
Simulating polarimetric VLBI images of simple jets

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Install finufft (for fast FT of the model images) and its Python bindings (pyfinufft):

git clone https://github.com/flatironinstitute/finufft.git
cd finufft
git checkout a8520208c
make test
pip install . --user

Download code for simulations of VLBI observations:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/ipashchenko/school2023.git
cd school2023

Install eigen linear algebra library. Make sure it is properly referenced in CMakeLists.txt. E.g.:

include_directories("/usr/include/eigen3", "include")

Compile C++ code for radiation transfer:

mkdir Release; cd Release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Run it:

python simulate.py --template_uvfits uvfits/1458+718.u.2006_09_06.uvf --redshift 0.4 --los_angle_deg 2. --cone_half_angle_deg 1.0 --Gamma 5.0 --B_1_Gauss 0.5 --m 1.0 --pitch_angle_deg 80 --tangled_fraction 0.0 --rot_angle_deg 30. --noise_scale_factor 0.3

First time it should fail because some Python libraries (e.g. astropy, scikit-learn etc.) are not installed. Install them and run again.

Command line options are described here:

python simulate.py -h