To build the project Intel Quartus Pro v19.2 is recommended.
All the IPbus code sits into IPbus_code folder.
The main project files are placed in the folder Stratix10mx2100_project:
- tcl file to build the project: monitoring.tcl
- project top level: Monitoring.vhd
- ipbus top level (instantiated in Monitoring.vhd): ipbus_top.vhd
- project constraints: monitoring.out.sdc
In the folder imported_from_design_example one can find an updated version on the project example provided by Intel.
In the folders /PHY_MAC_setup/system_console the set of scripts to setup the firwmare from the system console, for hardware tests, is also available.
Open Quartus and in the tcl console navigare to the Stratix10mx2100_project folder, e.g.:
cd c:/Users/myuser/Documents//ipbus_for_intel/Stratix10mx2100_project
Source the tcl file to create the project file, with extension .qpf
, as follow:
source monitoring.tcl
From the Quartus menu go to File, Open Project and select monitoring.qpf, or simply double click on monitoring.qpf in the Stratix10mx2100_project directory.
To produce the binary file, in the Quartus Compilation Dashboard, double click on the Assembler step. This will produce, in the auto generate folder output_files, the binary file with extension .sof.
The intermediate steps (Synthesis, Fitting, Timing Analysis, etc.) are also available in the GUI.
Make sure you licence is properly setup:
export LM_LICENSE_FILE="1800@lixlicen01,1800@lxlicen02,1800@lxlicen03"
Open the folder where the tcl file of the project is placed:
cd c:/Users/myuser/Documents//ipbus_for_intel/Stratix10mx2100_project
Generate the project file:
quartus_sh -t monitoring.tcl
The following steps are needed to compile the code and generate a binary file:
- Run Quartus Prime IP Generation Tool
quartus_ipgenerate --run_default_mode_op monitoring -c monitoring
- Run Quartus Prime Analysis and Synthesis
quartus_syn --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off monitoring -c monitoring
- Run Quartus Prime Fitter (complete)
quartus_fit --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off monitoring -c monitoring --plan --place --route --retime --finalize
- Run Quartus Prime Timing Analyzer
quartus_sta monitoring -c monitoring --mode=finalize
- Run Quartus Prime Assembler
quartus_asm --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off monitoring -c monitoring
To run tests in hardware, with a Stratix 10 MX development kit, please refer to this link.