of the box' with a local IRI node, or you can take a choice:

  1. Run repeater only, without spammer (REPEATER_ON=true & SPAM_ON=false & VALUESPAM_ON=true|false).

  2. Run 'message' spammer only, without repeater (REPEATER_ON=false & SPAM_ON=true & VALUESPAM_ON=false).

  3. Run 'value' spammer only, without repeater (REPEATER_ON=false & SPAM_ON=true & VALUESPAM_ON=true).

  4. Run 'message or value' spammer and repeater simultanious (REPEATER_ON=true & SPAM_ON=true & VALUESPAM_ON=true|false).

  5. Setting a user seed is mandatory if you want to perform value spamming (USER_SEED="USER_SEED")

  6. Set the spammers time interval (SPAM_FREQUENCY=90, seconds, deliberate delays between spams).

  7. Set your personal spam message and tag (recommended).

  8. Set the search depth for 'transactions to approve', default SPAM_DEPTH_MIN = 3, SPAM_DEPTH_MAX = 12 The spammer will calculate a random depth between and including SPAM_DEPTH_MIN to SPAM_DEPTH_MAX for each spam.

You find those parameters declarations in the top section of repeater.js.


node spammer.js

node spammer.js 5665 (set the milestone index from botbox, 5665 is just an example)

./spammer.sh (make sure execution permission flag (chmod +x ./spammer.sh) is set!)

./spammer.sh 5665 (with botbox milestone index, 5665 is just an example)

The 'spammer.sh' is a wrapper around the basic command call. It restarts node automatically if an exception occurs and the repeater stopped working. This is likely to happen at some point, because the underlying iota javascript lib and the IOTA ledger are still works in progress.