
Sample microservice that gives query capabilities over a fashion shop. Data is produced via Python script. Utilizes Kafka as messaging backend and Elasticsearch as query engine. Includes Scala and Akka Http, Akka Streams best practices.

Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABL


FashionQuery is a query backend that consumes dress data from Kafka, index them to Elasticsearch and has an endpoint for querying indexed dress data based on rankings.


  • Java8 or higher
  • Sbt
  • Kafka
  • Elasticsearch

Running Backend Service

To bootstrap backend run below command on project root. Service will bind to 8080 port for incoming queries.

$ sbt run

Testing Backend Service

$ sbt test

Integration tests require running Elasticsearch.

Search Examples

Search for a dress with keyword

$ curl http://localhost:8080/search?query=dress
        "stars_mean": 3.75,
        "score": 0.2459561973810196,
        "images": [
                "thumb_url": "http://i1.ztat.net/catalog_hd/DP/52/9F/00/WN/11/DP529F00W-N11@16.jpg",
                "large_url": "http://i1.ztat.net/large_hd/DP/52/9F/00/WN/11/DP529F00W-N11@16.jpg"
        "color": "Olive",
        "activation_date": "2016-05-19T15:49:27+02:00",
        "price": 14.4,
        "stars_count": 2,
        "name": "Dress - khaki",
        "season": "WINTER",
        "id": "DP529F00W-N11",
        "brand": {
            "logo_url": "https://i6.ztat.net/brand/8d1dd14d-421f-426c-8e47-e2b8534db96c.jpg",
            "name": "DP Maternity"

Filter dresses with brand name

$ curl http://localhost:8080/search?brand=Tommy+Hilfiger
        "stars_mean": 2.5,
        "score": 13.643647193908691,
        "images": [
                "large_url": "http://i1.ztat.net/large_hd/TO/12/1C/04/FK/11/TO121C04F-K11@14.jpg",
                "thumb_url": "http://i1.ztat.net/catalog_hd/TO/12/1C/04/FK/11/TO121C04F-K11@14.jpg"
        "color": "Blue",
        "activation_date": "2016-08-09T08:45:13+02:00",
        "price": 140.24,
        "stars_count": 1,
        "name": "REGINA - Summer dress - blue",
        "season": "WINTER",
        "id": "TO121C04F-K11",
        "brand": {
            "logo_url": "https://i1.ztat.net/brand/tommyhilfigerto1.jpg",
            "name": "Tommy Hilfiger"

Search for a dress and filter with brand name

$ curl http://localhost:8080/search?query=dress&brand=Tommy+Hilfiger
        "stars_mean": 2.5,
        "score": 13.643647193908691,
        "images": [
                "large_url": "http://i1.ztat.net/large_hd/TO/12/1C/04/FK/11/TO121C04F-K11@14.jpg",
                "thumb_url": "http://i1.ztat.net/catalog_hd/TO/12/1C/04/FK/11/TO121C04F-K11@14.jpg"
        "color": "Blue",
        "activation_date": "2016-08-09T08:45:13+02:00",
        "price": 140.24,
        "stars_count": 1,
        "name": "REGINA - Summer dress - blue",
        "season": "WINTER",
        "id": "TO121C04F-K11",
        "brand": {
            "logo_url": "https://i1.ztat.net/brand/tommyhilfigerto1.jpg",
            "name": "Tommy Hilfiger"