
Erlang Google OAuth 2.0 API access token for S2S

Primary LanguageErlang

Erlang Google OAuth 2.0 API client to generate API token for Google S2S requests

How to compile:

google_oauth uses erlang.mk as make system. To compile

$ make

To generate release

$ make rel

How to use with rebar:

You can use google_oauth as a dependency in your rebar.config:

{deps , [
    {google_oauth, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/pankajsoni19/google_oauth.git", {tag, "1.0.0"}}}

How to run the application fcm-erlang:

make rel will create a release under _rel/google_oauth directory.

$ cd _rel/google_oauth
$ bin/google_oauth console

Request Token

{ok, Result} = google_oauth:get_access_token("service_account_file_path.json", SCOPE)

Result = 
        access_token    => binary()
        expires_in      => integer() :: seconds, :: < 3600
        token_type      => binary() :: <<"Bearer">>

for push notification

google_oauth:get_access_token("service_account_file_path.json", <<"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.messaging">>)