
IOTile PODuino tutorials, examples and documentation

PODuino v1.0

The PODuino v1.0 is a development board that combines the Arduino Mega 2560 with an IOTile Device for data collection and control over Bluetooth.

Contact Arch Systems (https://archsys.io) to get information on how you can get your own PODuino.

The Arduino Mega 2560 within the PODuino can be used on its own just like any other Arduino. Therefore, any Arduino Mega 2560 example/tutorial should work with the PODuino as well allowing you to combine Arduino projects with low power wireless connectivity and the cloud.

PODuino IOTile Device

PODuino differences

The following pins are used to connect the Arduino Mega 2560 with the rest of the IOTile Device:

Pin IOTile GPIO Description
14 TX3
15 RX3
39 Digital

Make sure you have a jumper installed on your PODuino as shown (meaning on the top position 1):

PODuino Jumper Setup


You will need access to Python 2.7+ and the following tools. Install them now as needed:

  1. Install the latest Arduino IDE
  2. Install the IOTile Coretools
  3. Install the IOTile Arduino Bridge

Hello World!

Start with the PODuino Blink Tutorial

Additional Tutorials and Examples

A few tutorials and examples are included under the /examples directory.

Example Description
blink-tutorial Start with this simple example
count-example A more elaborated but still simple count up/down example
rfid-example Example of an RFID reader (incomplete)

1: Some poduino versions have 'UART' written on top and 'TILEBUS' below, and some others have the revert.