
Generate GSM authentication triplets (as per 3GPP TS 55.205)

Primary LanguagePython

#  milenage.py
#  Program to generate GSM Authentication Triplets
#  Author: mmehra@juniper.net
#  https://github.com/mmehra/milenage

This program can be used to generate GSM authentication triplets
using milenage algorithm specified in 3GPP TS 55.205 v9.0.0. These
authentication triplets can be used to test EAP-SIM with real UE
and freeradius server.

Softwares like gemalto, etc are available to provision (U)SIM with
IMSI, Ki, Op values. However very few softwares are available to
generate GSM auth triplets. AGSM (http://agsm.sourceforge.net) is
available but it does not work with all card readers. This small
utility does the job, generates SRES, Kc given Ki, Op and RAND.

Directory Structure:
   |--> milenage.py   Milenage algorithm implementation
   |--> input         Sample input file
   |--> sample        Sample test-sets from 55.205
   |--> VERSION       Version

The program expects an input file with Ki, Op and rand values.
Please refer to sample input file for the format
    ./milenage <input>