If you have already installed all the components you can use these short commands inside the project root:
- To rebuild & restart all components at once:
yarn docker:upgrade
- Or any of the commands below:
yarn docker:start:mongo
yarn docker:stop:mongo
yarn docker:restart:mongo
yarn docker:build:backend
yarn docker:stop:backend
yarn docker:start:backend
yarn docker:restart:backend
yarn docker:upgrade:backend
yarn docker:build:web
yarn docker:stop:web
yarn docker:start:web
yarn docker:restart:web
yarn docker:upgrade:web
yarn docker:build
yarn docker:stop
yarn docker:start
yarn docker:restart
yarn docker:upgrade
Otherwise follow the installation instructions below.
git clone git@github.com:ipavlenko/Labor-X-Starter.git
Go to the project root:
cd ./Labor-X-Starter
Execute this command from the project root:
docker build \
--tag laborx-platform-backend \
--file ./setup/backend/Dockerfile \
--build-arg GIT_BRANCH=develop \
GIT_BRANCH used to specify source branch of the main project and all the subprojects. Add --no-cache option if you have caching issues.
Execute this command from the project root:
docker build \
--tag laborx-platform-web \
--file ./setup/web/Dockerfile \
--build-arg GIT_BRANCH=develop \
GIT_BRANCH used to specify source branch of the main project and all the subprojects. Add --no-cache option if you have caching issues.
docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= laborx-platform
We will use these hosts and ip addresses:
Host | Ip | Port(s) | Purpose |
host | | Host machine, proxy and gateway | |
laborx.platform.mongo | | 27017 | Mongo database |
laborx.platform.backend | | 3000 | Backend application (REST & Admin app) |
laborx.platform.web | | 3001 | Public web application |
- Before first launch create storage folder on your host machine:
mkdir -p /var/data/laborx.platform.mongo/db
- Run the container using this command:
docker run \
--name laborx.platform.mongo \
--network laborx-platform --ip \
--restart=always --detach \
--mount type=bind,src=/var/data/laborx.platform.mongo/db,dst=/data/db \
mongo mongod --auth
Container exports port 27017, so you can also add --publish 27017:27017
param to docker run
if necessary.
- After the first launch bootsrtap a mongo database:
- Connect to mongo in the container locally
docker exec -it laborx.platform.mongo mongo admin
- Create an admin account in the mongo shell inside a container
db.createUser({ user: 'admin', pwd: 'admin', roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]});
- Exit from the mongo shell and the container
- Connect to mongo in the container using mongo client
mongo mongodb:// --username admin --password
(this command will propt for a password, type "admin")
- Create a database and a user for the backend application
use laborx-platform-backend
db.createUser({ user: 'platform', pwd: 'platform', roles: [ { role: "dbOwner", db: "laborx-platform-backend" } ]});
- Exit from the mongo shell
- Try the connection
mongo mongodb:// --username platform --password
(this command will propt for a password, type "platform")
- Exit from the mongo shell
docker run \
--name laborx.platform.backend \
--restart=always --detach \
--network laborx-platform --ip \
--mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/setup/backend/config,dst=/data/config \
--mount type=bind,src=/var/data/laborx.platform.files,dst=/data/files \
Container exports port 3000, so you can also add --publish 3000:3000
param to docker run
if necessary.
You can also specify custom environment (and custom config):
docker run \
--name laborx.platform.backend \
--restart=always --detach \
--network laborx-platform --ip \
--mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/setup/backend/config,dst=/data/config \
--mount type=bind,src=/var/data/laborx.platform.files,dst=/data/files \
laborx-platform-backend pm2-runtime start ecosystem.config.js --env development
By default docker run
command will start pm2 inside a container with these arguments:
pm2-docker start ecosystem.config.js --env production
docker run \
--name laborx.platform.web \
--restart=always --detach \
--network laborx-platform --ip \
--mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/setup/web/config,dst=/data/config \
Container exports port 3001, so you can also add --publish 3001:3001
param to docker run
if necessary.
You can also specify custom environment (and custom config):
docker run \
--name laborx.platform.web \
--restart=always --detach \
--network laborx-platform --ip \
--mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/setup/web/config,dst=/data/config \
laborx-platform-web pm2-runtime start ecosystem.config.js --env development
By default docker run
command will start pm2 inside a container with these arguments:
pm2-docker start ecosystem.config.js --env production