General documents for IOTC WPM work

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This repository hosts various documents related to the work of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Working Party on Methods (WPM). The WPM will be working on the development of management plans for IOTC tuna and billfish species during 2012 and 2013, as requested by the IOTC Scientific Committee.

This is a public repository, but only approved developers have write access to it. If you think you should be given developer access, please write to the repository maintainer.


kobe - documents related to the Kobe Workshop on MSE, co-ordinated by ICCAT

presentations - archive of presentations carried out related to WPM

protocols - documents on the protocols (checklists) for development & collaboration

templates - templates for various files types

workplans - draft WPM workplans


  • Github: source code, results, documents, wiki and web pages


  • Google Groups: discussion forum, file exchange


  • Mendeley: papers, references
