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Prerender server for web app

If crawler visit your web app, the htaccess return prerender response instead web app response. The prerender return the html complete. It use a google chrome headless for generate html.

You have htaccess example for your web app server. Others examples for nginx are available on the github repo : https://github.com/prerender/prerender

Article blog [french] https://www.goodmotion.fr/blog/installer-un-serveur-prerender-pour-ameliorer-le-seo-de-votre-web-app

install chrome on machine is required

For your local machine, no problem. Install juste chrome browser.

init project

npm i && npm run build

use precache crawler system

Set task cron for create file caches. The crawler create page for all page from website. Later, the prerender server serve file cache. Increase speed for serve page.


Usage: crawler [options]

  -V, --version    output the version number
  -u, --url [url]  url to crawl
  -h, --help       output usage information

set url for crawl website and save url in file cache

./crawler.js -u https://www.exemple.com

exemple for run cron every hour

0 * * * *   /your/path/server/crawler.js -u https://www.exemple.com

For server, you have exemple here https://blog.softhints.com/ubuntu-16-04-server-install-headless-google-chrome/ or https://tecadmin.net/setup-selenium-chromedriver-on-ubuntu/

1 - example with express server and puppeteer. Actually index.js and ssr.js

Pupeteer : Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer runs headless by default, but can be configured to run full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium. https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer

The express server catch request and run function for get page from chrome headless browser. I have add system for cache response.

Base code use for start project, thanks Eric Bidelman : https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer/articles/ssr#optimizations

2 - example with prerender package

use prerender-index.js for launch prerender system

Server config


You can use for internal request server from localhost:8000.

For external request, you must configure server. Example for apache, use this virtual host config for redirect request to node server.

Add directory with index.html for DocumentRoot. If node server is down, apache return this index.

Enabling Necessary Apache Modules

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http

Create virtual host

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /var/www/...
    ServerName prerender.example.com
    ServerAlias preredender.example.com

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8000/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8000/
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off


Active virtual host

sudo a2ensite file.conf


For run node on server, i recommand PM2 : https://pm2.io Install with :

npm install -g pm2

run server in prerender directory with this cmd :

pm2 start

Web app

You have htaccess file example for your web app. This file redirect crawler to prerender server. Change url for your services.


Use curl request for test

replace localhost:3000 by your url service

For pupeteer

params :

  • url : page to render
  • renderType : html (default), png, jpeg, pdf
curl http://localhost:8000/render?url=http://exemple.com -w %{time_connect}:%{time_starttransfer}:%{time_total}

For prerender

params :

  • url : page to render
  • renderType : html (default), png, jpeg, pdf, har
curl http://localhost:8000/render?url=http://exemple.com&renderType=jpg -w %{time_connect}:%{time_starttransfer}:%{time_total}

On linux, kill all chrome instance

pkill chrome