
An embedded SDK for abstracting firmware development for DePIN hardware, providing examples of device registration and DID-based encrypted communication using the ioID module.

Primary LanguageC


An embedded SDK for connecting smart devices to Web3


ioConnect SDK is based on the previously developed PSACrypto SDK and adds implementations of protocols such as DID, DIDDoc, JOSE, and DIDComm on top of ARM PSA functionality. It is implemented in C language and enhances the cross-platform compatibility of the SDK.

The ioConnect SDK is primarily divided into two parts: the Core Layer and the Platform Adaptation Layer (PAL). The Core Layer provides functionality independent of the hardware platform, including implementations of PSA, DID, JOSE, and other protocols. The PAL layer optimizes the code according to the specific characteristics of different hardware platforms. For example, for the ESP platform, the SDK relies on its event messaging mechanism for code optimization, while for the Arduino platform, it implements communication functionality by inheriting the base class.


In the file structure of the Core Layer:

The psa and crypto folders primarily implement the Platform Security Architecture (PSA), which allows developers to use standardized and unified APIs to handle cryptography-related functions without concerning themselves with specific code implementation.

The dids folder mainly implements the functionality of the DID, DIDComm, and Verifiable Credential protocols, making it convenient for developers to handle operations related to these protocols. For example, developers can easily generate DID and DIDDoc information for their devices by calling methods provided by the DID component. They can also communicate with other devices using the DIDComm component.

The jose folder mainly implements the JOSE protocol suite, including JWK, JWS, JWE, and others.


In the file structure of the Platform Adaptation Layer (PAL), the SDK mainly implements methods for connecting to IoTeX decentralized network nodes. For example, the DeviceRegister component provides a method for terminal devices to register with the IoTeX Wallet, and the Sprout component allows easy communication with Sprout.



ESP32 :

How to Create a Project on the ESP32 Platform


How to Create a Project on the Linux


How to Create a Project on the Windows

Core Usage

How to Generate a DID for a device

Please view the documentation : How to Generate a DID for a device Using ioConnect SDK

How to Generate a DIDDoc

Please view the documentation : How to Generate a DID Document Using ioConnect SDK

How to Generate a Verifiable Credentials

Please view the documentation : How to Generate a Verifiable Credentials Using ioConnect SDK

How to Generate a JWS

Please view the documentation : How_to generate_a_JWS

How to Generate a JWE

Please view the documentation : How_to generate_a_JWE

How to Generate a JWT

Please view the documentation : How_to generate_a_JWT

How to Generate a DIDComm

Please view the documentation : How_to generate_a_DIDComm

PAL Usage

How to Register a Device to ioid

Please view the documentation : How to Register a Device

How to Communicate with Sprout

Please view the documentation : How to Communicate with Sprout


We provide some example projects: