Feel free to download com.elijahwindsor.parsemodule.iphone-1.0.zip to use it as-is without compiling. However, you'll still need to clone this repository somewhere, and change a line in module.xcconfig (as shown below).
To compile, clone the repository, and edit module.xcconfig and change -F"/Users/ewindsor/Documents/Titanium Studio Workspace/parsemodule" to the fulle path of where you have cloned the repository. In titanium.xconfig set the right Titanium SDK version:
Then compile by running
Install the created zip file (com.elijahwindsor.parsemodule-iphone-1.0.zip ) in the project root by, in Titanium Studio, choose Help --> Install Mobile Module
Make sure your tiapp.xml has this:
<module platform="iphone">com.elijahwindsor.parsemodule</module>
var parse = require('com.elijahwindsor.parsemodule');
parse.createObject('Game', {
name: 'My first game',
level: 1
}, function(data) {
if(data.error) {
// error happened
} else {
// use data.object -- it is just plain JSON
// NOTE: obj must have been retrieved from parse module (and later modified).
parse.updateObject(obj, function(data) {
if(data.error) {
} else {
// worked!
I think this is pretty cool. You can pass in an array of conditions in which to find them. For example:
// specifying _User targets the 'User' class in Parse. If you want to specify your own class, no need for the _.
parse.findObjects('_User', [
{key: 'email', condition: '==', value: 'someemail@someemail.com'}
], function(data) {
if(data.error) {
// error, probably with connection
if(data.results.length > 0) { // found some results!
You can also do multiple conditions:
parse.findObjects('Game', [
{key: 'level', condition: '>=', value: 1},
{key: 'level', condition: '<=', value: 5},
{key: 'status', condition: '==', value: 'live'},
{key: 'position', condition: 'orderby', value: 'asc'}
], function(data) { ... });
// for example, this one starts with findObjects
parse.findObjects('Test', [], function(data) {
var objectArray = data.results;
// assuming there are at least 2 objects in the array
objectArray[0].key = 'Another value';
objectArray[1].key = 'Yet another value';
// now you can save them all at the same time here
parse.saveAllObjects(objectArray, function(data) {
if(data.success) { // yay!
password: 'PASSWORD',
username: 'USERNAME'
}, function(data) {
if(data.error) {
} else {
// use data.user
username: username,
password: password
}, function(data) {
if(data.error) {
parse.currentUser will refer to the current user, and null if there's not one.
Also, you can use parse.refreshUser() to ensure parse.currentUser contains the latest user info.
email: 'some@email.com'
A user with this email is assumed to exist. You can check before making this call by using
parse.findObjects('_User', [
{key: 'email', condition: '==', value: 'some@email.com'}
], function(data) {
if(data.results && data.results.length > 0) { // the user exists
Files need to be attached to an object. Please make sure to pass in an object that you retrieved from the parse module when making the assignment.
name: 'FILENAME'
data: 'DATA', // can be imageview.image, for example
attachmentInfo: {
object: objectToAttachTo, // this will have been retrieved from parse module, and can be parse.currentUser
key: 'KEY' // the file will be referenced by this key inside of objectToAttachTo
}, function(data) {
if(data.error) { ... }
parse.setupFacebook('FACEBOOK APP ID');
permissions: ['email'] // see Parse / Facebook docs for more information on iOS 6 implementations for permissions
}, function(data) {
if(data.user) {
user: parse.currentUser, // most likely will pass in currentUser
permissions: ['email']
}, function(data) {
if(data.user) { // OK! we're linked
} else {
if(data.error == 'AlreadyLinked') {
// this means that the FB account they're trying to link to is already linked with another account, so no-can-do
} else {
// general error
parse.showFacebookDialog('apprequests', {
to: '1112311,32423423', // comma separated facebook ids
message: "Check out this app" // required
}, function(response) {
if(response.completed) { // they've sent the apprequests
} else { // they hit "cancel" or the "X"
consumerKey: 'CONSUMER KEY',
consumerSecret: 'CONSUMER SECRET'
parse.twitterLogin(function(data) {
if(data.user) {
parse.callCloudFunction('FUNCTION NAME', {
PARAM1: 'VALUE1' // your parameters here
}, function(result) {
if(result.error) { // errror }
else {
// use result.object
For more info on Parse Push Notifications at setting up SSL push certificates : https://parse.com/tutorials/ios-push-notifications
To register for push notifications unique token should be retrieved from the device.
callback: function pushCallback(e)
success: function pushSuccess(e)
deviceToken = e.deviceToken;
parse.registerForPush(deviceToken, 'sampleChannel', function(data) {
// output some data to check for success / errors
// alert(data);
error: function pushError(e)
// If unable to get deviceToken check for errors here
// alert('Error!: '+JSON.stringify(e));
types: [
Unsubscribing from channel:
parse.unsubscribeFromPush('sampleChannel', function(data) {
// alert(data);