
Mechanical, BOM, and Instructional Materials for Building the DexHand Open Source Dexterous Humanoid Robot Hand


Mechanical, BOM, and Instructional Materials for Building the DexHand Open Source Dexterous Humanoid Robot Hand

This is a collection of notes, tweaks, and mods made by the IoT Design Shop during our build of a v1.0 DexHand. The hope is that it is a useful reference and collection of data if you want to build your own DexHand.

Project Website - DexHand.org

Our website contains additional materials, media and references for building the DexHand. Visit it here: (https://www.dexhand.org)

Build Wiki

Most of the information for building a DexHand is contained on the project Wiki. Visit it here: (https://github.com/iotdesignshop/dexhand-mechanical-build/wiki)

Questions and Issues

Need some help? Have a comment or suggestion. Visit the Issues page here: (https://github.com/iotdesignshop/dexhand-mechanical-build/issues)