
Cleanup suggestion: separate 'core dep files' for Ethernet- and PCIe-based access

Closed this issue · 1 comments


It appears that the trans_arb entity is only used from within ipbus_ctrl.vhd. The file trans_arb.vhd is included in the ipbus_core.dep dependency file though, while ipbus_ctrl.vhd is not.

Wouldn't it be cleaner to create a dedicated dep file (called ipbus_eth.dep or so) that simply combines the above two VHDL files? Or is that oversimplifying things?

As info: I ended up on this track because in the PCI-based designs I kept seeing trans_arb.vhd kinda on-the-side in Vivado.


Hi @jhegeman

Thanks for the suggestion. As you might have spotted, in pull request #146, I've removed trans_arb.vhd from ipbus_core.dep and added a new depfile ipbus_ctrl.dep under components/ipbus_util for ipbus_ctrl.vhd
