
A simple nodejs http mockserver

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple mockserver for testing with nodejs

Circle CI

How to use


npm install simulado


# If you have simulado installed gloabally run
# otherwise


var Simulado = require('simulado');


path is mandatory, without it Simulado will not mock anything.

status defaults to 200 if no status is provided.

headers defaults to {} if no headers are provided.

response will respond with {} if no response is provided, otherwise it will return what you give it.

method defaults to GET if no method is provided. Possible values are GET POST PUT DELETE

timeout defaults to 0 so there will be no delay, accepts seconds. If it's specified, simulado will wait and then send a response.


The mock will return a promise which will be fulfilled once the Simulado has finished mocking the endpoint. You may chain requests using then or await the call if you're inside an async function (See https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-async-to-generator/).

  path: '/account/devices',
  status: 401,
  headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'},
  response: {
    id: 123,
    type: "MOBILE",
    name: "My work phone"
  path: '/account/*',
  status: 200,
  headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'},
  response: {
    id: 123,
    type: "MOBILE",
    name: "My work phone"

GET localhost.com/account/path-here => OK 200


If you want to mock out multiple requests at once you can use the mocks function.

The API endpoint for it is /syncMocks

      path: '/account/devices',
      status: 401,
      headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'},
      response: {
        id: 123,
        type: "MOBILE",
        name: "My work phone"
      path: '/interactions/basket',
      status: 201,
      headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'},
      response: {
        products: [
            {id: '1'}

Getting the last request

You can retrive the request made to an endpoint with Simulado.lastRequest(httpMethod, path) For instance, using async/await

const lastRequestMade = await Simulado.lastRequest('POST', '/postingPath');
console.log(lastRequestMade.headers); // => {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
console.log(lastRequestMade.body); // => {"name": "simulado"}

// when called with: http://localhost:7000/postingPath?paramName=value
console.log(lastRequestMade.params); // => {"paramName": "value"}

or you can make a request to http://localhost:7000/lastRequest with two headers (method and path), which will respond with the last request as JSON. Example (using superagent)

  .set('method', 'POST')
  .set('path', '/postingPath')
  .end(function(_, res) {
    var lastRequestMade = res.body;
    res.body.headers // => {"paramName": "value"}


The old style callbacks are still available on all calls if you prefer to use them, but are now deprecated. The callback is always the last parameter and will be called once the method has completed or failed. For instance:

Simulado.lastRequest(function(error, result) {
 if (error) {
 } else {
   var lastRequestMade = result.body;
   console.log(lastRequestMade.headers); // => {"paramName": "value"}


After mocking, you can call the endpoint whichever way you like. Simulado starts a server on localhost:7001 the path you specify is relative to this.

Viewing mocked reponses

To inspect all the mocked endpoints you can goto http://localhost:7001/inspect. You can use these enpoints while developing your app by making an API call the http://localhost:7001/[path].

Custom URL

If you want to host simulado on a remote machine, you can require the remote API implementation which allows you to customize the endpoint. Example:

var Simulado = require('simulado/lib/remote-api-impl')({ baseUrl: 'http://simulado.onthecloud.com' });