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For React Router V4/V5. React component to keep the scroll of the page and to restore it if the user clicks on the previous button of its browser

You have solution in this page for just scrolling to top on navigation on every transition. But if you click on the previous button, the page is also at the top even if you had scrolled on the page.

I did this package because I was frustrated that the new react router (4) does not restore the scroll when I click on the back button of my browser. By default, the component execute window.scrollTo(0,0), if the url not exist in memory.

only work with react and react router v4 and v5

Npm page


  • install package

    $ npm i -S react-router-scroll-memory

  • import component in your main page.

import ScrollMemory from 'react-router-scroll-memory';
  • add the component after the Router.
      <ScrollMemory />
      <App />

New Feature

If you use your app inside a element, you can use props "elementID" for memorise scroll position of your element instead body scroll.

Tested on Browser:

  • Chrome
  • Explorer 11
  • Edge
  • Safari
  • Firefox

Online exemple


  • Without the component The scroll keep the position on transition and the scroll of new page is not to top.


  • With the component The new page is top and if i click previous, the scroll is restored.
