Specification of Pebble Data Format


1. Introduction

1.1 Definition

1.2 Example

2. Pebble JSON Object

2.1 Sensor Data Object

2.2 Digital Signature Object

2.3 Protobuf encode

3 pebble-simulator

1. Introduction

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is utilized to represent the sensor data collected by a Pebble tracker as well as the corresponding ECDSA digital signature. The data type includes Number, String and Array.

1.1 Definition

The data types used in the Pebble data format are defined as follows:

Data Type Data Size Data Range
Array 16-bit -32768 ~ +32768
Number 64-bit -1.79E+308 ~ +1.79E+308
String null-terminated string

1.2 Example

An example of the Pebble data format is shown below:

  "message": {
    "snr": 19,
    "vbat": 4167,
    "latitude": 20000,
    "longitude": 20000,
    "gasResistance": 7745665,
    "temperature": 24.389999389648438,
    "pressure": 1003,
    "humidity": 67.24214935302734,
    "light": 0,
    "temperature2": 29.3176326751709,
    "gyroscope": [
    "accelerometer": [
    "timestamp": "1621943329",
    "random": "E1915DBE2ACCC9F3",
    "eccPubkey": "E1B955AEDF34D18921E3DC2133F2B785BA4C40DBC1502A8BF6ECE674B80E25D8822C4686723BBC3CB4A58D881DE053A1444EE1873E5916907D2F8819ECC7A1B6"
  "signature": {
    "r": "597E7BF0F5C85D7A84C3C409CA358DE3C27A072587C884AE0452BD93D8F72F39",
    "s": "ACF44E758925A2454DB1880B31A3B1B11EEAE9BCEE67C423DADF8510B1A244CC"

2. Pebble JSON Object

Pebble JSON Object consists of sensor data object,digital signature data object and configure object.

2.1 Sensor Data Object

The sensor data object includes the following sensor data collected by a Pebble tracker.

Sensor Data Data Type Description
snr Number Signal-to-noise ratio of NB-IoT/LET-M
vbat Number Votage of battery
latitude Number gps latitude
longitude Number gps longitude
gasResistance Number Air quality
temperature Number Environmental temperature
pressure Number Air pressure
humidity Number Environmental humidity
light Number Ambient light
gyroscope Array Angular velocity around the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis
accelerometer Array Acceleration along the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis
timestamp String Timestamp of sensor data sampling
random String Random number (16 numbers)
longitude Number Degrees and Decimal Minutes(DDD° MM.MMM').(eg: 11448.65815,to convert from Decimal Minutes(D° M.M') to Decimal Degrees (D.D°),114°48.65815' = 114°+ (48.65815'/60)= 114.810969°)
latitude Number Degrees and Decimal Minutes(DDD° MM.MMM').(eg: 3050.69225,to convert from Decimal Minutes (D° M.M') to Decimal Degrees (D.D°),30°50.69225' = 30°+ (50.69225'/60)= 30.844870°)

2.2 Digital Signature Object

The Pebble tracker utilizes ECDSA over the elliptic curve sepc256r1 to sign the collected sensor data (i.e., the "message&quot sub-object in the Pebble data format) and the digital signature data object contains the following signature data.

Digital Signature Data Type Description
r Number r value of an ECDSA signature
s Number s value of an ECDSA signature

2.3 Protobuf encode

Proto definition file

3. pebble-simulator

A simulator for producing pebble data, write it to a local file and publish to AWS MQTT, interact with a local or remote iotex block chain node to get a MQTT endpoint and generate RSA key pair which used to decrypt the endpoint .