
cocos2d-x cocos2dx flash SWF ;this project show you how to use cocos2d-x to play flash files(.swf file) directly with the CCSWF-2dx library

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cocos2d-x cocos2dx flash SWF ;this project show you how to use cocos2d-x to play flash files(.swf file) directly with the CCSWF-2dx library


I'm YiYi Chen (陈宜义 chenee),you can touch me at chenee543216@gmail.com

I donate these two Cocos2d-X projects to the Public Domain. Do whatever you want with it. All the resource files (include picture, music ,sound ..) are belong to their original companies.

the cocos2dx-ccswf is based on https://github.com/getsetgames/CCSWF, which is write by cocos2d v1.x use opengl es 1.1 ,I port it to cocos2d-X v2.x.

other useful swf resouce: gplflash, flirt ,swfmill